OCR Text |
Show WANTED i i attention: ! Yon nrf tifklns to belter your position. Wo ! Iirokini; r,.r ou. Two v ;i ai in-li;s in our Suit 1 Lk- f,,rti; nui-i be tilled. If yon nr.' in r. hi 1 iuii- nii'I ;i jil ugger you are I he man wc " .nil. Pre . imir, v. pern-nee in salesmanship not !il"'it. Iy uw.-...., -y. Om of-town w..rk. Surely ivipiiicd. (.all M.uidav, 0(jy Full bidg. yt. inn BOOKKEEPERS AND ACCOPNTA NTS earning .nun $77 lo ."Mod per iikUjIIi arc urged lo Hike Hp Mil- Minly of afivancucf arcoiinl iiic with 1 1 1 r W'AL'KIN Si'HMOh Of COMMKltlT, CliicaK". I'-irporaiinns ami t lie :. S. y uvruijn-Ji t art! t'ull-inu t'ull-inu fur iraiiH'ii in i'ii In t J 1 1 line. Thost? iu I lie ri ty or couiury low in 'Ii-si ri to enliT out; of thu li. -pa ill iro fissions and who ran Ut--vnti; .s hours per wi'i-k lo Hip work may wponr full iarl ictj la is or an In Lit view by addn-shins A . i;. Uaill.-y, l."i"t EiibL lilh South, city, or I 'honing Wii'i. 7 1' 1 ."i - R . y I 1 2 WANTKO-A MAN WHO WANTS A CHANTE TO r.KT Ali;AI). din.' win, has a knowh'iiKc of boi ) k "i i ii ami h;iw proven bin Rood S'nso h ml din lily by ncemiiuia t inn at l.-asl. ?li)tHi, which li.- is able to put into a reputable nii-l RoitiK riinri'ni, established several years. W'; fi-el !hal we can obiatti a hotter man If h ha s a n interest, in our business. I'roposit Ion involves ultimate management -"ir branch of-fieo of-fieo in Sail Lake I'ily or Denver. Salary, bonus mill dividends for Hie riiit man. THOMPSON P.K0S., TITUS INS. BLD., LOS ANOELKS. NATIONAL KMPLOYME N T AGENCY, 101 West Fiist South. Wiih. 5108. 1 rain-h bauds, Idaho, S'l'l and board. Lirh washer, $1.1 per week. 1 carpenters, 7.1c per hour. Id alio. Pantryman, $10, board mhI room and laundry, fl com.-re 1 1.' laborers, $-1, S hours, il It. IE. machinists. CSc ier hour. 4 window washers, 4, 8 hours. yCTOo YOI'NO man. married preferred, for grocery business, out of lowij ; ulso first-clans butcher, salary Ml-M tier muutli. See Lewitt, 68 So. i Wesi , Sunday. y5'J75 HEOISTEIiED pharmacist. Elliott Drug Co., U0 So. LHh Ens I. y(H9(i UETAIL candymakcr; must be f irst-clnss ; Btf-ady work; gt'od wages. Greenwell Confectionary, Confec-tionary, Ogden, flab. yiillll PERSONAL M I DDLE-ACJ ED man wishes lady partner who has ranch or farm. Answers confidential. For furl her particulars address D-liU, Tribune. . y4O0U WA NT to take care of some Invalids and make them well. Brown's Chiropractic Sanitarium. Sani-tarium. (1.17 So. State. Was. 7407. yWS WILL not be responsible for uny bills run by my wifu from now on. - GEO. F. MOSS. y.r73C MA NIP! : LATION For rheum a tism and nervous disorders. Mrs. Gordon. -58 South 2nd East elrct-t. Wnsntch 72N.1-W. g39tt ELECTUIO trealinents and massage for nervous Iroubles. L'unie Lambert, HOG Brooks Arcade Ar-cade bids. kI l.OKA "BELLINGY, magnetic, vapors, mussase, tub Itaths; satisfactory treatments; 11 to 11, including Sunday. Koom 71; private entrance; 110 East Second South. iS221 LINOS, Liom-hitis. All facts free Dr. Blumenberg Sanutoriuin, Walnut Creek, Cal. w 3.1 111 HEADACHES, eye defects. Dr. Hughes, '2nd floor Judge bidg. Five years a physician, eleven a specialist. y.Yilio PARTY leaving for California wouk like to hear from anyone contemplating it trip by automobile. Itet'erences exchanged. Address F-JiU. Tribune. ytl 1 7 TOBACCO or snuff habit cured or no pay. SI .00 if cured. Remedy sent on trial. Su-perba Su-perba Co., W 3Kfl Baltimore. Md. vl735 BY calling at 714 SouOi 4th East, you can get the services of two first-class painters, paper-hangers. paper-hangers. First-class work and prices right. yGlOO A COMPETENT business, woman, well established, estab-lished, wishes to borrow $.100; security. Would consider gentleman partner. P. O. Box S-L y03 CALL Was. 13N3, or at '211 Ness bidg., for expert designer, draftsman and builder of mechanical window displays, patent models and general novelty work. G. A. Williams in c-lmr-o. yWOO j WANTED Wanted Help Female j V. ri:tv. ...v. rat nn.'n'rics for tfie s:i W - . I .:.. j;-.' afr,ii-l to i--,i;!e. S;C.irv ;:mi C'-:i;.:-- ; M"H 1 1 tin ii-iil p:. r( . 1, in It as lo u ' i . u i!i:iiv". S.iles:;rh...s at pr- -:it iiK.ki'- .-"i' I ' l.i ,lai!v . ;, Aiimiidseii j'noio iinli.i, -.'::) I . M.i :n s: red , i; ps'.a t: CX PI" I; I EN C ED COMPTOMETER OFEUATO:;. MIST ALSO BE GnOD TYPIST, KAPil AND ACCl EA'l E : GOOD S.M.ARY. APPLY C4 WEST 2N D SOUTH. L ALL WAS. 07." ::. GIRLS AND WOMEN T All. nEPART- :ets. apply readv i or work, s- HOCR DAY. C2-" fcU. SI Alii ST. ROYAL LACNLRV. y.1 WOM N t'oiivnifiiiK ability. W1 li larii- ii,:ii:i!:itice in Sail La!:e and near by country, i-Lght er.perieiiee in selling, can make 7.."U to I S-.'jti daily witli Mule vlToi t and fe-v injurs. An eM-!Nit oppuriumly ijr rie-lit pari.. Addre-- .i:i, 'Tribune. y::.;i J FOR Keith-O'ltri.-n's. u-a!-apn arl-.g. courleoan j .'-I'illli,- V.'olllen, is to "o years old. to op-Tale j eii-va tor-;, experience umieccssa ry if i n -r ! M'ia li iea t ions a re good ; good b.i:ar . Apply i supt..