Show LEGISLATORS VISIT HOT NEW STATEHOUSE Members of r the eleventh session of the Utah legislature members of or tho the state capitol commission and state slate officials paid pal an official visit to the new state capitol this morning The legislators and state officials assembled at the Hotel Utah at 10 11 o'clock and immediately took special cars to the capitoL Th Tho Inspection of ot the tho and the grounds was waa arranged for the tho purpose of acquainting the tho m members of ot tho the lc legisla legislature sta tutu ture the immediate needs of th the CApitol commission On arrival at tho the grounds rou ds tho the Je legislators I were sho shown n the work contemplated on the rounds grounds to beautify th the surroundings of tn tue and arid provide pro em employment for the Idle heMs heads of or families In Salt Lake Appropriations have already d bc been n asked to carry this title work to completion and late alleviate suffering Buttering among the ne needy y families families am- am lies of ot Bait Salt Lake Following the inspection Inspection Inspection tion of the proposed the legislators legisla tore tors Inspected th capitol beginning with witha a visit to the heating 1 p plant plant ant and thence through tho the tunnel to the capitol capito Two hours were taken pu in inspecting the Interior of at the building the members of ot the legislature Je being conducted through h the various offices b by Gov GO William Spry Attorney General A. A R. R Barnes and Secretary Sec Sec- of State David Mattson Each Fach branch of or the le legislature was particularly taken pu with tho the Quart quarters rs provided for tor forthe or orthe th the lawmakers in the n new w building Both the senate and bouse house chambers are nearIng nearing near near- Ing InS completion and tho members of ot tho the eleventh session are expressing the hope that they can hold a part of the tho eleventh session In in the new quarters As the legislators were leaving hearing the capitol the tho need of or a additional ground on the west WEist of ot the capitol was brought to the attention of or the lawmakers It was onas pointed out that the state has already purchased all of beg round on the thc east cast giving the state control of the land hand to City Creek canyon Thus far tar however the state has tailed failed to secure title to a small strip on the west vest side of ot the build Ins ing State officials and members of the capitol commission hold that unless tills this piece of ground round Is purchased ed the appearance appearance appear appear- ance of toe the Utah capitol will be seriously marred |