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Show SHIP HEW MITCHELL f QEISMESS "The American public must understand that-the 'world war' was a revolutionary vent fn more ways than one," said Man ager Sims, of the Sims Company, local and intermountain distributors for Mitchell Mitch-ell cars. "It was revolutionary not only in changing the map of Europe, but in the attitude of the world toward all conditions. con-ditions. A new standard of living has been established for the- people of America. Amer-ica. We are in an era of high wages and high costs. I do not now see any probability prob-ability of a marked decrease in wage costs and there is no immediate prospect for the lowering of the cost of food supplies sup-plies and other commodities. "This leads to the positive conclusion that, with the wage scale at the top limit and the cost - of raw materials on the same high' plane. Hhere can be no reduction reduc-tion for a long time to come in the price Of automobiles. The only exception to this might be in the case of a few automobiles auto-mobiles which were advanced, with wa as the excuse, to a too high price. In the case of the new Mitchell cars, the only advances which we made were those caused by the advanced cost of our raw materials. We are manufacturing our car on the basis of only a normal profit over our actual cost and we are -going into a large production on this basis aa soon as we can reach it. I am very sincere sin-cere in my statement that the public is safe In buying automobiles at present prices for a long time to come." The urgent demand for the immediate delivery of Mitchell cars is shown by the fact that the Mitchell Car company is shipping 80 per cent of Its new model almost al-most entirely by express to its dealers Last week express shipments were made to Philadelphia, New York, Boston and Norfolk. |