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Show Sill IMS GRENMSr Senate Committee Will Support Move to Secure Privileged Status. WASHINGTON, May -1. The ben-ate ben-ate woman sti f'f'i a e coin mi ! t co areeil today to support the effort to c the reoluLiou for a woman .afl'rae amerol-ment amerol-ment a privileeil ytutua on the senate's sen-ate's calendar. Souio champions of the resoliit ion hopn a vote on Liu; re.no 1 u-tion, u-tion, already tuiopU"! by the house, m;i y be ecu re.,1 M u inlay . f.'hairniau l'or.lney of tho vsays ami nicatiii comtnitlen anuounee(l in tho homh to'lav that, committee hearings ill be hebl Mioti, "v.ith the view of a complete revision of the. tariff." Preceding Pre-ceding the:-o It wa rl n:i, lie ,uahl( the commit com-mit t eti, be'i n ii i u; next eek , wuu bl con.-jijcr the- repeal of (he varioiid eon-su eon-su ru ption I a xes. Mr. I'oialney eritieine.1 the railroad administration, saying its reduction of freight rales on many import articles muviujr from tho Tacifie to the Atlantic At-lantic coast was a ''reduction of tax rutes," and was ordered by tho administration admin-istration ''without, ennMiltin any other government departing nt. ' ' "The important tiling, " ho added, ''is that this redui'tiou applies only to import onda ami not to " domestic oods." Committee hearings on the turiii, mo c.iiairniuii said, will begin in about a month. Steps to expoditu the army' bill were (liscussod today betwueii Senator Wutls-worth, Wutls-worth, prospccl.h chairman of the senate military committee, and Chairman Chair-man Kaliu of tho house commit t.eu. Iminoiliatfi appropriations for cur-runt cur-runt expenses is planned, with post-poulnioiit post-poulnioiit of army policy lnrrislation. Mr. Kalin said lie i bought' the 'first bill should provide; money for au average" aver-age" unity of nhout' 500,000 men, 11 rifle ri-fle r expectations that the army would consist of about one million nieu .lulv I ami be reduced lo 100,000 or L'00,000 by midwinter. Assignment of Republican senalors to committee places was completed today to-day by the Itepubliean committee ou commit tees, but furma (announcement was withhold until after ratification at a party conference Monday. Whether tlio progressive opposition 10 Senator ' 1'enroee, Pennsylvania, and Senator Warren, Wyoming for important impor-tant chairmanships 'will be carried lo the senate flour remained in doubt. |