- office. .-;:; j tU'N(I L.tly vh has bad c'eneiie. in Lo Hull th p.irlir.eJil t-) bee. niie iis.-tant to li' ' ib-pa i-i in en i manager ; permanent P"mMmm, fun opportunity for advancement, good salary lo start Willi. Apply.Si.pt. Kei th-O' Brk u . n. ? 2 YOCNi; girl for ;-a housework; faniilv of tu " : good, u ages. Ca II Was. SftL' W before be-fore 10 a. m. or after 7 p. m. No. it Fillmore apis. y,".7i'2 WO M A N d..hwashe7 Jli.-Mt.ni cafctvr:a, ::27 Main st. y."7S A GILL with experience in s u inn w an; - . Standard Tailoring Po.. lir.t I". L'-id So. ,"i727 HAlltDRLSSEIi, must be first -clafes, all arnnnl worker; best uf salary paid. liumn 21 Hole! Ctaii. COMPETENT girl to do family coking and some lion si work ; no vt u shiny or ironing ; i;t wages. Wad. MPH. v,;;M0 STOP those huiiiaches. ee stra i n ." ncr von n. s-.. Seo 1)r1Iughc. 2nd floor Judge b!dg. .17.U AT Provo, I' tali, permanent position for clerical cleri-cal work. wi;i selling ubilit . Address MS Mclntyi-,. bidg.. Salt Lake. y .ir.no WANTED A Jook. 004 Iast lat Sou I h !. j.'ill'J WANTED 2.1 saleslailies lo work hous.'-io-house canvass iu eii. ; gooil salary. Apulv 417 Hooly blrlg. j L TS4 EXPERIENCED girl for general hoin' ork ; small f;.mily. Appl 1212 Lust So. 'i'emplo street. yllsj GOOD girl for general housework; small iuiuily. Apply Ho L". Second South. yL'2 WANTED 2 young ladies. Ill West 2ud Sn. . y-s WANT good salespeople, either sex, take order Irom housewives for Mazola Cooking and Salad Oil, to be delivered by their regular g roeeiymeu ; easy to sell. Su lary and com miss ion. C. J. Oliver, Semloh hotel, 7:30 to ti u. m.. after " 11- n. jlM'.dti Y O I ' N tr girl . anted at once for light hoii-e work: small family. Hy. 1077-M. Add. 2R'S So. lilh East. y:i2i'.0 GIRL for housework. Phone Hy. L'sCL-W. ' .1 -IJOII TEA N A B and I taking small much near cil;. , giv, me your general delivery address. Jl. it. C, general delivery, city. j.lLtil GIRL wanted to help with light house worn ; may do washing and ironing if can: to. Lall lOlll Lincoln street, or phone H viand S3-M. y.12.17 PR Ksskrs on ladies' fancy ga ruifiils ; steady work; good pay. Myeia Cleaning & Dveiag Cn. y.lti , :t WANTED- A maid for furnished apart ment house work; good wages. Apply Richmond apts. y.lCD WANTED Com potent middle-agi'd wo man for general housework ; fain ily of four ; no w a siting:. sit-ing:. Telephone Hylund 2o2.1. ?oM9 WANTED Wanted Help Female TWO WORTH-WHILE POSITIONS. Woman i'e.-u) if -.t.-.-k Jew elry se-t ion. Woman as h-ad of t.-ek drt.g snv.dry s.-.-ti-.n. Only women with pror-j amliiy to Ijj s---leeled". WALKER PROS. D C. CO. All nppliea i bin s strictly conf ukni Appl in person or w rile. GIRLS WANTED IN ALL DEPARTMUN TS; EXPERIENCE NOT NECIISSARY. BEST WAGES PAID. APPLY PALACE LAl'NDRY, 7.18 EAST F0C RTH SOLTU. y.l.lS MANOLE girls, YellowMone park. Pantry girls. Yellowstone park. Waitresses, Ycllowsfoiic park. STROCK'S EM P. AGENCY. y.Wll WANTED Two strong women: 'good wag-s; not over 40 years: to cb-an rugs: loir; Job. Call Was. 1O70-J before S in Cue morn.n;; and after 0 in the evening. 524 So. W . Tempi". y.l.i'.iO ON Sunday, from J to 1. we will demonstrate ? to experienced canvassers how pn s. nt sialf of workers is making from S3o lo .'i'.IO a week. One more wanted to complete crew, ahubrick apis.. B-5. y.101.1 WANTED A housekeeper for a farm Imtise ; no children; just two to wok for. State wages. Good home to right party. Robert Talmor, it. D. No. 2, Sandy, Box 12P. 87-R-l M id valeyTi.livl A GIRL who understands sewing wiiiuud immediately; im-mediately; steady employment; good pa v. 110 K. 2nd South. y3S7.. HO l. SF.KEEP ER ; must be good cook, m indie-aged; indie-aged; Dillon, Mont. Steady position : exceptionally excep-tionally good place and pay. References. C.ill ll.'U 11th East ifter 3 p. m. y3373 GIRL for general housework, no was lung. jiAU a luooth. liG3 East 2nd South st. Was, G.121. y4o:u Y 0 t N V, girl to assist with housework. Was. 3110-1. 77 S street. ''!! WAITRESS wanted at once. Cull at 17b Went So. Temple. jVl2 GOOD steam a tress. 42 South Main street. yl'13 WANTED Chambermaids at Semlob hotel. y 10.1.1 WANTED Woman to do some cle-iinug for housekeeping room. C40 W. N. Templu st. .vi02 INTELLIGENT women for traveling, selling toilet preparations. Previous experience this line unnecessary. ilrs, Ida Cheroot f. Hotel Vtah. y EXI'ERIENCED millinery makers wauled. Apply Ap-ply Western Outfit Co., 2 ttj South State, millinery department, 3rd floor. GIRLS for sewing machines. Apply Mrs. By-water, By-water, Z. C. M. 1. overall factory. y2736 TEN" salesladies and store demonstrators : good salary. Apply room 417 Dooly bidg. yS31 GIKL to assist tn light housework. SI 3 per month and board. Good tome for right girl. 310 B Bt. Was. 5332-J. y2flU MAIDS; apply housekeeper, Wilson hotel. i y2700 COMPETENT girl for general housework, two in family. 135 i East So. Temple. Was. 7000. T-$ 1 GIRL to assist with bonne work, one w ho likes babies. No 12 Hlllcrest npts. y2003 YOT'N'G or middle-aged woman, general housework house-work ; good position. 