Show I G CAPABLE PABlE i J OF o M MAINTAINING i II I Agricultural t Expert Shows Need of of Intensive ive Farming Farm Farm- I ing ingin in Islands WASHINGTON W. Jan Jay 26 S. The e Philippines Philip pines arc ara ca capable blo ot of producing pg enough no h hi i food tood and wealth to comfort comfort- I bly OO people according to 1 flent Waw'S of or the Kansas state agri- agri ral college who has bas Investigated tn i Agricultural conditions and possibilities o of the a cO copy ot whose report was te received d at tho bureau lot of ot insular affair af af- kirk fair here toda today An Aft compart with Japan ho said the Philippine hU farmer gets only ono as aa asmuth muth knuth per er acre CICi that Ut-at while the th l latter itter i. i produces pesos pesos' s' s worth o ot wealth annually on t the te e acres in Iii ft Tanner pro pro- cultivation atlon the Japanese poe pews worth of or wealth e On n their acres Tb Tha Philippines would b bl bo the tho l leading g in the tho cane an sugar country world orld Cuba uba If U the plant planters rs raised as much per acre as do the plant plant- Pi ar r t In Java says 23 a President Fur Fur- 5 they would be the third largi larg- larg i 1 Mt t at rice country countr It If tho PhilI Phil Phil- I I I growers Dowers obtained a as high acre aero XI Ields Ws as do those of Japan pan or the tho United 1 i tates Again tho Islands couto could support sup sup- i 1 port Ort a J large large- re pork and poultry industry t 4 S than either Canada CaNida or Australia If Ie tho the that of equaled I. I yield of corn pet per acre I th the a United States or Japan While the people of ot the Philippines pay I. I the farmers of ot Australia and India IulIa about r 10 pesos annually for Or mea meat t and arid aridI I 7 work stock one ma may ride for tor da days s 's through mass up to the saddle skirts says Preel- Preel I ent Waters without a. a 3 herd or of cattle or or horses H declares that a a. study dudy of ot the business bust bust- ness eu of ot the Islands reveals many wastes p and end s the thc fact that last year f coo oeo pounds of ot raw sugar wore were sold at 1 I cen cent cento a poun pound all of or t which or Its equiv equivalent alent was bought back again at 10 cents a pound sound and again that with almost limitless forest re resources resources- more than 1 pesos pesos' worth orth of ot lumber r was purchased pur- pur urIt ur- ur chased from m ou outside It |