Show HOUSE HAS TROUBLE QUORUM IN CHAMBER Big Supply Bill Fails to Keep Interest Alive Among Members w WASHINGTON Jan 26 The Tho The house which met early today to resume consideration consideration consideration con con- of tho the bi big bic supply bill carrying carry carry- in lag ing 2 for the department of agriculture for the next fiscal year still tilI ia is under undergoing difficulty in n maintaining a quorum which both Democratic Leader Lead Lead- er Cr Underwood and Republican Leader Mann have havo warnel warned their colleagues is necessary constantly to avert au an extra tra session of ot con congress Tho The house adjourned late lato last night after aCter a fruitless two hours hours' wait for a n. quorum to go ahead with two omnibus private pension bills When the night session began ceRan the house lacked sixty of ofa a quorum hen When it without I transacting an any business whatever it stilt still lacked twenty and while whilo tho the house marked time timo luring during the search for absentees scenes that matched the raillery of the all aU night S sessions at the tho close of a congress were enacted Representative e Murray Murm of ot Oklahoma was in m the chair until Speaker Sneaker Clark arrived to straighten ou out the tangle Meanwhile Representative Moore of oi Penns Pennsylvania l ania started the fun b by addressing addressing ad ad- dressin dressing facetious queries to the chair which paused only for applause which greeted arriving iu members |