1131 lilh East after 3 p. m. V3374 LOST Lady's wrist watch, in east part of city; initials, "J. C. P.'" on back. Hy. 2383-lt. Reward. y.lli-P LOST S50 reward and no questions asked for return of articles of gentleman's Jewelry taken from small house in Sugarhouse. Call at room 503 Boyd Park building. yC.141 LOST Toy female Boston terrier, dark brindle, white head and shoulders, bat ears, 1 brown I and 1 blue eye, deaf. Iteward. Phone Was. 320O. 40 10. 4th South. y57Sti LOST Pair of lady's glasses, name in case. .Mrs. Lden. Finder phone Was. 4410. Reward. yontiij LOST Lady's purse bet. G and S Friday at Jensen Ct. 6th So. bet. 7lU and Sth E. Return to Hy. 1474-R. Reward. v5t)74 WANTED E have Several openings for live-wire men who are net um onied i,, ma king big iimm and not .,rniul to husile. Salary and comnus-moii comnus-moii lo llie right I'ai-i.v. No lui,i iln (l, v, ,;a I :u can make. pur n at pr.--'it making M" to ;i, ni, Hy. f,, AuiUUiisen J'liuto SMldio, 21'J .Main st., upsi a irs. y.l'itS A N'Ti )i L STOCK SALES .MANAGER FOR PTAII. Eeeptjuiial opporiuiiil v lor iie mini; nnisi be "iuili;-i- w if h sIock is.sm-s ami in portion to Mart work imineoialel v v.iil, siaH of salesmen. sales-men. We have be,n iu business several vears and hae ten iiioiisaud mei -)i;nii t; on our boons. rile for apioiulmenl lo American Rubber Co. of Chicago, Li2t So. Wabash ave., Ciiicag... III. W A N'TiOD Pile her ami on tclnr for hemijiro. ball team playiuir in Soul iu-ni Llnho Sunday league We will pay no n imil can deliver the goods and that will take po-ilioiis iu lo.vil lo earn a part of salary, ;,,,u per uioulh each. Also can use ha id-ln 1 1 ing ln t and third stickers stick-ers at alM.ui .sum ,,,.r i,i,,, Hi. . u. Itiplev, President J-1,,.!- i,(s,.t,all oluii. v,-itl V A N TED- A l" oiice."; oiing im7i7u itT" bol'ne' vX-perieiii-L' in bat ..lie i mg ; mnt know killing. Stale wages. Addicss P. O. Boi 223, tirace, Idaho. i.14-,2 j WAN TED At one-, men in oery lucilny in I Idaho, Chili and Montana iu natnlle conli- deuual inaLiers. pal'e ume. Secret service work. Write box lJJ'.i, l'ocalello, idalio. lor particulars. y .14,11 AT once, six salesmen of experience to handle dignified propusiiiou wilh big orga tuza I mu. SLiU guarnniee ami conn ;i issiou. .Musi, be intelligent in-telligent and willing ui worn up to better position po-sition with company. yu ivane builuiug, Po a-lello. a-lello. Idaho. y .1 1 o 0 Y A NTED Soda man, one w lio can m a lie ice cream and all-around expert, dispenser. Ad-dress Ad-dress l-I :tS. Tribune. y.V)27 J W ANTE D Experienced bookkeeper. SuTurx-perience, SuTurx-perience, references and salary expected. Married man preferred. Address box lb, Garfield, Gar-field, Ctah. y.1.17o W A NTED Good, registered druggist. Whit-worth Whit-worth Drug Store, 2nd So. and olli East. . y W ANTED La w ns Lo mow and rugs cleaned by Hail or vaeuiim. Call as. Xty. .8. y.l-14'j BARB ER wanted. S27..10 guarantee. L. 1'eter- 1 l i--'1'1"1- 'til 1 - y M 1 3 EXPERIENCED inarbb draftsman. Apply Mount Nebo Marble Co., Salt Lake Cil. v. y .1001 GOOD tailor wanted. Call at Boston Tailor shop. 474 E. imd So. yoSOO CARl'EN'l'ER to set concrete forms, IpO.UO per day. Address F-ll, Trilnine. y.1S22 CO M M ISS10 N . I rT v e"v ;uu eTl . Temp M on Bakery. Ill ,;. 1st South. y573 ONE-FIRST class meehaiiic, one first-class battery bat-tery man; steady jobs, good pay, good town, BASIN GARAGE, BASIN, WYO. yol4l SHOEMAKER wanted. Apply Goodenr Shoe Repairing Co.. 7.1 E. 2nd So. y.17bo LIVE man with accident or industrial insurance insur-ance experience for M agua territory. (Jive phone, whether you have car or can move to Magna. Address F-7, 'Tribune. y ,170.1 NIGHT cook wanted. ImpWiial hotel, .Murray. Phone Murray 280. y.1800 GOD painters ut 00 Exchange place. Phil Pern. y.SU. I-TRST-CLASS finisher. Crawford Furniture Co. yoSO.1 M E N-WO M i; N W A N T E D. 1 '. ! (iovernment jobs. $inu0-$10i.U year. Wrilc immediately for list positions obtainable. Franklin Institute. Dept. 4S0' P. Rochester. N. Y. y2427 BRAKEMEN-FIREMEN, Slolf lo :22.1 montlilT: exiK-rieiice unnecessary. Full particulars and application blank free. Railway, 1.11, Fresno, Cal. y43ol) FIRST-CLASS fixture makers and platers. Apply Ap-ply Earn ley Bros. Co., 37 East First South. y-15i8 FIREMEN. BR AK EM EN , J$1.10-$200 monUiiy, experience unnecessa ry ; write, send si am p. Railway Association, care Tribune. y242l JANITOR wanted. Apply 47, East First South street, city. References re piired. ybl.JD EXPERIENCED solicitor who can operate Ford delivery car. References required. Regal Cleaning Co.. 1.1 G E. 2nd So. yO 183 FIRST-CLASS furniture finisher. Apply snpt. Keith O'Brien Co. yb4S4 FIRST-CLASS upholsterer. Apply supt. Keilh-O'Bi'ien Keilh-O'Bi'ien Co. vO-lS3 WANTED .yjJ."' Help Male N'sMuniNA'vK"','-,i'uK'''"1 AB,'1"'' 1111 v"'" l!" ti ll'il(,'. .'iliprnliTH. ll'J'.j ronu. I iKMIMf 1 1,. n I ,.r, di.j 1 "IiIukIit. l.ll,. SI. ,.r il,i:,ni. J'""" r"r '"'.i ' li'imu in .