Show INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Tho Time University of ot Utah Utan will w receive c bids bide In conformity with wh the herewith ap appended appended ap- ap p- p notice tu to o contractors which has 1 been ben published Iho time number of ot times Ures re requIred required re- re b by law NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will wi be received receive by the un n d until 1 p. p tim in February o. o InS 1515 for rot or all al materials and labor required for tor the time complete erection of ot a n normal In Industrial Industrial In- In building for tor the tho University of Utah on Oti 01 Its campus Just C east cast lt of QC and ad adjacent adjacent ad- ad jacent to 13 Salt Lake Lako City Clr according to plans plana specifications and details prepared by by bv Architect Ramm hansen 52 fO Vet Vcr Vermont mont building Salt Lake I-ako Iko City Utah with etc arcon aro arc aroon aroon whom said plans lans specifications on file for tho the ln inspection of nt bidders Separate bids are required for general Jeneral construction plumbing an and heating beating and amid electrical work All Al bids will wi be publicly opened am anti and rend read at the National bank Lan Salt SnIt Lako Lake CI City Utah at tho time above e stated slated staled All 1 bids bid must bo Lo addressed d to the University Uni of or Utah Salt Sal Lako Lake City Utah and marked marke In iii the lower bower loft lor hand han corner corner corner cor cor- ner Bid Did must not contain conditions condition qualifications proposals or things s other othmer than are arc called caled for All Al bidden mu must l use uc without change tho the form of bid to be bo obtained front from said IJ architect No o other ether form forni of at bid will wi be received Each Ih huh bid must bo be accompanied by a n certified check chek on some como bank In Salt Lake Lako Cl City Utah for ot at ft least 5 6 per cent of the time amount thereof payable parable to tho the undersigned ned Tho The amount c called led for by said check Is to bo be forfeited to the tho University UnIversity Uni UnI- of ot Utah If It the bid accompanying It I is accepted and ami tho the bidder falls fails to enter Into the contract and anI furnish the re reQuired required re- re bond within five r days after Its Is ac nc nc- The successful bidder will wi be required to furnish e. e satisfactory surety bond for iOl 50 GO per pcr cent o of the time amount of the con con- tract Tho The form of t contract and ane bond aro are at atthe tho the office of the thc architect and can there be bo Inspected A deposit of ot 20 20 O will wi be required by byth bythe bythe th the architect for tor each complete set Bet tet of ot prints and amid Ind j given I en out Olt Said d deposits will wi bo be b. b returned after ter tho bids bida arc aro opened provided pro said sal prints print and specifications aro arc returned to tho the architect architect archi archi- In iii good ool order and the ono one securing them shah hal have submitted a n prop proposal JI In Indue indue due duo form orm otherwise said aid deposit will wl not be Le returned The Tho building shall bo be completed on or before August 1 1 19 1915 The TIme undersigned l reserves cs the right to lo reject nn any and ane all al bids or to accept any bid It may deem best st. 1 UNIVERSITY OF UTAH L |