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Show AT THE HOTELS. The New Wilson. Arrivals at the New Wilson European hotel yesterday were: S. O. Gardner, Norwich. Conn.; B. F. Cannon, Ogden; R. B. Miller, Provo; E. M. Cobb, Lima, O , T. B Blake, J. W. Petersen, Denver; J. M. Snuffln, Chicago; Mrs. N. Cosctto, Now York; J. W. Hauscn, San Francisco; J. S. Cohen and family. Idaho; S. C Smutzor. Denver; S. W. Eataugh, Michigan; Michi-gan; H. 11. BroTTn, Los Angolcs; W. W. Dixon and wife. Butte; Gcorpo McDonald, Livingston, Mont.; B. V McCado, Helena; M. O. Gilbert, Los Angeles, C. Frlckson and wife, Rosalond. B C, L. F. Borcman. William Byera. Park City; Mrs L. K Smith, Ogden; S. Rotznoker. San Francisco; Fran-cisco; S. Slokom. Christiana, Pa.; Mrs. A F Townsend, Miss Townscnd. Evunston. Wyo.; C. "Wessendorf, J. "V. Brown. Memphis. Mem-phis. Tonn., J. I Foley, Loganaport, Ind.; C. H. Becker. Troy. N. Y.. C, J. Stanton, St. Louis; E. T. Ftlloy. Elwood, Ind - Mrs. T S. Fenn. Tannar. Mo.; Latta Roddatz, Laniar, Mo.; S. W. Topdok. Va-torbury. Va-torbury. Mo.; S. M. Thornley, Perrv. la.; C. L. "Waldo, Des Moines, la. ; S. M. Shat-tuc. Shat-tuc. Denver; W. II. Draper, NUes. O.; Wilbur Grace. Newcastle, Pa.; V. H Do Wolfo and wife. Beaver; A. B. Kennedy. Denver; A. M. Marls and wife, Grand Rapids, Mich ; Dr. D. Mclntvre, F. M. Saenger, Dala, "Wis.; R. L. McKcnzic. A. L. Livengcr. Iowa Falls, la.; Dr. II. II. McCarthy, Chicago; A. E. Hall. Minneapolis; Minne-apolis; D. R. McCallan, Canton, O.; V. W. Barnes, Cumberland, Md.; L. Lowcn-stein. Lowcn-stein. Price: J. S. Emerson. Omaha; Ralph Edmunds, Idaho Falls, Ida.: R. II. Morton Mor-ton and wife. Provo; W. B. Curtis and wife, Boston. Tho Cullen. Yesterday's arrivals at thc Cullen were: G. U. Dunbar, Logan; J- K. .Thompson, Pueblo; T. J. Cullen, London; A. J. Mc-Kenzle, Mc-Kenzle, Charles T. Murphy, Bingham, II. G. Croak. A. M. Murdock. Hfber; J. E. Dunley, Orleans, Nob.; John Wood, Juab; Al Welch. Silver City; M. A. Ganld. Ogden; Og-den; II. AV. Thurlby. CrcstOn. la: C. V. Benson. Richfield. Neb.: M. Hendrlckson. Idaho Falls; R. lloff. Mrs. M. Wilson. M. J. Fitzgerald; 1. Stancovld, George Baeco-vkl, Baeco-vkl, Ogden: M. F. Branch. Stockton. Cal.: P. P. Bush and wife, Nashville, Tenn. ; Mrs. Loo Colton, Mississippi; Fred Blythc, Davenport. Ia.; Peter JSIsln and wife. E. O. Mattls. Indianapolis; J A Esan, Bingham; Bing-ham; Heber S. Pyno. Provo: A. J. Anderson. An-derson. Evanston, Wyo.; II. G. Dodds, Boulder, Colo. |