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Show I WEEK CLOSES WITH j ADVANCING MARKET Eureka Bullion and Lehi Tintic Are Leaders in 1 ( Heavy Trading. ! Sat'ir:a clo.sed an active week on the 1 Sj.it La!;o Stock and Mining exchange, j with this sini,-lo rail tho Mat-eat of tr.o I six-day period and the market making j zi'iriie noutole advan m, -as compared with tho pric-OH of the week previous. l.Oiii Tin tie: was foremost, both In volume of trade and percentage of sain. This stock, whi-h sold Friday at from 12 to 11 cents, opened at 15 cents and steadily mounted tho ladder to 20 lz cents, with more than 27,e0u shares moving and the close strong. liureka iiullion, another of the Tintic favorites which during the week has fluctuated in the rniddie 30s, was also an object of more than ordinary attention. The trading opened tit 31 cents and, with .sales of nearly MJUU shares, the price advanced ad-vanced to -12 cents, with 4o cents bid at th-; close. About all the btg trading of the session ses-sion was confined to the Tintic issues. Tintie standard opened at $4.40 and went to $1..'."., with lot; shares moving. liu-rcka liu-rcka Lilly opened at ;ltit3 cents ami went l-o u'l-2 cents, witli a fair volume of business. busi-ness. Colorado sold at from 11 z to 12 ',2 centfs, witli only 2UU0 shares released. .Anions the Alta Cottonwoods, South Hecla brolliht St.yTU and $2, and Wood-lawn Wood-lawn sold for 39 ' a and 40 cents. The Park City and Nevada stocks were quiet, but strong. Tho record for the day showa the sale of 120,:io0 shares, valued at 25,-5 25,-5 Ti 5 . 7 ,"j . The record for the week shows tile transfer of i2t!,7!3 shares, with a market mar-ket value of $t5,430.4U.. Closing quotations and Silica of Saturday follow: - LISTKU STOCKS. i Ulil. i Asked. Alta .Mii.-1iIk.iii .U3'.a:$ .03 AtHL-lopu .Slill- .Ott'-jl A ltu rousclululed i . i .2S';j Aim TiKer .- I .UU'-t Albion t'ootwlidikil I AtSU .JIV Anierienii L'uusulidatc-d Copper. .Ot'.j .00 Alia Tunnel I . 03 .07 Iiullion ; .00 is .01 ltou-y ; 01 l'liit'lium AnmlfeounuteJ I .03 Hit- Hill 11 ,1H, Hi),' Cottonwood (Il1, .02 llouver Copper UU1, .01 Ikiy Stub: Oil Hint k Metals Hi .l'J Central liiueka 01 .02 Codur TaltMiinn '. .01-i Columbus llnall 82',4 .83 CoUnudo Consolidated 12 f .lU'lj Crown roint 06 .0(1'. Cnrolf f 2.23 2.45 Croft , llPi Cottonwood King Ot .(IKi Cottonwood Metuls 01 .02Vi Duly 2.10 3.00 Pillion 15 .22 Demijohn Consoltlatcd OOtJ .U0')4 Empire .Minos loVa -10 Empire Copper 30 .37 Vi KiibIo & Bluu Bell 2.25 2.