Show FEDERALS lS WILL HAVE TWO TO MINO LEAGUES CHICAGO Jan 26 SurplUs 26 Surplus ball ban players play play- ore ers of at the Federal league will wll be taken tako care caro of ot In two minor leagues it was announced announced announced an an- today tOOny b by President One Ono will be 00 It I is planned at nt ata nta a meeting In New Haven Hayen next Saturday which Gilmore will attend and tho the other Is an nn organization already existing and anllo o operating under tinder organized ball The name of ot the latter Gilmore would not give but said it had Iad proposed coming under Jurisdiction Jude Juris diction t of or the Je Federals New competition for tor or the International league Is 18 likely according to the plans of the makeup of the new circuit It will Include Providence Hartford New Haven en and possibly Trenton N Js N. N J. J among Jl eight cities |