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Show I Livestock Financing J I The Western Livestock Loan Company is doing a j substantial work for the intermountain cattle and I I sheep industry by co-operating with local banks in financing sums of money over their legal loaning ' j capacity. I The officers and directors, with their specialized J banking experience, are widely known through their I personal and corporate holdings in livestock. These men evince a sympathy and concern for a greater j development of the industry. Their names suggest I solidity and confidence. 9 1 Many of the company's clients owe their success to I this intimate knowledge of their requirements and I v an ever-readiness to assist in financing legitimate 1 I propositions, small or large. I Western Livestock Loan Co. I 707 Deseret National Bank Building, Salt Lake City. j I T. E. WOOD, President. j i GEORGE II. BUTLER, Vice President and Manager. ' 1 . I J. II. GRUT, Treasurer. - 1 I PAID IN CAPITAL, $200,000. j RALPH A. BADGER & CO. STOCK BROKERS WE WILL BUY I Any of the following stocks or bonds: I S Liberty r.onds "War Savings Stamps B010 Am Fuel Bonds Otter 6000 Am Fuel Stock S.- 100 rteetrowers' Sugar ?7.o0 1000 Bull II .we MnK OftT 6000 Coml Club Bonds Offer 50 On Wairan '. $119. 00 10 Peseret Live Stock Offer 10 Heseret Nat Hank (jffer 1000 Kas: Tin tie Coal .V ltn.0 Kureka King Offer 1J Killson JIanch SlSS.l'O 10': 0 Kureka Standard -Of 10 Farmers Stocky F.k Jjt'.O.l 1000 General Red & t'hem Co 2 U 30 Home Fire Ins Offer 10 International Text Hook utter 1000 Independent Coal OSc 600 J V Karns Tunnel Offer 20u0 John T Clark Tire 2c 10 Kimball A Richards offer 1000 Louise Mns Offer 10000 Mascot Oil -jc 3000 Mont Bingham Offer 1000 North Standard 12c :. Nat City Bank Offer 1 New State Gun Club Offer 75 People's Sugar (com) Offer 50 Fan Motor $t.00 1000 Sunset Mnfr 0c I'V.O Standard Coal 4,.,c 1000 Three Kinps 23c 1000 Thompson Malted Food SI. ii 20 Ftah Fire Clav fSfl.ru 100 Utah-Idaho Supar SS.S" SO I'tah Pr & Light StM.OO 100 Utah Con Oil 6c 500 Wasatch Mine 4Se 1000 "Wasatch Oil & Kef IV 10 Z C M 1 O.'fc; WE WILL SELL 750 Associated Phar 30c 4 American Telegraphono $0.00 300 Anderson Mng Co Soe 2000 American Oil 2!-c 20oO Alia Superior 2'-e 100 Amalgamated Suirar $13.50 1000 Alta Prince Bid 25 Beetffrowers' Sugar $7.50 1000 Bornite Copper Bid 1000 Hakjr Steam Motor -ic S00 Coml Club Hds 41 1000 Copper & Uranium Mug D'.ic. 6 Con Wagon $121.00 1000 Casper Kmbar lc 100 Christie Comb Auto Lock 50c 1000 Call Switch 3'c 500 Pixie Oil lc 1000 Kureka King 12c 1000 Eureka Standard 27o 1000 F.Ik Basin U Oil To 500 Federal Shale f.c 5 Farmers & Stockg Bank $03. 00 2000 Gustaveson Oil 4c 10 Guardian Fire Ins $11. 00 1000 Iron County Coal 5c 1000 Indep Coal & Coke 75o. 1000 Interstate Oil l'-c 5000 Jordan River Oil Bid 300 Karns Tunnel ' 15.' 300 Kolbv Wheel 13c 30 Leishman & Co $15.00 1000 Louise Mug 12c 3000 Montello Salt Bid 5000 Montana Bingham Mug fie 1000 Midvale Minerals 20c 1000 Mascot Oil '. . .2e 2000 Montana Wyo Oil P-.-C 2000 Mt Nebo Marble Bid 1000 Nevada Zinc 4o 1000 North Standard Mug 3.c. 1000 Out West Oil Bid 00 Old Capitol Pet F & I Bid 25 Pan Motor $6.60 100 People's Sugar with com J'i.00 itniu sunset .ving ice 500 Kelnm Sing : c 500 Salt Lake Stock yards J7.25 1000 Summit Fuel 2c 1000 Utah Wyo Con Oil 13c 30 Utah Fire Clay S6.".00 1000 Utah Oil & Shale Bid 2000 Union Oil & Gas 3c 10 U-C-1T Indicator 58.00 1000 Utah Con Oil 6.' 10 Utah Pr & Light pfd ?96.0O 300 Victor Motor & Clutch SO.: 7o0 Virgin l'oine Oil ltic 1000 Wyoming Con oil 4c 1000 Wasatch Oil & Gas 3c 10000 Elevator Safety First 2c Send us your buying and selling orders. We can get yoti results. We can sell stock to you on the partial payment plan. If you want to buy at or near tho above prices, don't, hesitate to write us. Make us your best bid for any stock which you desire. RALPH A. BADGER & CO. 16 W. 2nd South, City. Wasatch 3330. f" " " LIBERTY BONDS $50 Bond. $100 Bond. 1st 31s $49.77 $99.54 2nd -Is 47.52 95.04 3rd 4 Vis 47.90 95. 85 4th 4 'is 47.63 95.25 Prices based on N, Y. quotations. "We Also Buy "War Savings Stamps and Partly -paid Rficelpty. Out-of-town Bonds Cnn Be Sent by Registered Mull. 0 Central Bond Exchange I Licensed Liberty Bond Defers. 9 405 Continental Bank Bldg. H Evenlnns 7 to 8 o'clock. I L F. RUTTON & CO. Member rJW YORK STOCK EXCHANOB NEW YORK COTTON F.XCHANQ8 CHICAGO BOARD OF T HAD t! eST SOUTH TEMPLS Ptior.es Wat. 4blB-4! t Private Wires Coast to Coin I Home Office: 61 Broadway. N. Y. Attention, ! Mr. Merchant i I can save you money on your ; ealesbooks and order books, i All sizes and styles. Call or write me for my prices before ! placing your next order. The Wirth Sales Book Co., J. C. BURBIDGE, Agent, 115 S. Main. Was. 5450. ! LUKE COLLECTS ! j C 3 ' -b'ra -J MM Off. LUKE COLLECTS fjjjAX FREE 'jl'hf?1 bonfl8 ar exempt from iji. ' tf"t' tilc' tho cleanest, ft' J ' 'r tav '"vestment. Allow-: Allow-: :"l(la- -v sometimes equal "tt ' Vurit" WOt 10 12 per CCUt " 'or our "list. i41;WaIker Eank Bidg- n5; J, ,Bonds bouglit and fS Sol for cash on basis fYork prices. 1 Sessions Laws ' 1919 Will soon be ready for deliv- ' ery. Send in your orders j now to THE F. W. GARDINER CO., ' Printers and Publishers, Salt Lake City, Utah. SEND FOR FREE COPY 00 8 ''THE MASTER FOR (IKE BUILDER" irlvlng faolFi and fiMrf- .hout oi) lvl-'J'rnH.s lvl-'J'rnH.s antl oponillon.s in irovcn oi fleiuH. Address W.J. COOK, 1808 Callforn St. Dcnvcr.Colo. |