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Show OVERLAND MINES ;, j: j PROBABLY RESUME !i I Discussing a rumor that arrangements i ! ' had been perfected and that orders had 'J ' been given to resume operations at tho p'll jjl Overland mines, Camp Floyd district, A. ! L. lloppaugh, counsol for tho receiver 11 i ' and attorney for many local interests, i j ' . said yesterday that whllo conditions were I ' favorablo to all such, ho would not con- l ' I' sent to It until a final interview with J counsol for the bondholders this morning. 1, 1 Mr. Hoppaugh urges that ho Is himself 1 , j j ' anxious to bco it, but ho Insists that tho 1 !i ' i expenses Incurred during the receiver's "i . 'j ' administration and which amount to bc- 'l ' f tweon W0OO and 55000, shall bo provided for. i !i ( That this will be done and that tho Mllls- Elanchard Interests aro prepared to ox- pt-nd $30,000 or mora on tho effort to re- i ' ' claim the proposition ho had already, per- ' haps, tho assuranco of . Messrs. Pierce, 1 J I Critchlow ,t BaiTOtte, rcsldont couisscl for ' '.J those interests. It has all tho appearance of a bona-fldu "go" this time. |