Show I APPEAL IN I PANTAGES OFFERING 1 I b program of or vaudeville which has hast t t. t tho tte fancy of or the pa- pa the wale Teele will be offered for tor torI I I Jut Wt t time lima today It Includes tho the Ine In- In e Interest story etory portrayed In InD InDY D Day DY y on lUe Elie Wand Island presented b by ale Ertes and aDd company compan tho the sen- sen isai game on bicycles by Orford Tr Trio ad U and Kane ne the tort of new ew methods of oC extract extract- lA b Rt Re I acrobatic bulldogs Lay ani and M Merrill pleasing enter enter- th song BOng and chatter Because M b kg B feature bill of or next wc week k Man Man- r has lias been KT Et the announced diving compelled to cont contests ata 4 competitions wl will Vm be held S on h. h and aM Tuesday nights only |