Show NOTICE OF SALE SAE OF DELINQUENT STOCK Iowa IoVa Copper Mining company compan Principal pal place of ot business Salt Snit Lake Lako City Salt Sal Lako Iko county state tato of ot Utah Notice NOtIce Notice Is II herewith given glon that thero are ure delinquent upon tho the following described describe stock on account of ot assessment levied lel 10 on the tho day of ot NOvember 1914 said eald assessment being at nt the rato rate of ot C 6 t cents per share nn and amid was payable on tho the Hh lay day of or January Januar 1915 1916 to R. R R T. T Kimball Kimball Kim Kim- ball a assistant secretary ell Judge building build build- buld- buld Ing InS Salt al Lake Lako City Utah the several amounts set tel opposite l the tIme nahe names of ot tho the respective O ns as follows No of ot NoNine No Xo Nine Name Certificate Shares Shares Amt Anit E. E V. V W. W Relyea lit 16 1000 3 John Carson 10 70 1000 Mr Mrs Ir Anna nna Troutman 2100 J. J L. L Anderson Andersn Anderson GOo Wm Vm Dodge 72 7 lOu lOti 61 Henry S. S Evans E J P O 1500 1 L L. R. R Perry 25 S lW 1260 liOI 0 Jo eph ph Robinson 48 4 9 John Dobbs 1000 John Dobbs 1000 t John lob Dobbs l 21 1000 1 10 60 B. B C. C E. E M M. bG 16 2100 1250 1 6 00 1 William Pot 2000 John Wilam E. E 1 Brown 20 1500 John I 11 13 Brown OS 25 u 1500 Fr Fred d 30 I 1500 Fred reel 0 1500 isoo Mrs lr Watson 3 3 JOI 00 Malt Peterson 3 35 1 Mrs Irs Ial Anna nna Thompson on 3 O 2100 LO O 0 G. G A A. A PG G 1000 CO GOO 00 G. G V A A. A DuJ 97 John J J. J Richmond 1000 S S. S Joll 1 1 7 City 16 20 01 1200 1211 f a K M. M 1 1 33 19 S 'S SD D. D J I I. I I. I Watson V V. V A. A Kennedy 1000 00 In acc accordance with tho law Uw nail ami order of or th the tho hoard board of t director mado malo maloon nn an on ni the day lay of or November o elbel 1 61 n man many of or cl each cich h parcel of or such elicit tic dc- stock a ap am might be necessary will willie wi he b ie eold at time of time the I cor company No u. u rol Salt Lake Judge fal CI on Thursday d the tho day 3 of or February I JH 1915 lh at th lh time hour of or 2 o'clock p. p m. m 1 to fu pay said fald delinquent ans attI I nh con 01 1 lo r with wih th the tho costs costa of or antI and alt all s of this sale Hale 11 REUT Secretary R. R r T. Abstain Ull Secretary Of Office Judge building Salt L Lake Lako o I City Utah Ulah |