Show PINCHOT SCORES ES PLAN OF GA GARRISON ON WATE ER POWER Declares Shields Bill Is Measure Approved by Monopolists By GILSON GARDNER S Special to Tho Telegram WASHINGTON Jan 26 Immediately 6 following the consideration of tho chip purchase bill the senate Benato Is 15 du due dua to take up th the Shields bill for lor the th gran granting tl b of 01 water Rt ter r powers on navigable na streams This bill I la a substitute for tho the so called Adamson bill which passed tho the house last after RIter Its worst Jokers had been ted eliminated on tho the floor b by the splendid work of ot Stevens of New ew Hampshire Rainey of or Illinois Kent of or California and Ferris FerrI of or Oklahoma It will wUl be recalled that Just juet before tho Adamson bill btU came ame out of ot tho the reactionary committee on commerce of or tho the house hoIse Senator Knute Nel Nelson on of ot Minnesota was discovered to have ha submitted to Rome Romo B. B Brown the well known attorney for tor the tho water power Interests a confidential draft of ot a water power bill which would have 8 absolutely absolute ly turned over the water powers of or the country countr to tho the trust with practically no compensation to the federal coV government Many any of ot the passAges gf Inthia Inthis In this thU confidential draft and man many of ot the amendments suggested suggest d by Mr Brown were found to have hava crept Into the Adamson Adamson Adam Adam- son Ion bill bUl but were eliminated on the th floor noor of ot the tho hout house Adamson Measure d. d The senate committee on ott commerce commer of ot which whir Senator John K Shields of 01 Tenne Ten- Ten ne M is II a m member refused to consider the Adamson bill bUt when It earns came me to themi tham Instead Shields Shield Introduced a 8 substitute bill which was wu sent to Secretary of ot War Garrison on for tor his su suggestions Tho rho ho war department through tho the chief of ot en engi engineers engl- engl has Jurisdiction over power sites in navigable rivets rivers S Secretary Garrison rec- rec fd to the committee e the adoption of ot certain amendments to tho the Shields bill blU embo embodying the worst worl features of ot Knute Nel t confidential cont draft bill approved approVed approved ap ap- ap- ap proved by Rome torne O. O Bro Brown Bron n and the water water water wa wa- wa- wa ter power interests Curiously enough hit hia proposed amendments amendment were in some Iome cues cases identical word Sword for wordS word with similar elm sim liar ilar amendments suggested to Nelson by Attorney Horney Brown Bron The committee adopted the sUJ suggestion of 01 Garrison and reported the bill blU out A As it now flOW stands it is tho the clearest attempt attempt attempt at at- tempt to defeat tho conservation con water waterpower waterpower waterpower power policy ct made In spite of or an agreement between Secretaries Houston Lane and Garrison as to the division jon of 01 au authority tion tv between the the agricultural In Interior Interior In- In tenor and war departments over over water powers In their several e jurl Jurisdictions I the Shields bill approved b by Garrison would I taka take tho the Jurisdiction over water powers In national forests away from Secretary Houston Houlton and those on public lands away from Secretary Secreta Lone Lane and pla place all aU power In the bands hands of or Garrison The Shields bill blU does doe not require the water ter po power er In Interests In- In tereta to pa pay for tor the th enormously ly alua blue privileges which it Is 18 proposed to toN give rivo N them although th the amended Adam Adam- eon aon bill for Cor which It is 15 substituted d does s. s protect th tho public Interest In pr precisely this way The Shields bill falls fails to pro- pro for the necessary publicity and uniformity unIformity uni unI- of oC accounts account so 60 as to make possible possible pos pos- pos pos- sible Bible the proper supervision of ot the affairs attain of ot tho the company compan as the Adamson bill did Jill Bill S Seems ems Deceptive Tho The Shields bill ostensibly provides for tor forA torA A method o of terminating the water po power er gr grant nt at tho the end of fifty years ears but as a matter of ot fa fact t. t It is apparently carefully drawn n so IO O as 88 to make mako it practically for tho the United States to resume Its rights righta Jt Ji t dO does this by opening tho way for Inde Indefinite litigation over o the fair feir value of oC the tho property to be bo taken back and anti by the use of ot language under which the united States might be required to take uke over o the whole electric plant of a elt city In ord order r to get possession again of ot a water power owned by the tile people This bill but also gives te the power trust the tho th right to condemn any land public or private private vate ate a right which It should never have but which should be exercised when whon re required re- re for tor water vater power power development de' either by tho the states or tho the national gov gov- emInent Worst of ot all the Shields ds bill bUl requires the government on taking back again the property whose use use- the they ha have hare granted to pay the unearned Increment on land condemned or otherwise acquired b by the company compan The Shields bill but for tb the granting of ot water powers JOwe on navigable streams Is tho the bill of the water po power por r monopolists said sald Pinchot prel president ent of or the National Na National Na C Conservation association In a statement severely e scoring Secretary GarrIson Garrison Gar Gar- rison risen for tor his participation In this scheme There has been besa no clearer attempt t to defeat the conservation policy since water water wa wa- wa- wa ter power first became a great national problem It Is a direct rever reversal l of the tho wise 18 and fair conservation aton provisions contained con eon in Sn n the Adamson aA It pas passed led the house houe for tor which the Shields bill wa was substituted President Wilson Sitson Indor indorsed cd the final Adamson bill The Shields billIs bill billis 1 is directly opposed to the water po power er policy polley which the he president has thus In In- In dented dont But the Shields bill bUl is approved by bT Secretary Garrison This IK is the second sec tec- cond c- c ond time we have b been n forced to call public attention to a a. reprehensible neglect neg- neg leet lect of or the public interest In water power the of or on part Secretary Garrison |