-ti v. .""''I'1"''' ' "'' I'luli. J7r. inij biiard. ""'LMiiiili. .silt, ,i, p.nu-.t. Iiilin;lsli.r. Ji'.ll 1U ,niM. 1 llinkey, Siiu ,ulj ,ar,l. - "'''in fur.'in.ii ui 1 rjlra giltig InrrniHU. "in, tnr la.vrriiuM'iil iitirv.-y purti. Mali'.. .m'UjJiihliri.r.i. s:i.li;- ii,. ,47i Kiitsr-n.A.sa r.,;i,.r, ,,,,,,,. Non(. ot, , mill upplj. .vpi.,- 1-uiuL Co., Was. a 101). . T.'.mn KIHST.rr.AS8 PI.5TI-IIB SAr.KRMEX. EAR1-' EAR1-' U1IUM. CO.. 37-41 EAST HIISI SOUTH. MI.-M T TT""irN "'FT O N . ,' , I'lH-'Kelle, with niili.iuhll., 0 soil lililsilal !, h, cim.llry I I'Vi'i orv. M.i). s ,,,,ve blll.,, ,, f ,..u)Ull ""I furuili wturli,.. Al,py ;,uu j.lllt bl(ll. y;t.S7f) NKWKl'AI'KIt r.iiid R,illi-lir; ,it.0,ly ivorkTTil , r"'lri"i't Inro l,n mu; ,,ut clvo . "MIJ m.l. 1 ,vpl,,B KiTO t.. vsi.riea,.e "J uli..ry cniuclii.1. AJilrcM 1-11, Tribuiii-. . . x5:tu v,,, , ,':;-v,aXKK WANTED. , ... " ''-ili'-fl-m-i-.l liisli'Uiin-ul,ii,.n. draf tail ta-il i. I..)itrrupl,ui-a ,1,1,1 lit.,l ,.,l,ei,, d10 l' '"KllVa-r- A.l.livss .1. s. IHfluiHlarl'iT. i--..''.!.-.J;1-!."1'- '' . Box U-S. yll.-.O :. l:'l''!!rA .'"n'u'1'" ' run riinch In lilnS ii, nr lll,.,rt. Mt ,,.ive hiu, ,,,,,.,.,. n luiiiiMif, toi-ki-uiHtnK uu.l hrik-ntloii. Do it apply u.ss Juu ,mvQ Ku..ulw ,ob mm s-ouil M.iBib. Aii.lr.ab E !), Tribune. . y5r,i; W AXTEO 3 n10n flir fllrni work . 8tyu,iv vf.,ir-i.rouiiil; vf.,ir-i.rouiiil; must liav.. Iul txpcrlunci, ln'lrrijja-i"!m ln'lrrijja-i"!m "I ,1;iu"iii of liorses; niuat bo innrri.-.l. H1 furnisli liuuse to li.i tn. Not younger tluiii l'o yi-iiis nt'i-d apply. Adilli-as E-7. Triti- V,i WANTED Young man who has fair knowledge knowl-edge of bookkeeping and stenography for general office and sales work with automobile concern; good opportunity for right man. Call 12.1 So. State. y.lGUo WAN 'I ED- Kirst-chiHS experienced newspaper solicitor so-licitor for road work, developing new territory tor old established daily newspaper. ' Good salary, sal-ary, expenses and mileage. Position will be permanent for the party who can gei the business. busi-ness. Slate experience and give references in Hist letter. The Tribune, Great Falls, Mont. -vr,7"u DRAG line or trench machine operator wanted, want-ed, gasoliue power. Give experience and previous pre-vious employment; wages six dollars. Address F-lH, 'Tribune. y57S 1 YOl N'G man between the ages of 17 and 2L to travel on vaudeville stage as comedian; does not need to have had experience. Address F-4, Tribui-p. y,174 S COMPETENT harness maker, capable of taking charge of general Hhop and sales work; also one good an lo trimmer. Apply 00 West 4th South.- Was. S34U. y,17o0 TAILOR to do repairing and pressing. Standard TnJLu-ing Co., 1U!I East 2nd So. y572S WANTED Two first-class barbers at the Idaho Barber Shop, Idaho Falls. Idaho, $3U guar-antee; guar-antee; can make from $40 to $4,1. yo73i MAN for janitor work and car washing, steady position for good man. Pacific Nash Motor Co., 434 S'-. Mam st. y5738 ARCHITECTCRAL draftsman wanted. Apply by letter to E-;13. Tribune. y.'740 WANTED A short order cook. Quinn's Lunch Rooms. 240 South .Main. y.1320 EXPERIENCED soda dispensers wanted. Ad-dress Ad-dress P. 0. Box 094. y.12U7 EX PERI ENCED sy rup man wonted for soda fountain work. Address P. 0. Box 094. yf270 WANTED Blacksmiths and woodworkers at J. P. Fowler's Mfg. Co., 41 to uO So. W. Temple. yalOO GOOD shoemaker. Royal Shoe Repairing, 33 So. Main. y.1178 WANTED Two first-class nnto repair men; good wages and steady work guaranteed. Inexperienced In-experienced men need not apply. Motor Service & Sales Co., Anaconda, Mont. y5175 UT A H Em ploy ment Agency Skilled and unskilled un-skilled labor for all public work. 134 Regent Re-gent st. Was. 2021 y 3411 CLASSO'li:!) ADVKUTiSING RATIOS 12 ceutM per H. flls 1 !IM,.rf (, .m - " 7 " !';;:. ". i . ;;',T' '- :;" '"r . i-.i. . i..m.! i.;,!v '"''' 'Iw" """ mini- CARD OI-nVMvS u::'t;,;:;,;-: -r'Z MltS. I-UAMIS i:A.NS AM, KAMII.T. wic ki. i ,, . wj;-, Un,. ... it." r;i ",'.;-,,!,!:::" "" "'-'"' J. Aim . ti:i:u ami family. in,- u.s.s ,'in liiil'.-,ii,l ,,,! iail-r MUN. UOItEKT SI L L.N Si) A.'ll 1'AMILY. ii:;iiAiJill O 1 111 N M : 1 I iCTCkrT f.l'.l'l'"' S"u"' '' 'l'.-.l'l'l.'. fl.i-.li- Wn.. ! rllr.-J S. II. EVANS, uo.l.-rliik.-r. ,-, l,;, l,..r. Mo.uiarT-.'l.ap.'l. Mo.uiarT-.'l.ap.'l. -IS s. stal,-. Wasal.-I. ...MO. j lioiilNTro LAHr.i: si,. cu to B,.i,.01 f ,.,.,. u Mdion-it., llisphi.v r,l .2 s.i. Slat... TUmV.S'I'.IN KS. inoniiiniiiis ,! pm rt'lo Th-am-.i all.l P"hsli,-,l. K.,.,ia,-l,ii K'.la.alil.'.'il. rlii-i-.iS'. Mail.l,. ili-amiif to. Til. Was. 17Ss. y.''.-.S WASA1TH I.awu i-.'uu'.ory; porp.-tual .-are. 7.4 Soutll .Mam l'la.uo WaaaL-li KS.Hi. stHIS WALKER'S floral dept. Cut flowers, fum-rsl designs. Walker Bios. Dry Goods Co. Was. 4"'4- r302 1 UI'DDART P tors I Co.. mr.ved two doors mirth. .'ti So. Main. Plioue Wua. DJ43. Cut flower and funeral designs. r-13itl Funeral Designs AMERICAN Florlsls Flower designs for all oc- l11' American theater. Was. S077. g!3S4 OCR floral artist makes a special feature of funeral designs. Bailey & Sous Co., (Jnality Florists. 