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Show if LAKE EDITDH IE FW ABROAD ,, Sjodahl Returns After Years in European Mission Field. .. Qjodah!, who for the past four "h; been associate editor of .biennial Star," the official .- hnroi, organ for the European ''wHirncJ to his homo in Salt 1 rjav Mr. Sjodahl, prior to v ' misaion t0 th0 Liv"'i garters September 5, 1914, Uixipcr man, being nssociate ftiie Deseret News. While as-.CGeorse as-.CGeorse Hoards, president j "rmiwan mission, as well as the '. L Smith, the tormer prcsi-' prcsi-' r Sio'dahl witnessed many ot 'i; ami sacrifices, i hat war has !,uP British nation. He has i t of the territory of the Br.it- '1 and uianv of his editorial ai-, ai-, dealt on the war. in on the present industrial i. i the British Isles, he says: outlook is not very encouraging. ?.muth unrest among all labor-owing labor-owing to the wages and : .tc'ment craze. The people are ' -k better off now than they were :.:7-ie war, as the war wage sched- ' HU continues. Lt to the war industries clos- I Wands were put out of work, iYllv the women, and the govern-. govern-. is "taking a hand in providing in .; of need. , , . "re English 'Tommies' are beinfj welcomed home, and are being V preference in positions. v ar ll--j and reminiscences are the chief of conversation, and many of jar's heroes have wonderful and '-.liable tales to tell. resident Kichards is booked to ior home June 1, and President A. Smith, who succeeds him, -Vtr with the ten missionaries go-'Tith go-'Tith him. wil be gladly welcomed." |