Show i Und Uneeda Tempt th the ap appetite etite please the taste and nourish thc the body Crisps Crisp clean and fresh 5 S 5 cen cents ts Baron t Rc und thin tender tender- with witt a delightful flavor appropriate for luncheon luncheon luncheon lunch lunch- eon n tea and dinner 10 xo cents I GRAHAM CRAHAM CRACKERS CRACKERS' Made of the finest ingredients B naked Baked a ked to perfection The national nal str strength food xo zo cents Buy biscuit baked by NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Always look for that N Name ne 1 i I Ii i i j jI I i i J I I I I 7 Ea aSIC al JU by i bramm DruZ Druse e. e 3 Iad s. s Store I BAD GOlD COLD HE HEADACHY D AND NOSE i STUFFED Tapes C Cold 0 1 Ide d C Compound Com Com- o 0 rn- rn pound ends colds and grippe in a afew few hours Take Cold Compound every two hours until you ha have e taken three doses then nl all grippe grippo misery goes goes goes' and your cold will Trill bo ho broken It promptly opens your our up clogged u nos nos- s tills and the thc air lir p. passages of the head heath stops nasty discharge or nose nOSO running reho relieves the tho headache dullness fe fever feier er soro sore throat sneezing soreness ss aud arid stiffness Dont Don't stay Y stuffed up Quit blowing and snuffling Ease your Jour throbbing n head head hend nothing el else E Ein In the world Rive gives es such prompt relief as 35 Papas Papos s 's Cold Compound which CO costs ts only 25 cents cent at t an any dru drug store It acts without as ta tastes nice and causes no in in- convenience on Accept no substitute Advertisement s. s Jf c. c c J c. c a I Is s A. A 4 i T D Driving vin People eO le A Away Tay sm 1 Hurts the Town J I I- I I I i 1 1 Who is is driving people away S. S f YOU are when you contribute to the volume of'S smoke soot cinders and grime glime which j send semi s so BOlIan man 9 to spend their money elsewhere every winter whiter Nature Salt alt I gave Lake an au ideal winter ast as we well asiL j S summer r climate man is ruining our winter climate b r i. i c unrestricted use of soft driving coal-driving IQ people f. f aWay t I Government 1 Experts say Smokeless Fuel Oy ran c restore the bright clear clean healthful in igo atmosphere Nature gave us and still tries to give U t I Use Genuine Genue Gas Coke the smokeless mJ 4 A- A fuel and m 10 sunshine not smoke the topic of conversation her here T y Why not when ben GENUINE GAS COKE mee meets eve I requirement better than any other fuel on the in mat ket costs less and keeps people and th SI fr Il- Il money in fl Salt Lake 4 HOW TO BURN GAS COKE COEE Easy to get easy to handle sat satisfactory 2 Kindle small 11 quantity uan ty of coke oke with from every point of view and paper and wood only 5 for Open drafts ton of 2200 pounds When is b red add coke in 1 small quan quantities COt lies t UI I firepot i is half Let us send our man to build a afire full fun of red fed coke Then fill to the top with coke fire at your our home When fire comes through close chimney draft tight and adjust to comfort a Kee Keep well filled opening drafts UTAH GAS COKE COMPANY until fresh esh coke is ignited is To keep kep fire close all drafts but butcheck bet J J. 0 D. D Clark Oark General Manage eh check ck draft r Telephone Main Ke little of f ashes the tho I t Keep p a layer ay r on grate and empty empt regularly Know the peculiarities of your appliance ap ap- CC and humor t them tiem em OUCH MY BACKI RUB RUBI I lUMBAGO PAIN AWAY AAY Rub Backache aw away y with small trial bottle of old St Jacobs Jacob's Oil i When your back is sore and Time lame or I I. I lumbago sciatica o or rheumatism rheumatism ha bai baiyou stiffened you tip J dont don't suffer Get Geta a small man trial bottle bottlo of old ld honest H St t. t Jacobs Jacob Oil at any drug store pour pou al little In your tour our hand had and rub it riCht on on ai your aching back and b by the time yon you count tilt fifty the soreness oTel 56 and lameness eS is gone lone Dont Don't stay ta cripple This soothing oil ue ne needs h ds to bo IO u used a only once It takes th the pain ri right ht out ap anti i cuds the tho misery It is h lna magical ical yet Vot absolutely harmless and doesn't burn the skin ekin Nothing else the stop stops l lUmbago sciatica backache or or rh rheumatism um so Promptly It noc disappoints Adv Soldiers On the March Find Hot Tea An Excellent Restorative j ci-j- 5 Li il t I d TREE TEA Has S Superior Restorative Quality Full Weight f Half Pound PacKages Only YOU yov MAY PAY HOI MO MOI iQ t for your dental work t tW W we charge barge i BUT- BUT you ou wont won't g get t b better Her You take no w you yon come COUld to tD us as ns U Uto ve ft to give YOUR NO MO BACK if you ar aw are not sa sa fled Yale Dentis Dentis Main Strut Street Over O Evening TeJ gra England Gei and are the nations W d consume the per capita consumes the These beer tl countries it cited surpass the Jin in art science Cl T Tand ab tion and aUl chivalry to FISHE BEER o is the same type trpe beer that has used used for the virile vidle and Pi-ising Pi n 3 ti oP to f- f r Europe e Western ft t r A. A Fisher BreW Bre Salt Lak TIlE The prize is IN |