Show CHINESE ARE RE SECOND TO TALK ACROSS SS CONTINENT elaborate Preparations Are Needed for Epoch Making Mak ing Event in Phone History Ol Ot 01 yol e 1 I Ic aba sha t Ung n Ye re le Lee Le no noy rea lung To New v York experts expert sent zent h by the tho Bell Telephone company compan to Salt It tAke to 0 MU MU cu per Ic the u pan ocean telephone phone line lino which woe used yesterday y afternoon to tu the first lone long distance tanco call Jl from York v e Tork to San Francisco were Francisco were ata startled riled la kilo ato to 8 afternoon b by sounds founds comIn cornIng com com- In Ing ng ov pr o r tho the wire similar to 10 the forego forego- ing ng Jt it sounded like an order for tor Cud chop suey and the rt Immediately tely it th the line Un every attention l It wan a t CoI conversation In Chinese Chinee th the th second ion loner IanI O distance e transcontinental call edit callb b being in that Ian language gua ge The Th Chinese Chinn manager er of or th the Chinese e exchange In San Pan Francisco I carried on ott a conversation in his hla native language with the Chinese agent In n Boston Botn of or tho Southern Pacific Steamship Steamship Steam Steam- ship com company pan front from San Saut Francisco to Boston In connection with the tho fact fl that the thi Chinese 1 language lo wan U that t used for tor the second ocean to call A. A l G G. Mackenzie Mack tack enzie enak former publicity manager for tor th the l local I telephone company compall says ayn a that t the Chines-a Chines are aro amon among tb the tb strongest of or tele- tele dc- dc phone fan fans fane ft lIe He says aya that Ua cia can an understand nd each othor other on a B Jo long Its dl- lance tance wire when Americans could not distinguIsh hUn the tIme English words Th The telephone exchange in San FrancIco Francisco Fran Fran- cIco cisco for tor Chinatown i la Ie a separate institution tion having ha Chinese S girls R na as operator and In is one of ot the bi best st equipped ul pOO exchanges ex cx changes In this count country The city of oi P Peking is h al also aleo o noted for tor the uc excellence of ot IU its exchanges e C C. C. C Campbell dl district manager 0 of th the Mountain States Telephone and T Telegraph Tote Tele l graph company compan yesterday sent out thirty two special trouble men both cast and west from Salt Lake Lako to 1 see 13 that no nc trouble occurred on the long distance wire The These c were sent scat as far west ar till Wendover and east lo to b beyond yond R Roel I Springs On One One of the these men R. R Fierce O occupied cuple a position of much peril lie Ie was wat on the top toJ of or a Q mountain between and Park City where where- th the thermometer yesterday yes yea u was a far CAr down In tho the tube b bJon Jovi the tIme zero mark He waa wae protected from the snow and roM cot by only a 3 tent bula but bul buta a special furnace was 18 hullt built there thero for foi him to pi pl prevent plent event ent hl his freezing A total of fifty tour trouble men wore orf along the entire division linn line from DOler Den DOl ver er to Wendover 1 The flue two lon long distance calls the the first between Alexander Graham Graham Gra Cia ham Bell and Theodore X N. Nall Vail all both hoth i In New Keu- York and Thomas Thoman A. A Watson am and the second between the two to Chinese Chinese- pa passed packed through h the tho Salt SaIl Lake office on I a special board and so 1110 was as not handled handle b by tiny ammy of or th the local Ion long distance hello helli girls Two special trouble operatives operative were cut In on the linn line and saw to I It that no mishaps occurred however The Thc time taken h by 11 th the th sound of ot voIces voice to reach from tho the Atlantic to the tIme Pacific Pa Pa- coa coast t Is ts almo almost t Instantaneous according according ac cording to Mr Campbell CampbElI He It 1 I Is at about one fifteenth of 01 n second |