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Show Mining Notes. Alex Colbath, superintendent of the Alta Qulncy, who came down from camp Thursday night, says he has now ' opened up tho new ore body on the contact con-tact for twenty-two feet and that ho will have several carloads of high-grade high-grade ore ready for shipment as soon as the road shall have been reopened. Manager C. E. Knox of Tonopah's Montana group of bonanzas Is scheduled to arrive from the EasL on Sunday. Manager Hyde of the Annlo Laurie is up from that bonanza at KImberly much pleased with conditions. That the usual dlvldond will come the present pres-ent month he, with others, has no doubt. S. W. Gundakcr, . for many years prominently identlflod with the mines of the West, camo In from St. Louis yesterday in the interest of the Louisiana Loui-siana Purchase Souvenir Coin company and is being most cordially received by old friends. He la accompanied by K. W. Harlan, a polished son of the distinguished dis-tinguished jurist, who Is Inquiring Into the West. Both will remain several days, the latter having fifteen years ago served under Receiver Hobbs. C. A. Cook has gone to Blilgham to conduct an examination of mining property prop-erty near the United States company's domains. Henry Price, postmaster at Nowlands, Nov., ten miles west of Statellne, Is in Salt Lake. Mr. Price is Interested in a number" of mining properties at Fay and Statellne and other places In that region. The Utah of Finn Springs marketed another lot of high-grado sllvcr-lcad oro during the afternoon. Theodore Hatfield, superintendent of the Albion company's properties at Alta, Is down from camp again getting acquainted with the management. The long tunnel Is again advancing toward the land of promise. Paymaster PI they of the Utah Con. loft for Bingham yesterday morning with checks for the April pay-roll. Manager Kobinson of the Tintic Mining Min-ing nnd Development company, left for the South again yesterday morning. |