Show SENDING BIBLES T TO W t F- F FIGHTERS AT FRONT FRONTI I Wo Jan 26 RapId ti Rapid I ss Is be being Ins made l In a mo to I supply all soldiers Soldier at the tho battle front In IntI Europe tI with Bibles BIbes according to a statement made here toda today by Georgo George For Foj secretary of or the American Bible association which Is carrying on tho work In operation co-operation with the World Sunday Sun Sun- day ay av School association Mr Fo Fox said eald that Sunday school children chil ebli- i dren throughout tho the country are assisting assist assist- Ing In the movement and that already ar 81 arrangements arrangements ar- ar have been completed for tor forwarding for tor warding man many Bibles The soldiers of or orF F 1 each nation are areto to b. b bu bJ supplied with Testaments Testa Tenn- I I. I menU ments In their native language he heI I stated |