Show ROBBERS S PlAY L H HAVOC WITH VICTIMS IN NIGHT P OWlS Eight Victims Report to Police Loss of Various Articles Charles E. E White 1 1519 1119 19 Indiana na avenue i reported to police headquarters rs this morning that his house had been en entered n n- n toned by burglars during during- the night arid and tho the following articles stolen Two gold Jold bracelets one gold gol rib 1111 o one e pair pal o 0 of Jet ermines earrings and antI a tiepin W v J. J Tull ln living at tho the Metropolitan hot hotel l reported that his coat containing u u. bank book had bt boen en stolen from torn the public library Harr Harry Ray flay 4 42 South Second East re reported reported reported re- re ported stolen from the tho Eagle Gate Cate apartments apart ments n a gray ray overcoat a I watCh nn end two Insurance policies made out to Jo Jo- Irwin Stephen Cook of or Dillon Mont lont had iad Seven travelers traveler's checks check stolen from him I while visiting in Salt alt Lake according to tolila lila hla statement to tho the police tIti this Ulis J morning The checks ItI amounted to ll T T. a Japanese merchant hant re reported re- re ported period that a n small ca cash h resistor tor had been beau stolen front from his of s 9 50 Y West st st First South t street Fortunately I th there ro ml was no cash In In Jn tho the Cash tuh register resister I I. J 25 5 Boston oston b re reported re rc port ported his overcoat t had hall b been n lost from the Masonic temple Fred Int Winters Winter r Lucy Luc avenue was held hold up ant and robbed b by thre masked inch mell at Fe Tenth nth South anti and Mann Main streets The highwaymen secured 1 Ii I nn and n fled tl towards to the business section of ot tho the city J I J. J T. T Amler Anderson on South uth Thin Third West Veat ut tt encountered tho N Nt same mc me trio accordIng accord accord- In Ing to hl his description about fifteen min earlier He lie was held up but bad la aa to motley moner In his IUs DOCk Docket bL C |