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Show Model 90 Breaks (- SUP iiH stop High Gear ) jf frlll wm v j " r "wl sf ipii Their Pride Is a Deeper B S ' "1n 111 The fact that an Overland Model 90 stock car broke Sg3 the world's non-stop high gear record, does not add to the pride of Model 90 owners. ipf! Their pride is a deeper thing.. It has developed IHi through weeks and months and years of wonderful ll personal experience with Model 90' cars, under the 5sti5j; Hgj trying conditions of every days demands. 1 It means something to every man, of course, to iSi know that his car is an exact duplicate of the Model 90 that smashed the world's record. But the great satisfaction is in knowing as Model 90 ! owners know, that your car looks and performs as a plpgv thoroughbred car should, everywhere, all the time. fcitfes lirj 1 To really know how well a car can be built for IHll. gg $985.00 you must know Model 90. , fHH, BROWNING AUTOMOBILE CO., DISTRIBUTORS. clll Telephone Wasatch 6596. Main at Sixth South. b3 3C$3 OvtrLtnd Model Ninety Five Piwenger Toorinj Cr, f.o-b. Tofcji 277 Come to our store &515 i iKThe' . " 5 V A Little Things ; " That Count I mf:A for a Lot j Half the enjoyment of a motor-car j ! comes from the little refinements that raise it above the dead level of "ordinari- j ness." j j ; You'll find in the Briscoe all the little I touches of beauty in line, in finish, in jj upholstery and in convenience that will l make your pleasure complete. jj i There's nothing lacking that will make you envy the other fellow but there are plenty of things for which he'll envy you. filler Gaboon Co. Distributors. 1 :iIJKKAY, UTAH. IDAHO FALLS, IDAHO, j ! v 1 LOCAL DEALERS. i "iXCEXT, TODD & GILLETT CO., 345 South State, Salt Lake City. ' i .;HE COUNTY FARMERS EQUITY, Logan, Utah. 1 5 ELDER COUNTY IMPLEMENT CO., Tremontou, Utah. . '; S- UDY, Parmington, Utah. .;1Y GARAGE, Moroni, Utah. 3 GARDNER, Delta, Utah. i "AVID LEIGH, Lund, Utah. - R1IERS SOCIETY OF EQUITY, St. Anthony, Idaho. : rsp j I Control ' I of your car with safety to lives and property is not confined to the throttle Jj 1 and steering wheel. Your brakes are p ! most often the final resort. b I I To be properly efficient, brakes must I be correctly lined. Insist that the brakes I on which you rely for safety and service k I are lined with genuine i I memmm gm j I Identify it by The Silver Edge Jf P THE MOTOR MERCANTILE fi-i (ft COMPANY, I ' " ' J f: I Salt Lake City, Utah. ! S r 1 ' iW"WPWIIIHWIIIIHWIHWIWIHiil .-ii- I fEASURED by performance.war j record, commercial, re- h A putation, specifications, , a quality, economy of op- P eration, upkeep, equip- S; ii ment, price sound E '! judgment will concede V. j supremacy to the Com- 'j 3 merce Truck in its class T 1 1 Ton-$1500 V, 1 Vl Ton Overload Capacity P.' J Solid Tire - lKTon-$1895 h 'j Ton Overload Capacity is a 36 x 6 Pneumatic Cord Tirea f 3 F. O. B. Detroit 1 J ?? SAVAGE MOTOR CO. I 438 So. Main. Was. 5213. I f f! Distributors of Commerce LJ ?y Trucks and Commerce il S.-J Service A n h M Commerce Motor Car Co.. Detroit |