01-0-i E. laid South. Wasatch 3tMH. k302ll ERNEST l.AMBOT RN E, Salt Lake's leading florist: new store. Funeral designs our specialty. spe-cialty. Decorations. t7 So. Main. Was. l.llti. V478 KING FLORAL CO.. 214 E. 2nd South. Decorating Decorat-ing nil design work our specially; prompt nt-tection nt-tection given. Phone Wiisatch 211.1. s2!2 EVANS Floral Co.. 30 So. Main; Was. 00L Cut flow ers, funeral designs. Prompt service. X3S Landscape Gardening; WE PLANT LAWNS THAT GROW. PHONE HY. :;3(.l. y P.I 70 Nurse.-ies JORDAN NURSERY. 4 OS So. State, large srock shade, ornamental and fruit trees; also ron-1. vines and small fruit. si 20 MAS0NIC ii9JCEs Wasatch Lodge No. 1. F. &. A. M. Regular meeting second Friday. Ma-onie Ma-onie Temple. A. J. LOWE. Secretary. DETECTIVES RE VELAR E SECRET SERVICE handles only high grade cases ; covers entire northwest, Salt Lake. Eoise. Pocateilo, Portland. Butte. Address all communications head office, Pocateilo. Poca-teilo. Idaho. L. S. Mays, Pres. pUSl LAWN MUWEKSjlAKPENED" AND repaired by expert at your home; work guaranteed. Call J. H. Curtis, Was. 1.195. wS222 SHOE REPAIRING LET us put new life into your old shoes. Quick Eervice. O. K. Shoe Repairing Co., 418 go. State st. E. J. Christ ians-.-i. Prop. -.'30 H. WAG NEK pays the highest prices for all kinds of second-hand sacks and Junk; also sells at el tie d rices. 144 West Broadway. o01S9 j OPTICIANS T0T:R broken lenses duplicated quicker and i cheaper. Davis Optical Co., 0 East Broadway. Judge bidg.. Was. 34U.L --124 ; FLUFF RUGS j7TTrni-- of their condition. Hy. 1220. 4.1U Ilolly-wood Ilolly-wood ave. wl4r'3 j " TRUSSES j wrn7e our trus8flB"' fit gtiaran- ! teed Kei Drug Co., W. Temple and Broad-way. Broad-way. d37-a WHiTEWASHm WHITEW' ASHING c; basements. chicken coops. Paper cleaning at your price, Drop a cord. 43-1 Emerson ave. yil ,u IIOKTCACE J.OANS wTtIRH.T DKr.A Y fBITSCU LOAN & TBLST C. P180- VHIT A Kl.G Love, mother, home, clilld-liood, clilld-liood, patriotic or any subject. I compose music ami guarantee publication. Send words today. Thomas Merlin, G'J7 Reaper block, Clii-ca Clii-ca t-o ?I3132 WHITE TIIK WORDS FOR A PONG. We write music and guarantee publisher's acceptance. ac-ceptance. Submit poems, patriotic, love or any subiect. CHESTKIl MUSIC CO., 538 So. Denr-horn. Denr-horn. Suite 201-J, Chioaeo; ytU33 OUNii lady, pniployed, desires room (board optional), with lady alone, who lias ear, in exchange for companj- and svs. night nnd morning. morn-ing. Can give references. Address F-35, Tribune. Trib-une. yC.2GS FKKE trip lo Los Angeles for man who understands under-stands auto; leaving June 3. Uy. 2592-W. J-6455 SI0 REWARD for infornm I ion lending to the arrest of Toony l'-lnor, it Creek, .formerly a partner of Savns Urns. & refer Ravelins, lessees of Faerber Farm, IIL'G So. 2nd West, Murray, Utah. Phone Murray Mur-ray 210-J y 0-110 WANT lo get in loucli with someone driving to California needing an Al driver and mechanic. Address F-50. Tribune. vr119 TO 1, older of ?." bill with green ink sjwt on reverse side, hold bill. Know you witl buy. . yOOflO THREE Acres, don't work. Salt Lake. DERELICT. yCOlO DlAliJiN( LADIES' tailoring and dressmaking; reasonable rates on summer dresses. 17 W, 5th Soul h. Was. 700.VW. o10f3 THE creations of the ohiof dRBlfrner of VOtJI'E SCHOOL OF DRESSMAKING are far beyond 1 In- nbili 1 v of the ordinary seamstress. Phone WriRftteh .ri4lL v42 DRESSMAKING and remodeling. S.'S South 7th Ennt. Hy. 3S4-R. v42(lfl .MRS. LEMP.KE. dressmaker and d'ipner; discount dis-count io working girls. Hy. 1131 -It. yM44 PLAIN sewing done. Call llyland 2533 -Af. y02iK) General Tailoring ; Till. FASHION TAILORING CO., ! .MAKERS FOR I Gent ui en and Ladies I Custom .Made Garments and Uniforms. rnfi-l-2-3 Scott. Rnildins. j 10S South Main Street. ! Phone Was. 272S. y."774 Ladies' Tailor ! '.i li E Artistl" Lu dies' Tailor uikes first-class , Indies' .nits to order ( ana tortile ji I system ) . All 1 1 era t io.is and repair work receive our mont caret ul intention. C'll-12 Boyd Park bid. Wu-ni Wu-ni u-h 2077. 3-14S3 Ladies' SiaUes UEJISTITCHING lOc per yard. Accordion plea iin, but tons nnd but ton holes. Corsets desiKiieil and made. Kid-Pitt lnjf Tailored Corset l-arl-.r, 40 Ecst HroaOwny. Wns. S-iR. yl073 ' Drapery Shop ' VOOCE OR A PER Y SHOP Fancy draprles of all kind, iJown ovilts a specialty. 220 Tn:i- ; stluition bl'lL-. Wii-. 433.S. J7S ! Corsets j .... o .tn; iu oioL-i. .uu and up. i iuu4 .......... ..i Uiuo Akuuu Lldfc. Corbet iere ! THE Nii-P.ono tailored cort-et, n pTfeet modtd for e LT'-o:-e. Mrs. Prince, Hyland 3553-N-M. y Uil''! NU-RifNE tailored cor.ei, perfeet nioibd for every figure.' Mis. Prince. Uy. 3553-N M. ytj2n3 Hair Goods SASSE HAIR FACTORY, 0 1 No. 2nd Wt. a .. LllSi.l. 5 itcher. -Wigs, etc.. mad-. ,sVITi !L:s made fr-.ni ;.oi;r eunbi n i-; d !'' in v.,-:r li.-i if d cm red. JI. F. Ziium--: ir.an . w:.-.it.