Show CHICAGO CARES FOR IDLE FROM OUTSIDE CHICAGO CHICAGo ran Jan an 26 Ninety Ninety per cent of the thousands of unemployed m men n in Chicago o are employable to statistics made public tOd today by Prof C. C R. R Henderson of ot tho the Uni University of Chicago Chi Chi Chi- cago cao a member r of f the tho municipal industrial industrial indus indus- trial commission ion which recently in investigated tnt tnt-es- cs' cs ti ted unemployed conditions Ph Physical of the men inca indicated in in- in that they b have hare e no ailment which t would uld PT prevent ent ent them thew from working the report Ea says I Five per cent of the to men menaJe afo building workers by trade I Indirectly Indirect direct ly Iy the tho figures Ii res indicate that the city is thousands of men who have corne come corno from r parts of the country Only about 5 per cent o of theta them are arc listed in ill tho the ho hobo o cIa class |