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Show Louise Bentz, Miss Edna Foord, Mrs. Floyd Green and Mrs. A. Hiatt. Mrs. Kay Arnold pleasantly entertained Thursday of last week in honor oi" Mrs. A. B. Lambert of Ohio, who is here visiting: vis-iting: for a few weeks. Mrs. 'Emil Carlson gave a children's party yesterday afternoon at her home, in honor of her son, Master Robert Carlson. Carl-son. The eighth grade students of the Hill-crest Hill-crest high school gave a closing school dance at the gymnasium Wednesday evening. Mrs. John Jones returned home Sunday afternoon from tUi'ee months in California. Califor-nia. She visited friends in Berkeley, and also spent sOine time at Ocean Park, San Diego, Long Beach and Los Angeles. Harrv P. Allen, superintendent of the algunite plant of the A. S. & R., and his family, who have lived in Murray for some time. In ve moved to KmU La ice. where they have purchased a new home in High'and park. J Mrs. David Miller and family of Tooele I have moved to Murray and are pleasantly located on Vine street. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Clark entertained at dinner Sundav in honor of the Rev. and Mrs. E. K. Mork and daughter, Helen, Hel-en, of the Methodist church. Mr. and Mrs. Clark also entertained at luncheon Wednesdav evening, for the same guests, the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Mork and Mlbs Laura Adams, of Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Arnold entertained at dinner Sunday in compliment to her brothers who have just returned from overseas. Mrs. David Turner of Kansas visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Bagley, during dur-ing tho week. Mr. and Mrs. Magnus Larson, who have made their home in Murray for a number of years, left Wednesday for Vallejo, Ca!,., to rcsi'Je. Leslie Gordon returned home last week from France, where he has been stationed for the past year. Mr. and Mrs. Parley Bennion left Wednesday Wed-nesday for a ten days' slay at their sum-nmr sum-nmr home in Cokevilln. Wyo. Mr. and Mrs. Mat hew B:shop entertained enter-tained at a family dinner Thur.srhiy evening even-ing at their home, in honor of the birthday birth-day anniversary of Mrs. Bishop and her daughter Vera. The com 1rtPno-em9.il t exercises of the Murray High school were helrl Monday morning in the Murray First ward, followed fol-lowed by a hall at the Gym. of the Hill-crest Hill-crest High school in the evening. Those who were graduated were Mah;e ITwo, Nellie Clay, Minerva. Frame. I-b-pe CJnuf-ln, CJnuf-ln, Svlva Farrci-. Kdward Foord, Clifford G. Larson. William Iv.f.ers, 0r'ln Whipple, Wilford Robinson, Art hur Aaniodt and Elmer Chrlstenson. Professor Profes-sor J. H. Paul of the University nf '"fib addressed the graduo I cs and Super in - 1 ten don t O. E. Gaul in presented the I awards and diplomas. Mrs. C. O. Watson pleasantly en tor- j tained nt a luncheon Thursday n f1 ej'imon j at her home in honor of her gu'-U. .Mrs. I A. 15. Lambert of Ohio. Those wbr. v r; invited to meet Mrs Lambert were Mr:. J. R. Drlnkwnler. Mrs. Frank En "b.., Mrs. B. H. Wagner. Mrs. Emily U m -bert. Mrs. Rav Arnold. Mr--. Ev-reii Drlnkwater. Mrs. .1. M. W.-t---n, Mrs. June Fisher. Mrc Cha r'es En t eheJ. M rs. Clarence lladiock and Mrs. EOgar Eatr-hol. Mr. and Mrs Je II;ivrv hnd as 1h"'!r pnests last week Mr. Will'am O. H.-.rn, wh' has spc nt the n:,ct W.;it f-r at S'in Diego, Cal.. and is on her way honii to Pueblo. Colo . and Mi:-f Laurn Adams and M-?. M. Fhpi.ard of SaU T.ak, n!r;' Mrs. W. Mitchell of Buffalo, X. V., who is spending a few days here, before leav-! leav-! ing for the rr:i:-:. Mrs. Sarah A . Mnmford ret nrnerl home Th'.ir'l.-jy f-m a t'i dayr' y'.y.l with rcla tivr s a t Wf s n. Ha.h. I MURRAY 4 V MURRAY. May 24 Mrs. Arthur Brown pleasantly entertained Friday afternoon of last week at a bundle shower, at her home on Glen avenue, in honor of her sister, Miss Polly Turner, a June bride. The decorations were in spring- flowers and the afternoon was spent in games and music after which luncheon w.-ts served. Those present were Mrs. Ed Hobbs, Mrs. L. Thnyne, Mrs. Carl March. Mrs. Sam "Whipple, Mrs. J. Getty, Mrs. R. Wilkins. Mrs. M. J. Hayes, Mrs. R. Holfhcincs, Mrs. M. P. Silver, Mrs. ; Obray, Mrs. ifvrum Brady, Mrs. H. Lord, Mrs. David lord. Mrs. F. Olene, Mrs. F. Schrane, Mrs. Ed Larson. Mrs. W. J. Rogers, Mrs. M. Brady, Mrs. Geo. W. Turner. Mrs. L. Hutchison. Mrs; F. "Wilson, "Wil-son, Mrs. Ernest Wright. Mrs. Ed Bergen, Berg-en, Mrs. A. "W. Brown and Mrs. Thomas Coppin of Salt Lake. Mrs. Mary Gordon, who spent the past winter visiting nt the home of her son, Ben Gordon, and niece, Mrs E'la Romney, Rom-ney, returned to Idaho during the week to' visit at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ernest M.idsen. Mrs. Georpe Russell nnd daughter, Lila, of Snlt Lnke, are visiting" at the home of Mrs. Russell's mother, Mrs. Fred Nuy-lor. Nuy-lor. ; Mrs. Eva Logsdon, formerly Miss Eva ! OarL-on. left during" the week for Wyom- ing, where she will join her husband, who j has jus returned from ihe war. A social which included a program mil : lunoheon was given in the Methodist j church parlors Thursday evening by the men of the church to thoiT- wives and friends, and the general public. Mrs. C. S. Glace entertained the. Methodist Meth-odist Aid society and friends at her home Wednesday. The af t ernoon was sp-nt with the regular business meet ing. followed fol-lowed by a musical program and a two-course two-course lunchenn. Tho follwir.rr members mem-bers were present: The Rev, Mr. and Mrh. Work. Mis Laura .Adn n:a. Mrs. M. Foord and daughter. Carol : Mrs. W. G. Foord. Mrs. L. Hoover. Mr. YA Pa rkin.-smi, rkin.-smi, Louis and Ruth rai-kir,5o, V!-.;. R. parr and son; Mrs. Glen Ur:cht, Mrs. G. Moorehouse. Mrs. A. Tt. William. Mr?. Fred Xavlr, :.Trp. William Chirk. Mrs. R. Watson. " Trs. F. R. Anderson and sonu; Mrs. Van Duen. Mrs. .1. J. Ma'n, Mrs. I Houghtr.n. M vs. Ph il p.ont7.. Mr. Ann, Rogers, Mrs Slr-dmn and Miss Margaret I S'enman. The inv'td cuests v'-re Mrs. j Barnes l"Vki- Mtm. Grcc K'js.-ber. 1 Mrs. G. Scit-.'-r,n, Mrs. Vac-staff, Mrs. Mav Scott. Mrs. Ruth Darnutzer, M:ss |