-ii i -I. m:::, LiiVKI.I, ii .i" i ik. Mt. Pieaw.nt, Ctah. MnU t,--.i"r:- neil"d ; work from f-niluni;;. finr-Miff finr-Miff i -f. t0!1" Ostrich Feathers REMAl'E. d.'ed, elermed nnd curled. Swlfeho,, mode from tumblers. 107 So. 2nd East. v204tf CHAMBERMAIDS. CULL EN HOTEL. GOOD home for young yiri; small .vnj;es. Vn -OViSl-W. j r. 101 GOOD cook, no hou.se work, 3 in family, 1-m. wiu.-es. Hy. 21K14. ...r. 130 AN experienced girl for genera 1 housework : good waes. Hy. 3I00-W. y.VlOO EXI'ERIENCED hairdresser for flea lily Parlor. r.ir. .luiijjo bi d y.-.;7it GIRE for housework: no washing; three in family. 2.10 So. ,'lrd East. 1 yr.523 WANTED Cook; good wages, l'hone AYas. 21b". '.'." -i KXPEIHENCED pantrv Birl wanted. Hart's I.uneh. 1T.4 South Main. y.'.-l 'S STROCK'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 51 West Second Sou ih St. Was. OftbO. Oldest, B.st and .Reliable. rl.".:tl I R LS for sewing furs; experienced pt ef erred. Sleuzel Fur Co., 31.". So. Jlain. wll'10 WANTED s'lrons woman to cook on Wyoiniut: ranch; gooil liome, good wages. Call Wav 34S!i nftrrnonns. i:i20 GIRL for housework. Phone Was. 1710. or -t!l lit 253 5th ave. y;,t;5 WANTED Nurse'lrl. one w ho can go liinu nights. 223 1th ave. Was. 5d ;f,; WANTED i;irl to assit wilh general housework, house-work, experienced, 15. N o. 2 Louise apOj. y-IMU COMPETENT girl, 1 wo in family, good wages. 010 1st avenue. Was. 3752. y4T5! WA NTED Nurse girl, one who can go homo nights. Apply 22M -Ith live v:1253 ENTERTAINERS wanted; :nuM be R-v-d sluu-ei-sT Minerva Cafe, ilarion Hotel biug., Ogd'n, T"i:ih. vonr, WANTED Nurse girl. Apply 017 2nd me. x42b0 WOMAN to earn $50 w hi!o la I. tin: our 40-, lay ci'irse; many b:ive done sn, Ri-ov.u Seli.ml of Dressmaking. 17 1 East So. Temple. HIMl WANTED Teacher,, high s")ion, special, gru-lw ami rural. Phone Was. Ol'j:', -.OiO j WANTED- -2 wbb-aualif women; good moneymaker money-maker for rU'lit parlies. tall 310 N-sii 1 building. v-im l I N EAT- A PR I A R 1 N ; girls to sru ice ere;, tn. Apply 400 E. tub So. y.,is.) WAN'TED--i:ood. steady woman to wiap bread. Call -Hid East inli South. 5isi WANTED Compel en t eolorod girl or woina:i, to go home nighl; po,d wages; smail f.iuiilv, -.. 175. 4 p res-colt apts. y:0:'.O ;(-UOO.d house tm-iiM,. d and bath, near mf barn. P22..".o. '4 55 llasl Oi h S-'iiDi. y5R:7 S'I'EADY tHKMlion uilii g-.ofl r-alti-y. for e.-t p:i 1 Kid 'Tail. tied' Con.el J'arloi, 40 East Rroiid- ; ( li- M I'.LRM A I D v. anted. K.-uymi b-lel. EN I'E K 1 KN l ED wailress wanted. 37 I So. !-;,', St. ;, .-.nc,4i EXPERIENCED ejianiberin.iitl. Apldy Pbi.i- ; dom.- ) -J y v.:: 7 ! WANTED-"-!',-!,,,!!!., you,,-, girl for boir.euo' k j rd h'r.r." car" of children', n- wa-nmg or i.hig; i in evening :ind mt:iI nftene -.i inv.ay. llv, M.'i'.I-'.V 1172 ll'"-."'nl aw. 27o:-i (" 1 1 M HER M A I D. Apply Clunii'-e hotel, 1 ! ! 1,i Se -Hi. ;-:i'.,3 E I ' 1". I ! I E v ED v .-it-. --. !.-'. r.-oc": re,,,.M.d, K 1 c y Ifo I'mtn. Co.. 5- V,.. MMo. :,;.'( Cil: md'!. vi r I'l, lo ns:-i-l v. iOi lion se w . . ; 12'..' ii lao-c .;.:::2 (DM Hi :;i:l 'for g.-.e--l 1,...,-. v.-r., 3 iidnp. in f.imlb. J'l.oi,. W:.-. -V'j .1. "i.N l-l'.RI ENi ED i i " 1 ) w , r v maker. Apply A. c.cm milliu-i;. ''-pi. i :.t:r.;: A ! 'I E CSS. g'.'-d w;..:.-.. 1 oim-'s laf-. i m m i rs JTa u h t . J",-iimLS Pi, one P'e-i "or ' i li-.im-ii. a w,t. , c,m:i W. bi:;:;i SALT '.-'.'' ''' S--"::7.m;::" Warm :-p-lli'-" I',-.,r '. S I -a', ire ' ' IT:.". 1:157 1-iAMl i '. 2 h - o- . . p...s,r,!!v nr Y,V d. ,,- oi lo-ir ic--.-,, daily. " ;- -Md'-i. .".I Main -l. ui.: Schon's and Colleges SALT LAK E 1 '. n- s r diege. e.l'uiuur c ':-- ; b;-gi,;3 June :;. :. 72.0. y2R,0 LOST Lady's green purse, containing about $17 and st. car book and key. Was. 750G-.I. Reward. y3307 LOST White Spitz dog, answers to uan.e of "Don." Notify Wilson hotel. j35N2 LOST Bunch of keys, 4 Yale, 2 -.uult. 12 others. Return 1131 11th East. Hy. 2S.1H. ' Reward. -yU3 LOST A package containing three baby drosses, Saturday p. in. Reward. II v bind 2037-J. y4700 LOST Red Irish terrier, "Jerry." License No. 24U0. Was. 3W7-M. Reward. 124 12th East. y5517 LOST Small purse containing $5 bill and cur book nt 4th Last and 2nd South. Reward. Hy. 2735-W. LOST Diamond, V'-knrat, from ring ; old mine cu t . R e w ii r d . V .1 h . 04 5 - W . yfiOHO FOUND A lady's coat, on Stale St.. near Sandy. Owner nmy have same by identi lying ly-ing and paying for ad. Was, Ss . y 5 1 ."i 4 PIERCIwheel. stolen Saturday, May 17; No. 1777.S. Cull Was. 3300-R. Reward. y50S0 LOST A small brown fur neckpiece, 2 skin.. Reward. Mrs. Clarence Bamberger, 1444 Yale nve. yOU7 POUND 1 suilciise, b-tween Ogdon and Salt Lake. Owner can have bv identifying same, 457 Douglas ave.. Salt Luke. y5M71 LOST German feniiile shepherd dog, black, glossy hair over body, long face nnd nose, with brown around eyes ; brown chest , legs and paws; 0 months, but good size. Iteward. Ant. No. 1, 350 East South Temple street. Was. 8237 yOON2 IOST Lnrge cameo brooch, in front of r iu the Wilkes theater, Sunday night. Phone Was. 74 1 f- W y00S3 LOST Will person please, return handbag which was taken at 40 North 2nd West without further fur-ther trouble ? y02!5 LOST Saturday, on tho 3 o'clock Sugarliouse car or on corner of Broad way nnd Stale, a black silk embroidered ha ml bag, eon tain ing monev nnd other articles. Row ard if rot urnod to 337 E. 7 Mi Son Mi. Hy. 07'.' -M. y0:'.7S LOST Black handbag, name and address inside. in-side. Iteward. Sirs. J nines Collins, G Moza rt apt. y05!4 ; LOST Poeketbook. lady's, nw; some clmng". i Reward. Wns4-i:ci-R.l 20 Jl st. WII72 I LOST One bay marc, 10 years old. weighi loiiu I pounds, wire cut on right front fool, pacer, one ear sill. Phone Douglas OO-Ii-2. Rew.y.l. BOARD AND ROOMS EXCELLENT home cooking, day or week. Mrs. Bowman. 