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Show N. A. Miller, Tailor. 829-330 D. F. Walker building. Imported Im-ported afl domestic goods for spring and summer. McCoy's livery stable for carriages and light livery. Telephone SI. THE FASHIONABLE LITTLE JACKET. FANCY BOLEROS 4701. DESIGN BY MAY M ANTON. Little jackets of lace, embroidery or fancy silk, -worn over full blouses of thin material arc greatly in vogue and make charming combinations that are almost universally becoming. The very pretty little models Illustrated aro adapted to the entire range of fashionable materials and Include two sorts. The one shown In the upper corner la of lace, with a llnlsh of silk niching at Its outer edge, and is cut in one piece that is shaped to give a satisfactory fit and to form the sleeves. The one to thc right is made of fancy jHlk with trimming of lace banding and' is cut with fronts, back and sleeves and fitted by means of shoulder nnd under-arm seams. It is; however, slashed at the lower edges of both Jacket and sleeves and so provides ample flare while the long shoulder line Is produced by the trimming applied over the arms-eyes seams. The quantity of material required for the one piece bolero is ITi yards of material 21 or 27 or yards 44 Inches wide; for bolero with sleeves 2 yards 21 or 27 or 1 yards 41 Inches wide- A May Manton pattern, No 1704, sizes 32 to 40. will be mailed to any address by the Fashion Departmentof this paper on receipt of 10 cents. Send to , ' : : Size I Pattern rTo (Ten Cents Inclosed.) As orders are filled from the East, it will require about ten days -f from receipt of order to receive patterns. Keep your eye on Castilla. Iff "When the eyo is in troublo uso awj I reliable remedy. HI I Is a wonderful reliever of sore, weak nnd inflamed eyes. One bottlo usually effcots a complete cure, i CURES ALL EYE AFFECTIONS. J ST. LOUIS EXCURSIONS Via Oregon hort Line, Tuesdays and Fridays of each week. Round trip from Salt Lake only $42.50. TIckots good for sixty days. Shortest, fastest line. See other Short Line advertisements in this Issue for further quotations. To Build Robust Health I start at the foundation of life and health. Assist your organs to do their work properly. Food and drink cannot 1 1 nourish if your liver is not working- right. Dyspepsia and 1 1 Indigestion follow if your digestive organs are out of D 1 order. Constipation cannot exist if your bowels are free. I A short course of Bcecham's Pills will soon put you right I and an occasional one will keep you so. BEECHAM'S PILLS will do more to build up robust health and maintain ft than I any other medicine. They have done this, and are con- H tinually doing it for thousands all over the world. If you J start now and take BEECHAM'S PILLS occasionally you 1 will certainly benefit to a remarkable degree. Sold Everywhere in Boxes, 10c. and 25c. I SPOT CASH SHOE, JVLE, The entire stock will be sold out AT SALE PRICES. We Need the Money. S 25 per cent to 60 per cent Saved on your Shoe Purchases this Spring. FOUR BARCAiWS THAT WILL GO IN A HURRY Ladies' Pafonfldoal Kid.E. P. Rood's djp R Men's VIci or Volour Sprinft Sfoqk. tfrp j r I make. Value $3.50 M- 1 25 Per Cent Off VaIuo 350 Ladles' Goodyear Welts, new styles, p OPT School Shoes. Men's Calf Shoes, all sizes and g . OCJ ! Value $3.50 $.00 widths. Value $3.00 ft .OU 3 ONE. PRICE. TO ALL NEVE R , UNDERSOLD I 'lliH Special Prices, Splendid Bargains in our I 9 "H Cloak Department Friday and Saturday j i tl I1- Less- Than Actual Cost 11; ill $0$ffittF' "3 samples suits and 47 suits ' fill '1 tftIF from our own superb stock of i INIll ' ll broken lines and discontinued N it '1 jvj&pJ numbers v.' ill be placed on sale ll'llll ray anc Saturday S ll H 1 Ml $ f I 0 ladies' new spring suits that L J Jl ( HI M f ' Jf f i were lntendol to sell for J16.9&, J ill II , 1 sy?3 F "Y ; W Slfl'50' $22-00 and 25-- AU slzes 1 H SffiF t nn(i 3ty'ea m tne collection. Fab- gj 'Ml lj I s'i'pi i: J V r'cs mcludc handsome checks, ja ( I'li I I ftfSfl ' (J " I ivivV tweeds and plain blacks, blue or M L I'll I gpj f jj jjj brown ladlesf cloJn- " j I Opportunity jjj j p White Goods Bargains ' ; ll 40-lnch white India Ilnon. value The most novel white waistlnRs, Q A J ? 20c: on sale this tiff well worth 60c; on A A f I lil'lll'H week, per yard ....f. 'Or sale, per yard 4-4 r b ' ' ' ! A 27M;C quality white .rJidia linon, . U j IH j -10 inches wide this c(f Imported pin dot white cmbroi- w I ' I'H 1 week, a yard lyr dered Swisses, value ?1.25; this 0 u P "White silk Persian lawn, for week, a nRff 8 ll i I graduating: gowns, value 35c yard Jr p ' ij J I 3'ard , '22' "?Vhlte wash chiffon. 50 Inches ' j I Pi 50-Inch wide white Paris lawn, wlde. for graduating gowns. 1 1,1 ) j for graduating gowns, worth which can't be matched at $1 2.1; i ) y GOc, at, a , -jn(T. I this week, a I 1 'H ard. . . . TjM h yard . .... g ,j Iave Been "tbe Best for forty vears i i 1 1 -(gx GETTING IT IN THE fi'M -WrV ...neck... . tN) is bad enough, figuratively speakinR.. V'l !j' tc inWx H Vn wen you have to pay out big price? i -i M JfiW for ,nferlor snou leather but getting ll ! 'l jH t,1C fGCt flom 111flt"tmB s'es is as j fiiiY 1 iir NEW "TARSIC" Slice is com- vf r fortable and durable, and only costs- j ' ThelooreSlioeCo, tjjfl SIGN OF ;' , the biq shoe. 258 So. Main St. 1 1 H Our $2.65 SHOE SALE Ends Saturday Night ' 1000 pairs of S5.00 samples. sam-ples. Also 50 lines of regular reg-ular S3.50 nud S4.00 shoes. Completo sizes and widths for men and women. 238 and 240 Main St 'Phona 695. ESTABLISHED 1875. JOHN BUCKLE & SON, Popular Tailors 235 SO. MAIN ST. P. O. Sox 688. Salt Lake Qlty. i o O Just Received 5 , i, I 5 Carload ? ' OF THE BEAUTIFUL ' ' I HellerPianos r- Mm Tho finest modcratc-prlco Flans . ' ever cold hero. 5 I J SOLD ONLY B7 ' I I Clayton Mmk Co.? i'llfl 109 MAIN ST. tt ' ltill S EVERYTHING MUSICAL C ii , J ! jJM Burton Coal & Lumber Co.' ' r'i'H j , 'Phone 808. j ' |