Show Daily Short I Fiction Stor j UNDER THE WILL WILLO WILLOBy OVI By CLAUA CLAB INEZ DEACON Copyright Cop l 1015 by the McClure X Nt paper Syndicate Sn It Is 15 said that thai no two me members of ot average dub club can sit nit vis vis a vi a-vi In smoking room for tor five fI minutes wits wit 1 making a J. J wa waiter wager et Thin Thill statement la Is p f ably e exaggerated a but hut when hm a club refutes refuses es tr to make a little litHo water th camol with one hump has bas mores more south sonth In his soul than a n. camel with t two O I t pol spoken cn en of as a back number In the Jefferson club It tt was edged that Victor Winters was 38 the reckless among tho the bettors He Hc bet l 1000 even that h ht could ea ca c e a a. certain chu church h st steeple and he CUr It H. He was as orre arrested for breaking pc peace ce of or about people who Sath gath to race nee him fall Call but didn't tee see It the hl judge ludge ige c called ct hied him a fool and 1 him 3 50 50 lie IIo got Jol odds of to ono one tha sou couldn't bluff blurt a well known prize fig and nd h he not only worked the bluff nuo full tull fully but hul Rave the fI fighter a A. black o oHe o cr He laid a u wager of that lie he v w kill a wild tiger within a year car anoff an am bested off to the Jungles s of or India J killed an extra one ann fur for good measure A score of or other Incidents could b bo Jated of what was termed Vii Nir mania but ut these will suffice to show short a Ii goo 1 fellow ma may mav be bo a 0 very cr rec rte fellow rellow J Jv Everybody v rb d lIk liked him and e er e bod hotly body salt said hl there e s wa waa as no harm barm In hIT bin There re wa r Just one thing that thai young man mart refused ed to bet on on and Wf was matrimony ns as personally persona appl applied would woul bet that and So would be ried fled within R. a sr d time but c challenged on m his lils own account h i his head hel No Nu one ono could understand In lit that tho l. l i r regard sard a rd See Sec See here Win Winters r said Ca I to tu him as 3 they met at al the that man whom the they call the co cot la 18 cutting a er very very Iry ers swath wa th Yes 1 am told that at least leant tiring thirty of oft of the 13 law W arc are ou on his hiss trail i V relt How Ilov do you want to twill het bet will get him or not 7 Captain I J ha have vc b been en reading c him and what hat they say of or him r n rne me tired The They haven't 11 caught him yet el et he I 1 Is a bungler Is a burglar who can r rob b twelve t l e hand h hand hI and not cr create a te a J rt single sl alarm la u a bung I could do as well and Uld have hae ha lu experience The captain did not want to enco such talk and tho the results that r clime came from tJ it it and sought ou ht to chang chans c conversation el Youn Young Winters care rare replied to two or three of ot his que ques end then said ald This Raffles gets get I II h house and ard takes 8 whatever er he comand com come and sets gets gets out He even o carries off p pI ph pIot of ot Paris ornaments and he lie if is a sl 81 searching rooms looms where anyone is InS hug But hes he's rot got ot rich lich Jewelry amon arnon plunder Yes Yea Yes but ul it was nos a. a loft left for tor- him o Ot or presser dresser Ho lie didn't have ha to pull o C I drawer I to get it H. and I f cant can't find th th- has ent entered rfd a 1 hOll house e where a a. dog doS kept kepl lies He's a 1 Iong hor man hard hand nt at a a. new Job Captain But Dut the captain feared what was In Ins and said he had an engagement L Let t It wAlt insult was the r reply ply Cap Ill I'll wager you ou a thousand dollars that that that- I wont won't do It was tile the Int Hold nold on Im I'm going to out out- outer Raffles You iou will do nothing so 0 foolish r attempt it U Not with Ith criminal Intent of or c co but bul Just to prove Iro to you that burgle a fine Iino art or should be made so so that our country Raffles ought t driving Ing a 8 truck Name a country that you'd like to tT try m my hand And n ind 1 get shot 1 Not ot be fired even evon l at nt at But nul If Ie arrested one of ot the arts to arts to escape rest Winters said th the captain art long IonS look at al hum him glee give up any f to Idea Men you ou ma may have ha In that direction will all nil agree asre that you OU could beat tIcs flea work but dont don't try It tt it There are oro plenty of men mc young old who ho will get an Idea Into their 1 h that th t the they know Is foolish an and yet ct will cling cHug to It as 18 If It were full of oC s sand i and wisdom Young Winters Winters' corn con sense enee warned amed him of the risks rinks of or a Continued on part DAILY SHORT STORY Continued from page pc 7 glary y but the tho adventure of ot It appealed to him Just as UI strongly He lIe did not talk taUe with wih an any of nt time the HIp other members of o the club but there were those who said said- Winters Is 18 plotting some come ome new deviltry te ir n and nl soon bo blut bluffing nJ us IS for a wager Wonder what It I will wI be he this Ex EJ Purdy was a member of ot the tIme Jefferson uI club cub but as is ho lie lived In a manor some twenty miles from tho the city and an anas as ho Jio did tl rop In at the club cub except M t at lon Ion bug Intervals ho lie and young youn Winters hat had hal never le er met The file latter bUN had hal simply hell hellI It I said one ono la day that the former e 1 lived In the country Ono June da day