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Show bees in "War Times, ' J A. W. Fryo, supreme chaplain; duct, "Ob. Kestless Sea,,; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P, Payne; address, Hon, ISephi L. Morris; solo, Air for a String by Bach, Paul Wheeler; I Demobilization of State Maecabee j Service Flag, arranged by Dr. J. U. ! Giesy; America, by conore'ation, con- j ducted by Lester Ilinchclif f ; benediction, benedic-tion, Rev. John Edward Carver. Motidav Business session W. 0. W. ; hall, 10:00 a. in.; address, Mayor T. S. i Browning; response," Robert Marsh; ! luncheon recess 1:00 p. m,; business session 3:00 p. m.; address, "Fraternal Insurance"1 ' Rulon S. Wells, stale insurance in-surance commissioner; address, "The Utah Fraternal Congress. ' ' L. W. Wolfe, president Utah Fraternal congress; con-gress; public reception V. O. W. hall, 7:30 p. m.; address, "Public Health, 3' Dr. T. B. Beatty, secretary state board of health; address, "The Maccabees," A. W: Frvc, supreme chaplain and general gen-eral deputy.! social, dance and cards. Tuesday Business session 9:00 a. m.; tour of Ogden industries, 0:00 a. m.; viewing the beauties of Ogden canyon hy auto; review of Silver Tent No. 1, S :00 p. m.: degree contest between teams of Silver Tent No. 1, "Utonia Tent Xo. 12. ilHBEES TO HOLD Soldiers, Sailors and Ma- rines of Order to Be Specially Honored. Special to The Tribune. OGDEN, May 24. The quadrennial state convention of the Maccabees will be opened for a three days' session in Ogden at 8 o'clock tomorrow night in the Methodist Episcopal church in honor of the Maecabee soldiers, sailors and marines. t The program, -which will be under the direction of I. M. Gouchet, state commander. The speakers will include Governor. Bamberger, Kephi L. -Morris, A. W. Frye, supreme chaplain of the Maccabees, and local speakers. i The business sessions will be held on Monday at the Woodmen of the World hall. Tuesday will be devoted to an auto tour of the city and canyon after the completion, of the business. In the evening there will be reviews of the various tents and contests. 'l'A JLrogram for Sunday evening and theer two days of the convention are 'as1 follows : . Selection, Patriotic Airs, Mrs. Vera F. Reason, organist; invocation. Rev. C. K. Garver; solo. "Mv Western Home," Mrs. Eetta Sissing Payne; address, ad-dress, Governor Bamberger; solo, "King Out Sweet Bells of Peace," Nephi J. Brown; address, "The Macca- |