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Show INTEREST IN A DOG FIGHT cost Wllllnm Burns, a tourist from Chicago, the use of his arm fcr several weeks. Mr. Burns was riding on the platform of a "Seeing Salt Lake" car when his attention atten-tion whs attracted by a couple of canines noar tho track who were indulging In a particularly lively scrap In Ihe excitement excite-ment of the moment Mr. Burns leaned over too far and his elbow struck one of tho poles between the tracks, snapping the boiw I In wits taken to his hotel, whero the arm wua sot, nnd In left on the next train for homo. The Injured man Is a prominent contractor In the Windy City, n JUDGE DIEIIL suspended sontencc on Albert Cheatham,' a sevcnteon-ycar-old boy, cliarged with Incorrigibility, yesterday yester-day mombig. Cheatham says that his aunt and hl.i grandmother have offered him a home and that he will be a good boy and go to work. 4 BERT NELSON, the aeronaut and bicyclist, bicy-clist, added one more to his long list of hairbreadth fpcapos while looping the loop at tho Salt Palace. Ho was trying Dla-valo's Dla-valo's feut yesterday In the newly-constructed loop and lost control of his bicycle bi-cycle ns It Klnrtrd on the upward turn. Man nnd inachinn traveled buoyantly through the air for a consldcrablo distance. dis-tance. Tho man enmo down on a soft placo and was not hurt. He announces that ho will try it ngaln and agnln until ho learns Just how tho trick Is dono. u tt SORROWING FRIENDS of Mrs. 55111a Blrklnnhaw were presont In great numbers num-bers at tho funornl services held from tho Ninth ward mnftlng-houso yesterday afternoon. Many beautiful floral offorlngs decked tho caukot and heartfelt trlbuto was paid to tho character of the deceased. Interment took plnco at tho City cemo-tory. cemo-tory. William Blrklnshaw, tho husband of the deceased, has tho sympathy of tho entire community, as h has been a helpless help-less Invalid for tho past year and has boon more or less dependent on tho loving ministrations of his wife. a t BANK CLEARINGS vcslerday amounted amount-ed to the sum of &GS.193.M. as against ?-IC5.-IQS.79 for the corresponding day of last year. i. SALT LAKE CHAPTER. Dauchtc.-s of tho Confederacy, will moot on Saturday, Mav 7, at 3 p m., at the rcsldcnco of Mrs. Judge Hall, comrr of Seventh ,East and South Tomplo streets, to makn preparations prepara-tions for Iho oxerclscs on Decoration day. All members and friends of the cause aro especially Invited to bo present. A O f CROSBY PrCKERTNG. wbllo working at his father's grocery storo at 160 Sov-enth Sov-enth East, accidentally fell from a pllo of boxes and cut his eye so badly that It was necessary to have a physician tako threo stitches. IT IS REQUESTED that all mothers having chlldron in tho primary department depart-ment of the First M. E. church send their children to tho church Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock to sing in tho Sunday-school convention. ARTICLES of Incorporation of tho Millard Mil-lard County Tolegraph and Telephone . i .1 t:mi1tst.j tt iiro company. uisuuu.i.-u m j.-filed j.-filed yesterday In tho ofllco of the Secretary Secre-tary of Slate. Tho capital stock of tho corporation Is $0fW, divided Into COO sharc! of the par value of 510 each. Tho officers aro as follows: Thomas C Calllster. president presi-dent and manager; Alice M. Calllster. vice-president; T. Clark Calllster, secretary secre-tary and treasurer. These officers, with Gcorgo Y. Wallace and D. S. Murray, constitute con-stitute tho directorate. a a THE Pan Power and Electric company of Utah, organized In Salt Lake with n. capitalization of ?10.000. Hied articles of incorporation with tho Secretary' of Stato vesterday. Tho stock is divided into shares of the par valuo of Jl each. Thu following are the officers: William D. Cameron, president; William M. Bradloy. vice-president; James A- Mahon, secretary secre-tary and treasurer. r MRS. FRANK THOMAS, aged 21 years, living at 173 E street, was taken to tho Isolation hospital with a case of smallpox, by