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Show ing; Roy Fowler, son of Mr. and Mr. W. B. Fowler, and Roy Myers, whose parents are in California. In the evening an impromptu celebration celebra-tion was staged on Main street, when all the returned soldiers marched and dialled for an hour or more, while the band played and a throng of admiring citizens cheered in appreciation of the soldierly bearing of the boys. RETURNED SOLDIERS WARMLY WELCOMED Special to The Tribune. SALMON, Idaho, May 24. A rousing welcome was given to four overseas heroes he-roes who arrived here Wednesday, returning re-turning after nearly eighteen monthr of service in France, where they gave a good account of themselves in numerous strenuous stren-uous campaigns. The M unicipa 1 band ' and cit izens were at the depot to extend a welcome, and the boys marched uptown escorted by a group of returned sendee men. The returning re-turning heroes are Paul Williams, son of Mr. and Mrs. F, M. Williams; Fred Harding, Hard-ing, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hard- |