Show OBREGON IS ONLY 50 MILES FROM rHOM MEXICO CITY General Dozal of Carranza Faction Is Executed at w WASHINGTON ASHI Jan 26 Dis Dispatches Dis- Dis patches published b by Carranza headquarters head headquarters quarters nero hero today say General Obregon Obre gon Ton continues continue a vigorous march toward Mexico Cit City having ha defeated Villa Villa- Zapata troops at and Irola and taken two towns fifty miles northeast st of the capital and that a Zapata force advancing on ou Puebla was 88 defeated t twenty enty miles west of that cit city General Carranza is quoted ns as telegraphing that ho he has not altered his petroleum de- de cr croo o. o Officials here are aro puzzled 8 as to which doc decree reo is meant There Thero are several some of which havo have been the subject o of protest from this government go Claims as is to the occupancy of Puebla are conflicting conflicting con con- corio according to other dispatches Fifty destitute Americans Americana unable to obtain employment at Tampico are arc being be in lug ing sent back to the United States b by I American Consul Bevan Devan |