the Health officers, yesterday. IT WAS REPORTED to tho ncalth office of-fice vesterday that Lena Olson, aged 0 veurs. IS East Fifth South street, Is sul-fering sul-fering with typhoid fovcr. O FROM the little ante-room off tho County Coun-ty Clerk's office In the city and county building a pocketbook, containing between $19 and J2V. was stolen some time yesterday yester-day afternoon. The purse was loft hanging hang-ing on tho rack In tho room by ono of .tho employees of tho ofllco after returning from her lunch at noon. When she was roadv to leave at 5 o'clock In tho evening it was discovered that tho purse and monev had beon taken. County Clerk James Is more or less exercised over tho theft, ns very few people, with the exception excep-tion of tho employees of the office, ever enter the room. THE REMAINS of Mrs. Ella Uauer-bach. Uauer-bach. late wife of J. A- Haucrbach. will bo shipped to Lincoln, Tooele county, this morning, whero Interment will be made. Ycsterdav afternoon tho undertaking parlors par-lors of Joseph E. Taylor wore crowded with city frlonds of the deceased, who attended services conducted by Bishop Barton of tho Nineteenth ward and tho Order of Washington. There were many beautiful floral offerings, and the sorvlccs were made the more Impressive by an Instrumental In-strumental quartetto from tho Utah Stato band whoso members attended out of regard' re-gard' for deceased and hor husband. O v II A. FETERSON, who .was released fiom the penitentiary a few days ago after serving a term for forgery, will havo to answer the same charge In anothor case. A complaint alleging the forgery of Gof. Wcller's namo to a check for $05.30 was signed yesterday by Fred Chrlsten-scn, Chrlsten-scn, the man who cashed the check This offense Is alleged to have boon committed June S. 1503. before Peterson went to tho penitentiary. 4 LIZZIE AND JACOB COHEN were arraigned ar-raigned before Judge Dichl yesterday afternoon, charged with robbing Carl Dahlberg of $10. Lizzie's professional namo Is Helen Smith and Cohen travels as Frank Joseph. Yesterday they admitted admit-ted that they wcro husband and wife. Thov pleaded not guilty to tho chargo of robbery and will bo given a hearing thl3 afternoon. Their ball Is fixed at $250 each. COUNTY PHYSICIAN MAY'O'S report to tho Countv Commissioners for the month of April shows that thero were four cases of smallpox, one of scarlet fever and ono of dlphthorla reported In tho countv during tho month, all of which aro still under quarantine. Two of tho smallpox patients llvo on Eleventh South street, one Is hi Crescent and one In South Jordan. o JAMES WARD fell from a twenly-flvc-foot scaffolding at the Highland Boy smolter vesterday, while engaged In th work of building a chimney, and sustained painful Injuries. He was taken to tho Murray hospital for treatment. PLANS FOR a now terrace to be built by David Keith on tho old mlllalto on North Tomplo street arc being drawn In tho office of Architect Craig, but tho exact ex-act size and cost of tho improvement hns not yet been decided upon. Mr. Keith proposes soon to wreck tho old State fair buildings on Sixth East street, and It Is likely fbmc modern improvement will oc-. cupy that ground. "THE COMPENSATION OF DEATH" -will bo the subject of a sermon to be delivered de-livered by Rabbi Reynolds at the regular service tonight In tho Jewish synngoguo. MR. AND MRS. CHARLES MOSTYN OWEN arrived homo Wednesday evening from Washington, where they had been for several months. Mr. Owen has been taking an active part in tho Smoot Investigation. Inves-tigation. t ALBERT I. STILES and Lcroy Hunter, Hun-ter, hydrogranhlc aids, have been assisncd by tho Interior dcpartniont nt Washing-, ton to the Held forco of Engineer Georgo L. Swomlscn of tho Government recloma- i tlon service for Utah: Mr. Stiles Is a gradunte of the Leland Stunford university, univer-sity, :uid Mr. Hunter Is a graduate of the Institute of Technology, Boston. Both men have had considerable Held oxpeiienco and will be valuable- additions to Mr. Swendsen's force. |