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Show RUPTURED? TRY THIS FREE Wonderful Invention Sent on 30 Days' Trial Before You Pay. Sininly send me your name and I wll) send you my new copyrighted rupture book and nn-;su re merit blank. Yv'hen you return the Hunk 1 will send you my new invention for rupture. When it ar- ! rives put it on a nd wear it. 1'ut it to j every test you can think of. The harder ' th ' test tiie better you wil! like it. Vou ! will wonder' how you ever got along I with the old style cruel spring trusses : or belts with lepr straps of torture, j Your own i.od common sense .and your ; own doctor will tell you it is tiie only '. w ay in which you cun ever expect a ' cure. After wearing it 30 days if it is : not entirely saiisl'actory in every way if it is not eu:-y and comfortable it you cannot actually see your rupture ! getting better and if not convinced that j a cure is merely a cpuestion of time just return it and you ure out nothing. Any rupture appliance that is sent on ' SO days' trial before you pay is worth ' giving a tri.il. A hy not tell your rup- I tured friends of this great offer':'' KASY-HOL.P KASY-HOL.P CO.. 104 7 Center K!d;?., Kansas City, Mo. (Advertisement.) ' 1 Attention j "Spin 5 ' i Have your White Uniform Pants made ; to order j $C00 i 4.J i 215 S. Mam St. By ti:o Kenyon Hotel. j i I Stretched, as in the tire, T f good tubes do not J-ss5es canes, 3NS. Kb J Norwalk Tubes . t JkyK The Scissors rri , T T T7" g Test lested By You x If. ' W.Viw'i Take test strip 'A in. V y,ir!S:.,!,,.0isn: Norwalk Tubes, red and pray, meet the ICllM' Vv A nsiicneih. Cutonthc scissors test. The scissors test proves, be- I N kf " Th."f.b:.n"rbi fore you buy, that NorwalkTtA.es do not V' Wf"7 - rnoi e than Vp in. across TT $ 13 & I WHrt" . the sample. If the sirip , , , H , li B I tears apart the rubber A tube that Will HOt Tip Cannot be de- . I at I I f" "fl. B ls inferior. , t 3 $ hf 1 I 1 slroyed by puncture or blow-out. Cuts U sj If, can be repaired, rips cannot. jp ,r- 0 1 , Make y,,r dealer prove that the tube he sells will stand 1 Wf the Norwalk lest. " y I IS" '. Norwalk Tubes, red and gray, are floating stock. The ,1 3 ' ",5'JJ standard of absolute quality. File away a dated sample of v tt V I IP lJ i or'aik 1 ube and others, and compare them at the end of j r 0 11 li' I aye!,r- t A ' Norwalk Casings are as pood as Norwalk Tubes. u b 7 i yur local dealer cannot supply you write to P. AV ' , j " 'f; WA ; GUARANTEE TIRE & RUBBER CO., Distributor, f ' J 451 SUth Main St'' Salfc Lake City' Utak I NORWALK TIFvE & RUBBER COMPANY r f Makers of Casings, Cord and Fabric; andof Tubes, Red and Grav NORWALK, CONNECTICUT r.VbbI A 'UbC wWch d" " cheap mineral, or ree..ia,ed 1 falh7,XfA.rtoV".mp7cT? But dD'' S"r' "y -ilc-moaeyoow. Get the ; : i TUBES 'widCASINGS f j SALT LAKE AND 9 1 EVANSTON I j 1 A? 'sftHi-vxf ri; I tek tl tJ ullage; J i I Cars Leave Wihon Hotel k J Ej Dai'y ai 2 p :n. Fara fj S-100 Each Way. UKS. SHOKhiS o; oiUK3 m and xro:HLi u 1 Office. I'U M.i;n S:.. ff. ,.v' '::,j , r:iit LcL I'i'y, t,-' " IK.uri. ;;j ty :,. . ' : ' ! T. t : '-I ; ' ATCCi . , . ;.. .) I t ' i;..i, yni'it V' ' ' f I S :i !.... .,r. : ' " 'in ' i" i.i..w w :-- ' , :. n;: i -.. .'i.i iii;u ii. is j f; " ' -li d iii -I w-HI tr-ut CU". if "" '-y ' " io ' ' !-:;, i rv. ( ,p tvriu. I |