Show Delight That Is Wild Indeed The raid aid has nas caused the wildest delight and satisfaction r throughout Germany says a C cablegram Tomorrow a raid irom the opposite side will likely cause th thI the e I wildest delight and satisfaction throughout Great Britain The raid first mentioned destroyed some hundred thousand d t dollars dollars' worth of property and the lives es of a half-dozen half noncom- noncom H There is something worse than war It Itis is ha hate tee War h has s its l rules ules as to what is UJ unfair air In very many instances the soldier who kills his foe is sorry to have tc to do it for he knows that the 1 j dead man represented represent d a home wife and children as as as' aswell well as the I issues upon which the rulers have brought war Hate Hat knows s noi n nj no i j rules rues or justice or sympathy y or mercy War is satisfied with j prisoners ii Hate demands corpses i War Var recognizes some requirements of civilization Hate is superlatively irresponsible I Ii War yar rec recognizes r crimes of warfare Hate has has' no shadow of conscience j Of all human passions hate is meanest lowest most foolish Even greed which so strongly moves the world has compensation com coin I in gains Hate consumes victor not less than victim Selfishness ess' ess has in a sense profit but in hate there is only 2 loss loss JOSS and self debasement i I It is not worth while to hate anybody or anything in this life I And most shameful and senseless of all is racial hate for we we j 5 are all brothers and after weve we've breathed a few times here well we'll find ind no no eternity with English German or other geographical j j boundaries Of all things it is most horrible to think that two great Christian Christian Chris- Chris tian lian peoples like the Germans and the English hate each other ther and i ij it is being demonstrated daily that it is hate to the death of one or orI orthe j 1 I the other people r Nations have perished through inferiority of mental orI or orI I I physical strength J Barbaric hate is murdering a nations nation's soul over ther there now in inthe n the year ear of our Lord 1915 |