50 North UI Went. xM.23 "LARGE front room, will, breakfast. 225 '., So. Temple. yl0S7 FIRST-CEASS room, good (aide board, beuutilul Riimni'T location. 005 E. isi Souili. yJiO.'ill ROD M for 2 table ),ard rs. .f22.5i.. -j Louise a Jils., 1 ; block, from lb t Utah. . I son PEEASA NT cool room. Willi board. Was;, id, lu'M-W. y.vrjo NICELY fnniislied ro.mi n'.d .-ee; J . -1 v f -:,r board. W.'. 7vl-W. 11 laur-ry aids. y5 1s:i J BOARD and room in privnie fainfly. Was. ! 4442-.I. yd PI.-, 12 WflRKINi; giils to lii.iinl arid ro.im iu p:i-, c- fumily. Phon. i::.31 JO w. TABLi; bonrd and room. "25 W 3rd Nor,;, W:ls. M'XU.M. !' Children's Home i MODERN le me f r babies; , p.-ri . io-e, I naise. Inquire 707 Wiln u:':. llyl.ind 2310. yp',',7 GtOD private home fur luGe girl:-. East. Hy. IP:.'',. v.".-) ; WANTJ':D J'-y rellae.l lady, a li'.ib- g,il lo ,-are for: the b.-st of .-a;.. Hy. 15,1. :,.;'lij TLVl' i L. 1SMLR, gradual-. 72: 'JO I Mclnl vre blug.. 0?i Sol: Mi Ma in. ';.s. 2-'i.. i 1. 1 -: i I U R J . VAN JIOUT EN. D. C. O. All :.ilnv -.is of the feel treated. KetUi E-np. iddg. . 7070. : j SE( OND-H AND Si"0i-'.i-.'S 'E waul l,ous.-liol i goods. ' Wu wi:: p.iy y.u r V i,i I y.Uir s'ti'.CS H.'i W (.( II. l. . e H ui,, i;, - i niK-f siilt Lai;- Kiiuiiiuie ! .... ::.. ;.,,, - Ji.i. I way. Wjis''j ! il I'll! EST pric-8 paid f-r 1 ml g . I'-'ickeye Purn. Co., 1.3 So. '. W a. I 462'rf. H"7-' YOU NG man tor wagon siilesmau ; must have , gootl education. Advancement. Address F-41, Tribune. y03SO A DELIVERY boy with wheel, mornings and part of afternoon. A pp. y n t Dayton Drug Co. , cor. 2nd So. and State sts. yO.'SOS CAPABLE young married man to learn cleaning clean-ing business ; steady work and good sn lary. References. Cripitol (.'leaning Co. yb'274 AM RITIOUS young men or married older men may learn to be doctors of ehiropract ic or drug less healers under most favorable conditions. condi-tions. Full or partial employment furnished and you may work your way through .school. Apply or write to the Salt Lake College of Chiropractic, 219 Ness bidg., 2S W. 2nd So. Was. 5571. yG3S4 WANTED Y'ounc man experienced in office work ; must be good penman. Perm a nent position and advancement. Apply office mgr., Auerbach's Co. y03S3 FIRST-CLASS barb-r wanted at Burt's shop. Sugarliouse. Union guarnniee. y030U WANTED- 4 men for ranch ra noh, close in. Apply llonday morning, 201 Doulv block. yOI21 MAN to wash pans in kitchen. Chef, L. D. S. hospital. y0412 ACTIVE anil experienced orehardist and fanner "wit li good references. Address G-5, Tribune. y07l3 A GOOD deliverv boy at S00 West 3rd So. Phone Was. 55QS. y0510 EXPERIENCED clothing furnishing snlesmil-.. Slate experience aud salary expected. Address Ad-dress G-2. Tribune. yOOJa WANTED An all around butcher. St. Anthony Ment Co.. St. Anthony. Idaho. y'iS'20 A SPLENDID op-iiing for an all-round prinler with a little money ; management. dress Box fifi7. yfi313 WANTED Porter, s toe); room man, a I, Metro-polilnn Metro-polilnn n lo 50 Cent Store. y031N WAN'ltD-YOUNG MAN FOR OFFICE WORK. G RADUATE OF BUSIN i:ss SCHOOL PREFER PRE-FER RED. WITH APPLICATION. NAME R K FK RENTES AND SALARY L X P E CT ED. ADDRESS K-40. TRIBUNE. y0310 WANTED Young mar- with bieyib p-. office of-fice work nnd bicycle w ork ; good pay in the i right boy. Rex Cleaning Co., 114 E. 2nd So. yOH'ji) CAMP eook for government survey parly. Room 425 Federal bidg. fc y0230 COMPETENT stenographer ami clerk; good salarv; man preferred. 50IJ Boyd I'ark ydg. y02 1 1 a, V A N'TED- A man of good, clean liahMs, bM, 30 and 50 years of nvo. to act as n.ir'it-w-atclmmn. Address Tribunes. y(L'.03 WANTED Good mechanic ami few men for genera 1 work a t our plant in soul Ivrn C t n h. Utah Sulphur Corp., 7u2 Descret Rank bidg. j FIRST-IT. ASS spoiler: good pay; steady work, j Myers Cleaning Py.-ing C. ylVli 7 j WA NT bright young man a I ? 1 0-1 start p-r m on Hi for railroad office work in city. Must be good penman and ha ve know led gp of l p"- J wri ter. Address in own hand w rit ing. F -57. Tribune yOC.2:t ; WANTi:D--3 diseliarge-i soaliers. no experience i necessary, permanent . ad vn n cement, ! per dnv to liegin. Ajmly today 0 n. in. lo 12 m. ' only. Room 73 Newb-m.- hotel. yr.107 ; YoVn"g man well kimwii in r i r i . Arias BRiiarl : ball, basement Alias bidg. "2nd So. yOlOS VEST m;ik"r wanted. 