the roan man mU who was wag en envious en- en of Raffles Rames took tok a n trip Into the cun- cun coun coun- tr try driving ln himself cl In his runabout lie le passed grounds after ater grounds and house after arler house houe In lri a furtive c wa way ho surveyed sur sur- tho latter and made mental notes note When hen he slowly passed a limo fine colonial colonal mal mansion lon with wih an man and anti a n young oun lad lad ady sitting un the veranda eruda a man moan running run run- lung ning a lawn m mower and two dogs dogg lying on self the tho ho grass gS he smiled and an ansal said sal to himself himself him him- Ill 11 bet that Is ono of ot the houses houes that that bungler Raffles has had to pass by byas byas byas as too hard lall a nut nul for or him to crack erICk Half a salle farther on ho lie turned about and as he lie passed the hou house houto e again tIme thu girl looked up tip anti and an queried rather Kather futher that Ia may bo be 10 Ine Raffles Y Y s Well 1 Ill I'll Il give him a 1 Job at nt mowing tho the grass ThE They say y ho he drives around h by dO day dayto dayto to pick out hOI houses es to rob by ly night Well Wel eil I you a gun Jun tho the other da day and Its It's up to you lOU to protect protect the time o o nights nl nut But If I I 1 shot him then what 1 4 J 4 Why 1 you ou would be a heroine and have hove your our picture In the tho paper Perhaps s you ou could sell enough of ot your our photographs to lo p pay for a trip to Europe There Thero was silence for five minutes and an then the tho girl Irl said I should hate hato ha to to lo kill ki ilL Raffles files But DuL you needn't dear smiled the father It Il wi will be just as well wel If It you ou shoot him In the tho shoulder Hud And then theno then then- Wo o o can nurse him right here herc and amI it 1 will wi give you Oll a chance to lo taU tall In love marry mary and reform him You sil silly old roose An hour later hater Miss 15 E Estollo lol lurdy luroy asked kel the man who ho was mowing tho lawn James Janies do you think Raffles will wi try tl lOEt to lO got get t E-t Into our hou house housel I l do do miss w was the time prompt reply When hen Tonight Lordy What makes rakes you Ive lo r o got ot 11 a 1 hunch that he lie will wi And when will he lie no wi como conic On tho the stroke of ot midnight If I you ou get et up lip p at midnight and amid al look hook out of or tho the window you'll see sec him hll standing under the time willow tree And An no Ill I'll Il call cal to him that he lie Is known and that hed he'd better make himself r riC iC scarce reo I r 1 wouldn't miss mlee replied James who Il kept t a er very sober ober face but Lut was nevertheless never never- the s Joshing a bit bi You should open lire on him without a word wool ir 11 l you lull called to hll he lu might shoot shot I 1 see That Thai o evening o the girl read reasi until 10 o clock and lh then l. l going to her room she prepared to stand sentinel until midnight bt She he realized that were she Iho to llo ho lu down own for five minutes she sho ho would fall fal sound asleep and miss midnight and Raffles As It 1 was was she sho thc bad had hard worl to fight drowsiness and had to think of ghost stories stoleR to win out At U 11 1 o'clock she sho shaded her light liht lUlf Hal an nn hour later Inter sh she careful carefully peered out As s the tho old aid colonial colo cob utah nial clock down I In the hall hail hal struck truck midnight mid night she took tok her revolver from Zm the time dresser dreser knelt knel b by tho the window anti and ano her heart Jumped Into Int her het mouth as the sho ha looked loke toward the thc big willow tree l A 4 man mm was standing und under r the the tree It I was dark under there but he heas was as a n darker spot against tho the darkness Tho rho girl Irl waited until imo ho aw saw laW a movement that left heft let her no room for doubt and then site she he fired There Then was an n exclamation and a fall and she a fal the ran to her fathers father's room and anti pounded on tho the orHum leer door or Hum hurry hurr ta father ther I l hJ have hav killed Raffles But nut the the hadn't hadn't Tile Tho bulet bullet had hal burled 1 itself 1 In hl hi shoulder amid aid h ho he Wa was as found tr trying to sit up Anything to say before before- hetor we e telephone for tor an officer asked tho thO hi Judge jUdae ns as the household sa gathered ther around tho the victim Yes Yea dont don't do o it i. i wal as re replied Got a to lo play 1 led i 1 nm am not riot armed send scud for tor a n doctor detor Instead of ot an nn officer r. r ru Ill Il make things clear to you ou pre presently nth Oh Oh 11 Im Im willing you ou should have ha e the bullet bulet d dug dout out before you OU go CO to Jail JailA A A number of ot timings lhing happened jai within the few fw hours next nExt hour The ho bullet was WaR du dug out the wounded put put to bed Ca Frayne sent cant for the family family- Fane sworn to se tie crecy and two or ot three e councils held t As As' As tho last lul ono one broke broko up Miss E asked alko her father I Well have havo o ha you ou found foula out Just lust who It ItOh It Oh yes C And It Is Is 18 with The and man Iau marry marn you ou nr are arc to 10 fall all in o Ino n love lovo u At tho the dub club cub tle they sa say that young Winters winters win win- n Isn't making an any ami oro bet He lie JI lias Imas b beets been en told that ho lie must drop dron them Ie |