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Show MONTANA SHOT UP AND SPRAWLED OUT The day's business on the mining exchange was reduced to S420 shares of stock, an inventory of the cash register revealing but 53520. The sensational advances in Montana of Tonopah and the eagerness with which was sought up to $1.70 was the feature of the day's trading, whllo equally as Gcnsatlonal was Its flattening out to an offering at $1.BDV6 at the close, tho talent having been unablo to verify a report that a dividend was on the road. Daly, meanwhile, mean-while, had recorded a transfer at $2.35, with Daly-Judge releasing ten shares at $4.75, whllo Daly-West Changed hands at $22.50. Con. Mercur continued woak at 31Uc, while Its neighbor, Sacramento, Sac-ramento, was dealt in nt 15 cents with Lovvor Mammoth going over the counter coun-ter at 21c. The adherents of New York found n refuge for all offerings down to 10& cents, while Undo Sam executed an ordor for a half thousand at 19vic, the day closing on the following mar-ket; mar-ket; I A, M. P. M. I Did. Aakod. Bid. AsKcd. Ajax .15U $ .17 1$ .HVi $ Allco 20 0 Bull.-Beck 1.75 1.75 Butler-Lib .. .12 .VJvfc A2i .12ya Carlsa 0-3 .OS .00?, .03 Century 73 .75 .72 .7G Creole ., -10 -10 Con. Mercur. .33 .35 Daly 2.32 2.-10 2.35 2.C0 Daly-Judgo 4.00 4.20 5,00 Daly West 22.25 22.95 22.25 23.00 Emorald 02 E3. & B. B... .50 50 Cialena .00V 02 Grand Cent,. 4.C0l 4.75 4.60 4.75 Horn Silver . 1.10 ) 1.30 Ingot I .01 .00; Joe Bowers. . .OOVil Little Bell 1.00 1.00 Little Chief . ,01J .01-"Ji .01 .Oli L. Mammoth .20 .21 25 t n nu I mu ft' rnL Mammoth ... .60 .00 00 Manhattan 00 3-1C 00 3-16 May Day 05 .0531 .05 .0514 Mar. Wash 01 .00 .01 Montana-T . 1.63U 1.G7& 1.55 1.50 New York .. .10 .11 .10 .10 Ontnrlo ., .. 3.25 3.25 Petro 07 07 Blch.-Ana, . . ,005i .01 01U Rocco-H 50 50 Sunshine 03 OC Swansea . .15 15 S. Swansea . .03 Sacramento . .15 .15?i .15H .16 Silver King CO.fO Star Con J0i .11 .11 .14 Silver Shield 03 03 Totro 245i .2 .21 .2(5 Unifd States 19.75 20.75 19,75 20.75 Uncle Sam .19 .20 54 Mctor 01 01 .011 Wabash 03 Yankeo Con. .37 .40 .36 .39 MORNING SALES. Daly West. 10 at $22.50. Lower Mammoth. 50-3 at 21c. Montana-Tonopah, 500 at $1.00; 10D at $1.62; 100 at $1.07, seller thirty daye; 100 at $1.70; 100 at $1.(5. seller thirty days; 100 at $1.C5, seller Blxty days. Sacramento. 1500 at 169ic. Shares sold, 3010. Selling value. $21M.25. OPEN BOARD. Daly, 100 at $2.35. Dalv-Judgo, 10 at $4.75. Lower Mammoth. 300 at 21c. New York. 600 at 11c. Uncle Sam Consolidated, 500 at 19ic Shares sold. 1410. Selling value, $4&0.2o. AFTERNOON SALES. Con. Morcur. 300 at 34lc. ' Montana-Tonopah, 200 at $1.59. Shares sold, 500. Selling value. $420.75. OPEN BOARD. Butlor-Libcral, 1000 at 2vlc. NeW York, 500 at 11c; 500 at lOftc; 5C0 at 10c. Silver Shield, 1000 at ltfc. Shares sold, 3500. Selling value, 1403.75. |