Show 4 1 the society mUl loT for TELEGRAM I Id rUZ bands of ot th the tho so ao d b be In the 10 riot not late t than I Ik I the be morning of ot the day i k OD nud in order to insure t to I W on that hat t day or Of Nation to t 00 given cn 1 by byrt rt O of or h American n U-M U J 1 Wednesday day evening Ft Feb Feb- the thea 6 st 10 to be bo ono of ot n had this winter S a li LJ We at the iho Hotel Ur Utah b an anel the 1 14 41 t. t fita noor l I la to o be uE d- d u and th the theet wn- wn hB e the i parlor he hc elaborately decoSi lee deco et t hall MU room Si H to o reprint fl a J ib meo m in tiar c will tJ dr s Tte l hav- hav av- av V urTy n of or the costumes ht from t will lw be tart Part art of or the th then n fl n. n balL nt t lor fc the r In tho the main dining room roon rr of or ad- ad In tho price It ire jrr lr Kol EI I l t Is chairman of or I ent and mJ ho will have tot to toI toW of or W W lUter chairman I t Jr aDd r committee e Mr Ira tra of or th lh the ticket r. r LoT Tt and Mi G G B. B Web Web- tte committee publicity of ot tl the I an D K E 1001 D Y will wll b bc chairman for I J. J ith her will bo io td UnIon Worth- Worth Wid Irs Thorne Of tho arri JI IL I wid tb Mn Douglas Dougls will Her JIu a l will wit be Faier Irr D n Brayton Drayton Mrs ft Mrs Miss lIss FAna lIt John Clerk Clark and Mies Mar Mar- committee In- In an Tilt Tile supper Irs iL l W. W TUtor Mra Mr F. F E E- Elc Mc- Mc lc- lc Mrs Mra T. T C. C r lr David M Taylor i I. Mf fr W W- V A A. an and 1 Mrs Mrs- I it toe tae coll called a n. m mE tIng flIm for foro o At nt 3 o'clock at the h of or the numbers of nil all comA com com- A J. number r of 0 specialists havo have havord rd b by Y those In charge e of dif dlf- roo of ot whom nr are pIng l IAh oa on their way to the Iana Pona- exposition Minn I IJ ted 1 C. C C. C Tullar will dance danco Mine ch have M never le been seen here brie to Tickets kel may be obtained obtain at Re Red fled ra South E Main street any U of tho women on OU the com com- T IDle EIe Godbe who Is Js to be martt mar- mar tt Tuesday will be bo guest Gunt of honka hon- hon if ka a number amber of or social affairs dUring durin fw III fa days Tide T afternoon L I Lath Williams d for tor thU thebe the tho Uio be be U at her ber home me on Sixth nOIbe aye O Tt Ibe boo boue bonse e V wa was S d decorated In pink bite bill carnations carrying o out the tite e. e On the table In the dining na a centerPiece J of the flower flowers I th there ro being fourteen took ef china chiM for lor th the tho truest et of or honor wa was waa spent at 1 As As- tte were Mm Iro C. C II 11 For Tor- Mia Wu u Miriam Lloyd 1101 Ms MIsa Ruth nuth E. E Lloyd will W D at a II linen Tomorrow soon noon Mlis Theresa Powells will give li rE and y afternoon molher Mrs Ir E. E L L. riTe tT e a kitchen n shower r Friday Even Even- fela IUs Ivy ITT Reeves will entertain i annual dinner lInner of or the Pan Pan- tic will lx ie given this thia Ci lit It the tho Hotel Utah It will bo boat o 4 at it rW O o'clock and Is to bo Lc quite Ml Following nUo dinner k H short busl- busl bo be held ond officers for W t- t 1 Informal dancing party parts will viii b be bettIs at th Salt Ja LaVo o ih du club by tome some of or the members of or b It will be a small affair and andi i Inn 1 bo 1 only a few rev guests F Wetzel etzel entertained last W it t a a. bun bundle Jo shower at nt her horn homo Weft Wot Sixth South street for Miss Ms I s ri Palmer who will be married tow toy to- to w y tl to Cleave Crave The Tho decora- decora ere all u In red and white lilt id h bears 1 bEIng hun hung about the doors s ia and vases vaen of or red and anI whito farther carrying out tho color colore e e ces e Iii In the shape hpe of or f r Cd and the cakes lies taa were In rt-d rt an 1 am white The by III her r sister r MI Miss 51 and lUll II by Miss Palmers Palmer's t lI A Md 11 A Palmer There re reut ut j I JIt 0 of or newer Keaver Is La the week or of r Iro William F F. r IO Q cb ant and rs ra T. T P. P n. n HarJ Harer r and in i-in toe be at Fort Douglas a 1 few tv d daya k Th They r are arc KOllM from K border to tho th Ca In Bark baa 1135 leen teen to h tran trans trans- the tho S Second ond Infantry D Dorothy roth Harker Harer and Thomas who tho c have bern ber In California will Ill Join tn lr parents In San an Ir I and ac accompany cc- cc company th thUi ln to tic the Islands lalande Miss Misa Mars MAO Wall hap hac gone Iono to 10 Ix Lo Ig s Angeles Angeles An An- geles where she abe will Join her slater Iet r Mr IX Ig WR A. A J Jeffie Mr dr arid and Mrs Irl Jeffs alt and b beb j daughter are arc spending tho the winter vInter In southern California c. V Mr Ir nn and 1 Mrs ra R It Walker Wi Salisbury and Mrs Mi J. J Frank rank Judge Jud-e have havo returned from rom California where they went the first orthe of or the year to be tho the guests of or D. D C. C Jack Jack- I ii ling ng Mr Ir and Mrs tra Harold Ura Bransford Tamb Lamb and baby boy will leave e the latter Tatter part of or tho the week for southern California whore where hf re they will take a cottage for or the ther r rt st of the winter and early spring Mies j B arl an Houston will accompany them Mrs Mi-a. E. E R It It r and Md Mrs Charles f Morse Morne will leave Saturday for a st stay 01 of ofu u month at l Long ng B ach Cal t Mr rr and Mra s. O. O J. J Enking and md family hl have to moved into their new home In Dou DougLis Doug Doug- la Lis lae Park Parle which ban recently been com lom plated They Thc are now at homo hom to their thelt friends at nt 1433 East Ninth South Tho The marriage 0 of or Mis Dorothy Doroth gen gent and S. S C. C Abbott which l took look ok ut itt O egden October r 17 1914 has recently been teen announce announced Mr and Mra Abbott boot are aro at homo to their friends at tho LaSallo La Sallo apartments |