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Show 'Ae do sisjn. We fa'jo n. difri-nlt. task, but we are c.juM iu it. The o'"::.an o'.'ora-ment o'.'ora-ment ana the ti-jrrnau pov dIe. ' s in --lid to do everything possible to '. e-gjid e-gjid the Jtuercvi.s of all eias-.-:c:-i and ;-;-S'.J'"'- for tiie conn; ry the ..Mbi! r.y of tutarf: -x:.st.'-rive and di-vr:i.iuni''nt." R''pK'iriL,r to a question as ro the t-man t-man alt;; ad-- ln a : d t ; e nihil ary pr--o-i-ailoi: of a!arbal Koch, t. r- rutint srd: "The Oerman p-.,ple and their l-.-.i-. rd rmi-L rt-iiia in . calm." It "wa s Kt a ti:. tii is af ternr.on t'na' tho rjoiM.tr-prujjo.Sti Is 1.oliM i-u uIivrfi. J ii t"; p.fa-' L-unferciiee coii'ciuion a "corn pia ed." T!ie ii-:'i!ian delr-atr- were in eonf--r-t-nee all a f t e iti oOi i lo! luwi t-nr t lie r.U arri of (."ceint VMM j:i-0'-ii'iorft'-La'ui..iii. la-r-!'i;m rii;a oi'ial .-.pt-it a rf a their u ay to N'erailb'N from .pa with data for further fur-ther i-hanca on eeonou'de points in liie treat v. Hfrnard Karueii of the Amrriean d'-'c-Lcaliou loday iaii.1 before I 'rt:i:df nt Wilson !'iu- ."ddir.iMi:;! 1 -i;.-st:ons in ruriu-''' ion wuh t:i ohjfeUoiib of tie uvrinali dcle-ale. dcle-ale. e'uH'i.-Joas etui .o.iif d in th'-s-; fcLie.' lions are undt-rstoo i to cJphI mainly w ith iii:tho-"is of P':' vment and brin;r tbe conditions ha':k to the origin;..! basis piv-pused piv-pused by tin.- Amcriean duleation. Ki-yiicli e'-unoitiie expt-'-rts are f nld to ha v: b'-en won over to the American point of view id ii' -e ti;e (iermany baiked at aeceptanee of tlie tfrnid laid down by ill em. The firmans are i.itmin to reai'..e that the tram-port of troops across the :hine by I lit aides is moi e than an e n l p i e d e rr, o 1 1 s t ra t i o ; i . Pusnatches from ('.'openliami state tiiat German newsnapers are v-nrniu the ieo-pje ieo-pje that these militarv a.-tivit irs are not to Vie ia-.ea;d-d as a mere bluff, but -are taken with a view to actual extension of (he occupation of Genuyn territory. HUNS CONCERNED ABOUT FULFILLING TERMS OF PEACE By Universal Service Staff Correspondent. PARIS, .May 24. Germany's greatest concern is whether she can fulfill the conditions of the treaty presented by the allies, and rejection of the treaty as it stands has not been decided upon. This was the in tlmntion conveyed today by Count von Brockdorff-Rantzau on his return re-turn to Versailles from Spa, where he and other members of tiie delegation had a conference with representatives of the lCbert grovernmen t. "H is not a Question of whether we shall or shall not sin." he said, "but whether we can fulfill the obligations if |