05 West 2nd S"uh. J FIRST-CLASS iiceoriiraM and credii man. eiry i i position: s-a'e cxp-riem-c. salary exp- cicj. . ; A.bhfss F-27. Tribune. y02S5 j j WANTKK -.V.tn lo u,k- dii-'ni'ied off'.cc p siti- n j I in cnarg- ef s'!ing eri-'-i i: ; z 1 1 io-i : i,n;-: h::ve, i ability to get rcsuRs; have tei'. good references- I innd be a sales:nan, nr-a I a pp' a ring, forc-ful and , I full of efficiency; communicate at Mice wi.h phone 40. 307 Kane bi,i!di--,g. Pocateilo, Ir;;il:i. P. A PR EE w auied. nm- be g..,,d workman, f 2" ; L-narn-i'm-d. Alex p.-Hy. Arf-. Ida ,.. -.i22 , : Fwil.i. s'art y.ii; iu : r- o'::.- '. - mail ord-r I R.s f. r 1 ss 'I::"i -5. Address Getch.-E. 2"2 j Lireidn sirc t. pid'ibncl. Ore. ; 01 72 i I MEN--Are 17 to 55. Experbnc. i: u ;h-ci - s . ry . 1 I Tnn'l, rnak- secret invest iga' i-s. r'. i Paiari'-s, c. e;:-- .. American I'urc;;:: D'-lc-iv.. I MT:NwaiCePf or m i -c. i. - w-,rk. .1. Uai-T. I former L. S. g-vt. deivcti.-e. Danvilie. III. I iCiOU I WANT to buy or lease a well-boring machine; want experineced man to run iL Address 7. - 5 S . Tribune. y5 S2 LIVE agent ic every town, good pay. Modern Utilities Co., P. O. box 103. Salt Lake. XS239 WANTED SODA DISPENSER. Must he first-class first-class man. Give reference and salary expected, ex-pected, iierbst & Itanibo, Twin Falls, Idaho. yl489 WA NTED At once, an all-around tailor ; also experienced 6kirt maker. Fiuberg, l'ocalello, Idaho. ylOOl W A NTED At once, two first-clftSB tinners for inside bench work; steady work; 75c per hour. 1 Brizee Metal Works; Twin Falls. Idalio. y2718 THREE returned soldiers or sailors for special work; prefer men who are willing to travel. , Apply 10 a. m., Mr. Brewer, 214 Kearns bidg. x4202 STROCK'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, , 51 W. 2nd So. St. Was. 0000. Oldest, Best, Reliable. x3403 1 WANTED At once, n good barrel maker; good wages or contract to rijjiit party. Apply 322 Ness bldff. EXPERIENCED paper box makers for machine apd hand work; can use n few inexperienced : "iris etoadv emploment and good wages. UNION PAPER BOX COMPANY. y3514 BOY wanted for delivery; must be under 16 years. Chance to learn trade. 105 Keith B 1 d g., Monday. y4830 W A N T E D ti ood shoemaker for out of city; good wageB for right man. 274' So. W. Tern- : A LIVE insurance man wuntcd. Cull 0 a. m. 15 B. 4th South. y812 WANTED Sodu dispenser lo work In Klko, Nev. Apiily W. M. Dupont. Newbouse hnlel. nfier 0 u. ui. Tuesday. IJupont I'liarnnicy, Klk.i. Npv. T3o8T I.N llt'S TlilOl'S, neat-appearing younir man, single, ot (rood address, to travel with advertising ad-vertising crew and Ipiirn poorl-paylntr business. Call room 022 New Grand hotel, 10 lo 1 a. m.. today only. y474 V.TntI) Urns; clerk wilh some enp'Tlenee, license not required. Ilorsley's, GbO Vest Norlli Temple ylWI WANTKII 3 (lisi'liarped soldiers or snilors: must be wide-awake: good chance for riphl men. Call 310 Ness bidg. ylOiri MKN 10 room at I.avern hotel, 2."..", So. 1st West: all outside rooms, hot. and cold water. poreh and shade; SH.llO per week. "vrF.li Automobile mechanic, 7". cenls per hour: Rive references. Gieslor Auto Co., Fair. field, idalio. i'. YcTiTnG or iiii'ldle-aced, used to machine work In repair deparlmi-ut. Ilirschnian Shoe Co. y.'-ITt VrN"n;n---A first-einss renislered pha rmaeis! : '.'1,1,1 salary: permanent position If suitable. Ad. 1 ress K -IS. Tribune. y.ViS, Safety Razors Sharpened 1.M1L edjie. one; doublo edge. 4tle doien. ilazors Uoued. ii. T. llutehics. 137 South Maiu. Tobacco Coupons 'vTpaTash for tobacco coupons nud tags. Joe 1-roch. o.r. West 2nd So. -d.'.!7 Learn Trades JoTTiKXjrBNT needs 4 l"."J clerks for eeus.is, 1(10 month. KMiniinati.'iie soon. Ar,' re-oini-euieuls. IS or over. For free pa rl ii-ula rs wi ll.' .1. C. Ceoiiard I form. T civil s.-rvice examiner). ex-aminer). 10S0 Euuitable bids., Washington. STAl'.T rlgl.l. l.s Angeles V. M. C. A. Auto S.liool. Service nn-n half rah xfi-i Ll-;tTs l"l.) AM) TUA. 'TOll BtSINESS In (V lo S weeks! Hie oiiportuniiies now. Master Mas-ter mechanic iost ruclors ; same mellio.l .l-e us.-.l lo trail, thousands of , idler nie.-lia nics lor I' S army in llo-dav courses. Double couip-m'ein'ii.'iv. couip-m'ein'ii.'iv. Write al once for big free eaial.'g nud 7-dav trial offer. Itabe Auto & Traeu.r S'-liool. 2t:tl Ctk 81.. Kansas .'.:y. M". l2 K"lljaHl"Tn."fri,- iiispecu.rs wanted: .III) a month and expcll-'S to start: short hours: travel- three .l-HI hs' bonie study under guarantee' guar-antee' We g'-t yu P"Silioa. No ... Ilmil. 'U'- for b.."l,l-t N12. Standard Business 1 raining rain-ing Inst,. ltnffal".N. . E A UN Blti MO.NKT In the auto sad trailer bu.Uiev,. t.e.rn In (,'- weeks. rraetleal work. Kjp-rt n.strue-i n.strue-i ,or l-'-rn beard and r'.oin while l-aniiiig. K11FF e.cul-'g t'-F' nil l-1 U. NATIONAL M TOMom F S. Hll.lL. '-Oldest In the eoiiii- ;;-y." M.I So. Fic-,.-rea. Los Atigele-tiL MO hi- i"""TFnr.'Tl"vF.. Fieellent opporuinity. good pay, travel. Write C. T. Ludwig. Wi-stover bl.lF.. Kansn. City. Mo. -lo-i |