Show I IDlENESS IN LAND LANO MUCH EXAGGERATED ATEO W WASHINGTON Jan 6 Tho The census of oC unemployed be begun n in New cw York under under un un- un der tho the direction of the tho department of labor will fin b bl extended d to all other citie if arrangements ments can be he made President Wilson today told call callers that as far as lS plastic the detail work of th the census would have hl to be carried on by hy local municipal authorities because the government gov gov- emment his has no special appropriation for tho work ami 1 be he did dil not expect to ask congress S for one The pT president expressed the opinion that tho the number of oC unemployed was decreasing de creasing because new of cm- cm were being opened Estimates of the tho numbers of unemployed in the thel l' l country worn lar largely I guesswork h b hp thought bt and nn-I in Jn many ln instances very ox ex Municipal lodging hou houses in m Now 1 Y York rk oro art not full th the president said eaid he be I had bail been informed j and find the immigration rat on I station tation at Ellis Island which has been beon opened to unemployed is not b being ing used for that purpose ext extensively ly The president said tolla today those thoo facts convinced con con- vinced him him that there wa was not flOt as na much ranch distress from unemployment as ae had been pid pictured credo The president believes cs there is is gen n cral b betterment in business 8 conditions He lit sail taid there was no depression in tho the thor West and that the situation in the r South an and and was improving |