Show 3 VESSELS I SUNK t I I Cruiser and Two l tl Boats Destroyed Is t I I. I German Claim I r i EDINBURGH SCOTLAND JAN 20 20 VIA LONDON LONDON FIFTY FIFTY SURVIVORS OF THE GERMAN ARMORED CRUISER CRUX mUI- I I SEE SER BLUECHER WHICH WAS SUNK IN THE NORTH SEA ON Il l 1 SUNDAY IN m AN ENGAGEMENT J WITH BRITISH W WARSHIPS WERE LANDED FROM mOM TWO TORPEDO TORPEDO TOR- TOR I BOAT DESTROYERS TODAY ODAY AT LEITH TWO MILES NORTH OF OP i EDINBURGH I. I I A CONTINGENT OF OP THE REDCROSS RED CROSS WAS AT THE DOCK DOOK WITE AMBULANCES TO RECEIVE TWENTYTHREE TY THREE MEN WHO HAD BEEN BEEN I r WOUNDED IN THE FIGHT ONE OF THE WOUNDED GERMANS HAD I DIED WHILE ON THE WAY TO O THIS PORT SEVERAL OF or THE TIm IN WOUNDED WOUND D WERE TERRIBLY IN- IN t I LO LONDON DON Jan 28 Three British warships were sunk in the naval en engagement engage engage- merit ment in tho the North sea Sunday Berlin i inow I now assorts A statement issued there thero today says a s 's that according to lo well in tj i I formed German sources a British battie bat bt tie tic cruiser was sent to tho the bottom by bya a aGerman Gorman German torpedo boat and that a German Ocr Ocr- I man mm aviator a witnessed tho the destruction of the tho vessel Two English h torpedo boats were also alo sunk The airship a also o I observed tho the serious damaging of other othor j English ships i 1 Tho The British admiralty has ha added nothing noth noth- ing lag to Its original announcement that 1 no DO British vessel W was 8 lost os or seriously j injured Tho Tb German Germau armored d cruiser rich Carl r I and d a roup pf I boats were seen today off the thoi thoi i j Aland islands at the entrance of tho fi Gulf of steering south Later I h they pa passed ell Gotland clo close o to the tho shore f fIt It is believed thc they havo have again been j ii active in the I laying baying in of mines in tho the Gulf of ot All shipping in tho I Ii gulf has now noon been stopped Ii Food Confiscation Ii The Tho foregoing if correct disproves a astory story from over ocr a mouth month ago ngo agoto Ii to the effect that tho Fredrich Carl had been sunk punk in the Baltic during a naval II sortie from one ono of the German bases I I Tho The German governments government order for forthe forthe the confiscation of all 11 supplies of wheat J corn and flour is regarded in England as a significant indication of the economic ceo eco effects of the war upon Germany It is said officially in Berlin however howe that the action of the government o assuring assuring as as- suring Buring conservation of foodstuffs will make certain a plent plentiful ul supply until t the next harvest hanest In Ini the war area tho the reported Bussian Bus nus sian inva invasion oD of Hungary by way WR- of ot Duko ina is attracting much touch attention in London A special news Dews dispatch from Budapest sets seta forth that after a a. l Muscovites actually actual actual- temporal temporary check the ly Iy had penetrated Hungary Hungar where the tho they I Ibold hold bold the key to Jose Falva aIva an important import important ant strategic te ic position Russian rein rein- arc are reported as 35 constantly arriving in a fact which clearly indicates indicate in tho opinion of British observers ers tho the intention of ot RUB Bus sia to invade Transylvania in force i 1 Germans on Defensive Petrograd asserts that as a counts count to this Russian move O against Transylvania i iania vania ania the tho German Grman army which was sent flent sent ostensibly to operate against Serbia is isnoW isnow isnow now bei being directed to the defense of oC the thc Carpathian passes in conjunction tion with the tho forces of Hungary Petrograd reports also that hat the tl BusSian Bus Bus- sian Caucasian arm army Is cos closing in on the I Turkish Black sea Hank flank where the tho Ottoman Ot Ot- Ot toman tomail troops are described as in a dangerous dangerous dan dan- I plight From rom tho the saute same source UCe 1 comes cornea a report t that at the Brit British h army iu ill I has hns met some success I while advancing ancin on Bagdad On OD tho the sea the pr presence of submarines submarines sub sub- i marines near the tho island of eD oft off oft tho coast conat of Prussia sia in the Baltic has caused the Gorman German mail boat to put I back to Trelleborg Sweden when only I her bel regular run to r out I a a. few fe hours on Sassnitz I tz Kielce Occupied A dispatch today from Cracow Ga Oa- licia leia says that German Austro-German forces have hare Kielce Kiece nus Russian Bussian an Poland ha e occupied Ricke is i tho the capital of tho the Russian na-mo na and lies in southern south south- i ier province pro of that name era ern er Poland about fifty mic miles milca north norh of of of the border of the tho Austrian province pro Galicia In that re region ion has bus occurred some of the thc heaviest fighting of eastern campaign Kielce has hl been nl al RU 8 nn base and is of con strategic value because it is the most ost i northeast t oiL important railroad junction I IJ J A Continued on page e 2 f II t 0 I THREE VESSELS SUNK Continued from page a 1 Cracow Its capture if effected follows tho the initiation of tho the new offensive movement move ment meat by r tho the German and Austrian armies ar at- mies mica all along the tho ea eastern battle battlefront front The Germans yesterday bombarded Thann Thana and To the west of the fighting is still going on around that part of the tho trenches which are occupied by tho the Ger Gor man mans Three Hundred Dead Yesterday the Germans one battalion strong delivered An attack against the trenches to the east cast of Ypres Three hundred dead including the commandant command ant of the company at tho head bead of the German advance were left on the D geld field geldof ld of or battle according to French reports In Alsace the Germans are reported active in the employ of mine mino throwers against the allies allies' positions at Hart Hart- mann m nn The Tho Gorman German war office in its statement state meat ment given givon en out ont this afternoon says that two strong tron points of support in the procession pro cession of tho English wore vore cre captured by German troops yesterday in a general assault on the English positions near La Bassee |