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Show COM'MhU'S, Ohio, May lM. AL though const it ut ional prohibit ion doci ! not become effective in Ohio until next. 1 Tuesday, the slale became practically dry at midnight tonight. ' ! Today was tlm end of the, lb-enfo ; year ami only (. of the 5(iiin saloon i in the stale ; e paid the ,f;-tn."i noco- j aary 1o reopen for tlu: one day near I Monday. " j GRAPE M IS BTOIIS Washington Supreme Bench Rules in Favor in Action on Prohibition. OLYMPIA. Wash., May l!L The Washington state supreme court decided decid-ed today in f a vo r of the ( 'a 1 i fori) ia Ci rape Prol ect i e associa ! ion in an ac-j ac-j Hon brought by the association to enm-! enm-! pel the secretary of stale lo submit Washington's ratification of the na-i na-i tional prohibition amendment to a vote of 1 lie people. I SAX FRANCISCO; .May -(.Califor nia brewers do not expect to renew (he brewing of beer unlit ihev have acquainted ac-quainted themselves with Hie full text, of the decision by Federal Judge Mayer in !ew York yesterday permitting the manufacture and sale of L7."i per cent beverage, Rudolph Samel, president of the California State Brewers ' association, associa-tion, announced here today. They were prepared to resume full capacity operations, oper-ations, however, as soon as the decision is received, he said, WASl'lLMiTOW .May - !-. A conference confer-ence on world-wide prohibition will be held in Washington June X' under the! auspices of the An t isa loon I ,eague, of America, which wi 11 hold its annual meeting here from June -I to 7. In announcing an-nouncing the conference today, officials of the league said the purpose would be to form an international league, having as its object a ''world drouth, ?' and that W. J. Mrvan would sound the "in t erna I i onal kev not e. ' ' Delegates from at leal. fifty foreign countries are expected to attend. These will include delegates now participating in the national circuit prohibition tours cif the Fjiited States, widely will lermi-nafo lermi-nafo July 4. |