Show if 4 Many Children Lard hed faces in studies rs T Palo lo am l frail sari dad at bodies poor their their re regular arc firc actually food they does doc not seed 14 kt t in action puro pura medical nourish t energy tho body f nee sad and rich s blood food need d J Scotts Scott's I 7 ih ink else c tare ture because it a rarest con ti Balk food life fats it food lood sad and is t t food Or br orally free from r f thi tt arc tir tired d when n ury healthy rising biting color t ir nn d ambition I Studies lift Otte Emul cult Vet et a host bot re It Ite stow on nl at the newest nearest tt tin ha burl bUilds ds pure m nourish weighs many times its ib wei eight ht c Emulsion is b tion cn for trot not n prop but a sad and 3 growth sari is t it idI to eo v very ery goad JoGl for active n. n pity pih to g v. v keep it f from 4 II I We Will Continue to Give w C STAMPS OT i BB MOB W The Public u Has MaS Demanded en r nee the Continuance of These Most Popular lar a 3 Stamps S and the Public L Usually SiL Gets eS What It Demands S. S For oV ver er fifty the constant aim of the Auerbach Store StOl merchandise for years vests has b been cn to serve sella you ou and Seri serve Te you ell VI well ell always al rs gi giving ivin ing you ou the best less than other stores Not content with money having helped reduce i n i the tle l hi high h cost of living HYIng In in by saving you vou money on wear sealing apparel and household installed furnishings we a Grocery I Department and by ol our i efforts verv mate materially riall r reduced the high price of ol foodstuffs and meats throughout hout the cit city r and the giving of 4 JW C stamps but hi ill was another s si tcp step ep i iii our 1 progressive 1 policy of giving ing an appreciative public maximum value J fo In selecting g D C stamPS after a careful investigation extending over a years year's time most f reliable 11 we e e have ha c what hat hat we Vc consider to be bc the best and profit sharing p plan lan ever cyer one devised backed by r a million dollars of paid up l ca capital P lolli hati having branches in over oyer cities and serving o over oyer er merchants a eig year old rear old g and concern giving redeeming veal fear more stam stamps J- J s in in one d dav lY lv Y than all others redeem in one Our customers say say- and say and most emphatically that that that they want ant the JC trading stamps and ande that v them will win continue we e e assure we to rive ive these valuable W. W C trading IP r COMPANY stamps 1 ANY The Big gig r L Store C Corner State t awl and Broadway Broad Stationery a o her Bargains ar alas T THE F d e STORE T THAT H T M MADE ADS TT THE TWE F BARA A F l f l N FAMOUS Grocery Specials eels s for or tt Wednesday ap TOMORROW WE VvE OFFER A 46 6 G one J lbs IDS day M. M f only J. J lf B. B Coffee t POUND OF WRITING J G PAPER Sac Monarch thick good special qun quality lb 1 It h linen en fabric f a r rIC c 2 z a 4 oc Monarch Pineapple rh le 2 AN ODD LOT OF BOX BOR STATIONERY STATION STATION- Mincemeat ERY containing Worth 24 t 4 sheets heets and 24 N 1 He pared Bismarck Mustard Prepared Pre- Pre Jar envelo envelopes cs up to box bog ROCS goes oes at nt box boz Sc Ise Corn Creel 12 c lOc NOTE BOOKS side sido or orend l NEVER U UNDERSOLD LD Assorted Bismarck Pickles Pickles Ir end fold leather backs uC quart jars Oc NOTE BOOKS side fol fo fold d 1 leather t tb her b backs k or orend 1 lc 0 Rose Rasa Lime Lima Junco end cn ca cr s. s i 1 0 quart Pint PLAIN hundred WHITE VInTE goes oes NAP NAPKINS at nt a S J 21 Oc per er Stam Rex Ilex lh lh Ham Nam 10 lOC ic D. D lb n. lb C. C Ham PEr hundred buc red z C Sac Sab I pk corr Coffee c. c 5 C y 5 By WE HAVE CUT AND SLASHED PRICES K ON NEW SEASONABLE MERCHANDISE to Quickly Reduce Immerse Immense Stocks Before eore Stocktaking C ai DESPITE THESE SENSATIONALLY LOW PRICES WE WILL GIVE Trading rang Stamps Stams ams With Purchases ases I n B and Yd uti AND YD DRESS GOODS GALVAN GALVANIZED E WARE a at Special eels Prices rI u II ous u rats h i s D Department e p a rim en t Reduced e u ce for or Wednesday Wednesday a nes a Fourth Floor Overcoats CHIFFON TAFFETAS 36 36 inches WASH TUBS rles r ti r r wide VIde Lar Large e range range of S Spring prin 1915 1910 color color- Heavy y with wringer winger galvanized attachment wash tubs Special