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Show SIX FINE HORSES NOW STABLED AT RICHFIELD Special to Tho Tribune, RICHFIELD. May C Six of the finest horses over brought to Utah aro stabled In Richfield. They camo from Truman's Pioneer Stud farm at Bnshncll, 111. W. L. Merryfield of tho Buslmoll farm Is here with tho stallions. Tho largest hor.so of the six Is Vlgilan-ter. Vlgilan-ter. a forrel Suffolk, weighing upward of 2200 pounds. There aro three magnificont specimens of Percheron horseflesh, all boasting gllt-edgo gllt-edgo pedigrees, and two of them Imported. Their nnmfs nro Arctic, Mlgnon and Chester Lad. Two of them nro Imported Kngllsh shires, Malloy and Kline's Salom. Tho latter, a magnificent two-year-old. has already been sold, tho purchasers ho-Inp ho-Inp Peter NelFon. tho Richfield liveryman, livery-man, Andrew Poulson. Peter Poulson and Joseph Poulson. |