Show FIGHT BEGUN ON i TRADING STAMPS A. A committee was waR nam named d to tl collect mone money engage nl i and to draft abill n n. bill hIlI looking to th the abolishment of or all al trading starn stamps pl scrip and other trade getting get Set ting ting- schemes m 3 s. s at a Q meeting of oC Utah merchants mer mner- chants hold held last night at the Commercial clu club climb Merchants of ot Salt Lake O Ogden Provo Pro and Logan who the trailIng trail trad- In Ins Ing stamps stamp attended the meeting Ii In addition there were wert representatives of or the Salt Lake Federation of oC Labor which has har gone on record rec as opposed to trading stamps stampE and the Weber club of or Ogden Os The committee consists of or Charles Van an VanDyke VanDyke Dk Dyke D. D A. A Affleck Geor George e Mueller fueller R D. L. L Murdock I. I and B. B A. A Woodruff ru Ct D D. A. A fleck A presided at the m meeting lIng and nd J J.D. J. J J.D. D. D Larson Laron of or Ogden acted n ns as secretary Chairman Affleck stated that ho hI had received d word from tho the National Retail Grocers Grocers' association that t the Washington statute h IB Iii tho the only one that t has hal so far tar not been declared unconstitutional The Tho law of or that state imposes a n fine of ot a year car on ovary every firm using trading stamps All 11 tho the vl visiting merchants appeared strongly b opposed to the time stamps and other Ither devices device and heartily Indorsed the time stand taken b by the local merchants |