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Show ASSESSMENT NOTICE. Ii' Good Hope Placer Mining company. Lo- i i' cation of principal placo of business, Salt ij;, ij Lako Cltj. Utah. Notice Is hereby glvon !j i IH that at a meeting of thc directors, held III 1 cn thc 9tn day of April, 1SOJ, an assess- S'l J ' j ment of threo and one-half (IVi) contB per 5lk( ',1 onaro was lovlcd on the capital stock of jh " , th corporation, payablo r.n tho 18th day !' , of "May, 1904, to William F. Colton. treas- if 1 1 I urcr, at his office. No. 301 Dooly block, II. ; Ii Salt Lako City, UtaK Any stock upon Jj which this assessment may remain un- h paid on tho 19th day of May, 1901, will bo ;1( 1 delinquent and advertised for sale at A ' i public auction, and unless payment la A, , , mado before, will bo sold on tho 13th day $y j M of June. 1904. at 12 o'clock noon, to pay y , tho delinquent assessment, together with thc costs of advertising and oxpenses of , tM sole. WILLIAM: P. COLTON. ' i "H Secretary. ) Dated April 15. 1904. ! ,, |