(i2'i Emerald 20 .20 Eureka Mines 12 ,ta',i East Crown Point 02Vj .03 East Tintic Cousoilcliited :.l-4 .15 East Antelope . .UH4 .UIV4 Eureka Ellly 30Vi, .37 Eureka Bullion 40 .41 Cold Chain OS .13 Grand Central .f.O .03 Great Western 05 Howell I .OSVi Iron Blossom 80 .3S. Indian Cjueon 00 .01 Iron Kins 37 .33 Judce t & S I -t.50 O.IK) Keystone 37 .50 Kint: David 02 Keno 03 Lehi Tintic 20 . 20V? Leonora ., OO-i .01 Miller Hill ..-....:..: 03 H IIiiv Dnv f .02 -02-l Mason Valley 2.60 Moscow . 10 Mich Icon-Utah 11 .11 New Cjuincy " -VI Va Nnildrlver .15 .30 O K Sliver 0o',4 Opnlionco 01 .OlVi Original Bannoek .03 . Ohio Topper 25 Park Citv Mines 02 Ploehc Bristol 2 .02',i l'lutus 05 .011 Prlnee Consolidated 46 .47M, Price Mining .00 .00 Provo 08 4 .00 ltieo Argentine OIV2 Iteeds Peak 01 .02 ltieo WolUnzton 10 .13 Rochester Mines 35 Southern rttciflo 05 .13 South Standard 1 1 Vi . 1 S '-i Sells I... .Ot'i, .08 Vi Svndicnto on- .nni Silver Kilie Coalition 1.25 " 1.30 Silver Kinc Consolidated 2.00 2.07't Siotix Consolidated 01 South UtU'l 1.80 Silver 111 10 .20 .South lf"i Extension . .03ti .03V4 South Iron Blossom 00 !-i South Park 10 Tnr Bnbr 03. .04 Tintic Centrnl 04,i .05 Tintic Standard 4.52Vfc 4.53 L'nele Snm 02V, .03 ft.-ih Consolidated 02",; .03 I'nlon Chief 03'i .Mti Victor Consolidated , 03 .03,i Victor Mining 10 Whirlwind 00 .01 Wilbert, 04V. .04i West Toledo 07t2 .07i Walker Mining 3.00 Woodlawn 3. .40 Yankee Consolidated 05 u, .O0V4 Znmn 13U .15 OPENING SALES. Attn Tunnel. 1000 nt 6f. Colorado, 500 at 11 c, 1000 at 12c, 5000 at 12 Cottonwood Kinsr, 500 at le. Kureka Mines. 4000 nt 12c. Fast Tintic Consolidated, 2000 at 14c. Knst AntMope. 2000 at lc. Etirelin Lilly. flSOO at 3Cc. 1600 at 30c, 1200 at 37V.;C, 1200 at 37c. Eureka Bullion, 100 at 34c. 500 at 340. 1000 at 3.V, .100 at 35 Kc. 7'W1 nt 30c. 1600 ut 30c, 700 at 37e, 200 at 38c, 200 at 30c, 100 at 40c, 1000 at 41c. 70 nt 42c. Lehi Tintic, 500 at 15c. 1000 at 17c, 2500 at IS.-, 3000 at isw,c, 0000 at 19c, 4."i00 at l)V2c, 4000 nt 20c. 3000 nt 204c. M'l.v Day. lttOO at ii'c. Phitna. 10 at HOr-, 41HI at 05c. Pioehe Rristol, 20.000 at 2c. Price. 3000 at Gu,c. Provo, 3.Vi0 at SVlc 1000 at 8c. South Shm'laH. 1000 at 18c. Sells. 2.VK) at 8". Syn-licatM. 4lOi) at lc. Sio-fx, 17,000 at 4c. Sn-itU Ib-rla. I'OO nt S1.07U, 150 at $2.00. Silver SiiifM. 1000 ill South l Toe la Extension. otiO at Zc. Tintic Central. 1000 at -lc. Timic Standard. 100 at St. 40. 700 nt .4.4.ri, 100 at SL47U, 030 at 4.u0, 450 at $4.&24j, 100 at Si.ri."). West Tnledo. 10fM) at 7Vic. 1000 at 7'C Woodhnvn. 100 at 3D Vic "00 at 40c. Yankee, 1000 nt Gc. Crown Point. lOim i;t Lmpirc Mines, 500 at J.'-c. TOTALS. Sharps pnM. 120.3.V1. Soiling value. S23.533.7r. VKEK'S TOTALS. Slnreo s.ild, 520.713. Selling value. $10.".4::0.4O. |