Show t I I lp The Eight ler er Cadillac will do doore dot t tore ore of the things hick a motor motorist is ants his car to do doI doan doan doan I an any other car n II the world J I Automobile Co t Au Automobile e l e Row I Great r rd and Diversified a t- t tAl d Al Good icod a u a tho the Best Best- Better Batter Than Most Man 4 FEATURE PROGRAM OF SIX BIG ACTS M HEADLINED ByA BY iA A DAY ON ELLIS ISLAND An Impelling Human Interest Story ii Clever Acrobatic Dogs Thrills Comedy Novelties Prices Prices lOc lOc 0 RO t A RY Y 6 E Broadway Theatre l' l TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY r Br 1 THE STAIN IN SIX PARTS ni ne of the tho N greatest br human interest dramas ever put Pitt out I ing V Virginia ir gin a Pearson earson Edo Edouard Jose iB T Thurlow h urlo low w Bergen pIctures of this character that make all a n manKind mankind man man- Kind better t C SAt SALT T LA LAKE THEA IRE TonI TonI- a AND TOMORROW O g NIGHT Popular Matinee Wednesday e day OLIVER OSCO Pres Presents nta a Comedy of Youth PEG 0 MY HEART I By J J. J Hartley Manners With PEGGY ONEIL O'NEIL and the New NewYork York York Chicago Cast Prices Prices Evenings Evenings Me to matinees mati matl flees nees to Phone Phone- Was Y Wi Every afternoon and evening A GREAT h HARRISON BROCKBANK CO EVEREST'S MONKEY CIRCUS Sascha Moore Haager Minnie Allen Kolb Hamilton Alexander Alex Alex- ander antler Drother and Travel Weekly Matinees lOc evenings SOc COc lOc exe except c Pt Sundays I I II I I OPENING FRIDAY P. P M M. M I The Road Show Youve You've All Been Waiting For Charles Leonard Fletcher etcher Noted Vaudeville Star In Character Character- Studies Five other bl big acts and a Keystone Comedy film fm Friday S Saturday and and SUnday only Three shows dally Reg I ular Empress prices Box office opens 10 i a f m. m Friday Y Phone for your sc seats now 1231 I I Theatre THE GENTLEMEN CROOKS CROOK AND THE LADY I No o. o 10 of ot Zudora with Jimmy Cruz Cruzo In d do now new role role- u n-u Thrills Suspense t e Suspense Excitement tomen t. t I THE BETTER MAN Written n b by George Majestic Fc turo Drama MUTUAL MONOGRAPH Comedy Julian Street and Wallace ce Morgan In their celebrated cross country trip Admission Sc Reserved Rc Seato lOc I I I 1 r Clara Kimball Young a Recently Voted the Worlds World's Foremost P Photoplay tp Actress in inAn inI n 1 THE DEEP I 1 t r GLAR A f wl Ja ai Tilt YOUNG 31 PURPLE t ty tT r I y T An Underworld Play That Has as Become a Classic f. f a aThis This is so because of its unique treatment of certain evil conditions that do exist It is a drama about crooks thrilling sensational and sentimental too It portrays various valious kinds and degrees of evil on the th surface aco and below belo the surface 1 It is a warning warning and and bids you beware of crooks single and nd en masse asset At the AMERICAN THEATRE TODAY AND WEDNESDAY It will be remembered that the role of Frisco Kate in The Deep Purple PurpleD was made famous by the PoPular popular popular pop pop- ular Ada Dwyer of tl this s city SPECIAL Ol ORGAN GAll RECITAL TONIGHT A AND JD WEDNESDAY NIGHT BY PROF J. J J. J MCLELLAN LL A N ORGANIST OF F THE MORMON oRM TABERNACLE j AMERICAN THEATRE RE THURSDAY ONLY AMERICAN THEATRE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 1 MARY RUBY Theda Bara and Edward Jose in J JA Especially chosen by the Vit company to portray por por- I A A FOOL THERE WAS the title role in inTHE tray In six brilliant acts Adapted from Ki Kipling's s famous I THE SAGE BRUSH GIRL GIRLA THE VAMPIRE VAMPIRE I A beautiful story in three parts which enjoyed an Real Keal drama this and of a sort distinctly out of the extended engagement at the Vita g graph rah p rut and worth while i. i Absorbing to a degree de de- de- de theatre New York gree N. ee N. N. N Y Sun 1 I The r Finest Orchestral Music fill in n the West Is Provided b by t the e American Concert Orchestra jI j Prof J J. J J. J McClellan Conductor I I f fI LIBERTY THEATRE Last Times Today and Wednesday TEI TEb NIGHTS IN A BARROOM i One half the world knows not how the other half lives lives but but it cap see in this famous play Its It's forceful thought compelling portrayal of the most common of all home tragedies has wrung the hearts of millions millions j jA A play every member of the family will enjoy and profit by II CHILDREN CHILDREN 2 to 5 7 5 7 to 11 ADUL ADULTS ADULTS TS lOc ALL NEXT WEEK BEGINNING SUNDAY MATINEE 1 AN ALL STAR CAST IN THE CELEBRATED PRODUCTION OF VICTOR HUGOS HUGO'S IMMORTAL Li es M- M IS era hl es JI A drama o of human passions ass ns of life with its pleasures and pai pains as it is s lived live by all of us I j |