Show THE THEATRES G I t I Telegrams Telegram's ler ams Critics Critic Buy Their Theatre Tick Ticket chef t i I Hurt Heart tonight and tomorrow night with peg o 0 D My VAU VAUDEVILLE ILLE show with Harrlson on Brockbank the man who looks An a ish is f attractions h- h leon Allen Allen and a monkey circus as leading N Matinees this the week daily program on bicycles A A Day Oxford trio in Jn basketball played on The S-The 1 I 1 acrobatic bulldogs MOVING MOVIN G PI PICTURES ES I r and Wednesday Cl Clar ara Young the worlds world's foremost TodaY CAll p l actE actress s. s inand in The D Purple m an underworld play that has be i a classic Concert Conert orchestra Prof Prot J. J J. J McClellan conductor Today rr and Wednesday y all aU star r cast in Ten Ten Nights in a Barroom I the tho celebrated stage drama film of ot act live act adaptation I Bosworth W y-Bosworth y presents The Stain St. a motion picture drama In six 6 si t I l fe feature a t ure The Better Man serial Ta y With ith Julian JuHan Street and Wallace Morgan in ic Concert orchestra u l muNG J little Peggy 0 ONeil O'Neil has won won fame in Peg 0 o My l best of all is her Hurt Hear t for several reasons but reason NATURALNESS she she is Irish ll herself she feels the emotions of little littlen Un n honest t sincere pure ure minded little tittle Irish girl sent amidst t i of snobs II who ho II were slaves to custom and cons conventionality e who rho dared not laugh because laughing was not proper pi oper IJ 3 J Hartley Manners Iti wrote rote rote a most charming stage story when n ed Peg o o 0 My Iy Ii Heart part and Oliver l chose a most ng g little woman for the role of Peg when he engaged Miss l Sti H er brogue is de delicious licious' her roguish blue eyes laugh with joy o F of youth one minute and flash defiance the next w when hen ne e casts a doubt about the greatness of Pegs Peg's father father- ui f-ui air In describing P Pegs Peg's g e s separation from her father Miss l ONeil O'Neil t ds a fine tone of pathos and displays disPlay's rare emotional acting My In Jn her love scenes she is adorable and captivating t is s in comedy however that sh she e excels The Irish wit of stage stag e Peg Pe g seems native with her bI Miss 1 iss ONeil O'Neil is sure to ue winning fame as s a n comedienne ma Wc e still maintain that the red wig is a handi handicap p to her I It the beauty of her natural black curls Those AThose f I in n last i nights night's 1 audience at the Salt Lake who had seen o 0 My bey Heart here before naturally made comparisons of of O'Neil's ONeil s acting with the interpretation given the role by Miss liss wince t. t nee Mart Martin n whom wham we saw here before f Both young women are charming both have made big Ameri- Ameri o titles ties bow to their acting ability Miss Martins Martin's Peg was are modest P perhaps more pathetic paths tic than Miss l 0 Neils Her Peg e one feel fed sorry for the little girl among strangers Now we all Il know that the Irish can take care of themselves i ider der de most any in v kind of conditions And so Miss 0 O'Neil's Nells inter- inter et station tion en seems more natural than that of Miss 1 Martin Her Peg the courageous spirit of a true Irish lad or lassie One feels i it if Peg is a m match atch for all nIl the English when hen he sees Miss l 0 ONeil O'Neil Neil the he part Miss ONeil O'Neil 0 gets a great deal more comedy out of the role than 1 f ee M Martin n did lWe We re will all have to g give ge e the palm to Roland Hogue among iee lie e in in the supporting company His Alaric is is a bit of finished t rk that at has has not been ben excelled here in a long time Mr l Hogue II M. M mth Miss bliss Martin here but was called caned away in the middle ofie of ie k to join oin the Chicago company headed b by Miss l ONeil He Hefte everything possible out of his part and never fails to make lence c e laugh iFor For our part we will see Peg o 0 My Iy H Heart several more 1 A 4 A t f Ite m before we cry enough r L. L a. a v T t |