i r Rather Bather than take stock of them we offer offer ings V T J V 3 1 JO JONo CANS ASH P 89 g 1 only S gj a I Lar 75 Coats I including values u up to sizes r fitting size cover ash Special cana with tIght 1 89 f 4 to 16 at choice for owl No phone 1 p h one orders or d ers C C. 0 0 D.'s Ds S not nor gam samp samples p leg 1 es WATER f Ls J. Y years ears t iY your our only only only- Y PAILS 3 31 fl C ft It I CHIFFON BROADCLOTH 48 H elze In good quality c d 1 inches ches wide d e in a all II th the 1 1 S galvanized E ware war strong riveted riv rh I J. J iii 1 e leading mg Spring prIng 1 1915 1910 eted handle shades Special ec ulc NI F 1 I Wednesday 9 ft L. L ti 9 8 U o HODS COAL tD 3 9 c y i x III H. H Heavy vv coal rode liode 9 No phone orders C. C 0 O. D Ds D.'s s nor samples s with Special funnel m mouth tt J n. a Flannelette Ee CHINA HI A AND A D GLASSWARE LA LAj A E a Bargains a r n s-F s ells F i Garment n Specials j N j E N GREAT SALE SOO Gold Decor Decorated Pie Pio Plates 10 and 1 2 5 BA 5 Cents nt rt W goo SOO ere Gold 1 d Decors Decorated t e d B Bread r cad a and a d Butt Butter e r Plates 5 7 Flanne Flannelette l t to THIN PLAIN WRITE WHITE WARE VARE I r 76 C J t i owns GownS G Dinner e Plates ti Owns t 50 50 COTTON OTTON DAMASK T TABLE TABLECLOTHS BLE lf II Sou Soup Plates ar r M Women's Women s 's he heavy L flannelette flannel flannel- CLOTHS with openwork border SOO goo Pie Plat M w iQ errs ette gowns Towne with round inch inches s Several t patterns to o GLASSWARE I p r and neck fro front double nt t trimmed rimmed yoke Yoko back with frith witha select from To Io close 1 49 C Thin Blown Water I dl i L a neat braid Tumblers 5 t. t Y These Thc e gowns are are- in t the tho h o Colonial Water Vater Tumblers Tum Turn j C I A I 1 pink rink and blue stripe BLEACHED LINEN HEMMED biers i E i only onh NAPKINS Sizo inches doz 1 sa 5 Measuring Cu ps v G I SILVER BLEACHED LINEN HEMMED z I Flannelette Bloomers NAPKINS inches Great Gat re Sale of Sli 81 Slightly 19 g h t 1 Y t Women's 11 White hits Flannelette Bloomers special Only dozen doun 1 40 1 Nicked if Ware are area f i last a l limited quantity While they NAPKINS NAPKINS' SILVER 22 2 BLEACHED inches LINEN HEMMED Il About Plates of ot various Bo Boys Boys' y s Flannelette Night Shirts dozen a 49 sizes be closed Mo Mostly tos Wednesday tl dinner sizes win Will Willbe 2 o Boys Boys' pink pick and blue striped flannelette ni night ht shirts MER MERCERIZED PATTERN CLOTH each 3 C z w wy Sizes 11 6 G to 14 fears yeara Special for 25 5 C bizo Sizo izo inches each 89 C No phone 0 O. C O. O 0 D D. or mail maU orders Z t Cb Choice II oi t tf f t the b H. H House Olce f t 1 0 e ouse oJ d v 2 Sale Suits Coats and NEW S TG R 1 MODERATELY ODARA T PRICED IC Ts D A special showing and sale of smart Spring Street Hats in the new CHIN CAIN CHIN TIPPERARY FOX FON TROT and fashionable chic tin tiny brim sailors sailors all all petite and exceedingly exceedingly exceed exceed- D R E S SES Trimmed with the new flowers and saucy little bows and dangling tails of ribbon A large collection tomorrow at such sack little pricey prices as ns- ns a I 45 9 and Tomorrow we e will offer ofer Many li ran an y Untrimmed Shapes in In Spring Hats arc are here the t unrestricted d choice C 1 ALL REMAINING WINTER HATS BEING SACRIFICED of Coat Suit or orDress AT A FRACTION OF THEIR COST any Dress in stock m our spring mo models d ens excepted except except- pt- pt Hosiery and Underwear Specials ed This his s sensational lOc LADIES LADIES' offer includes nudes eve IMPORTED FULL FASHIONED everything every every- MEDIUM WEIGHT COTTON HOSE Wednesday 49 C t SMALL LOT OF or LADIES LADIES' FINEST QUALITY SILK AND AND thing ng in in n our stock regardless re re- i WOOL UNION I SUITS I All l st styles tl leg Z g ardless o of whet whether her the tre r J TT UNION TT LADIES LADIES' FINE QUALITY FLEECE LINED AND COTTON former forme price rice was vas as 25 J C da SUITS special e Some Somo are slightly soiled d. d 79 c 35 3 5 45 45 55 55 65 65 or orup 1 L. L up to the h highest priced II GLOVE LOVE garment in n our s stocks I u j.- j. It if 7 c SPECIAL QUALITY Pos Positively Y no e exchanges n g es LEATHERETTE TT E GLOVES 1 We Wednesday n 3 VA WASHABLE 7 E SO SOc C approvals I s or re refu refunds f un gds d s. s I 1 I L t I F |