Show CENSORSHIP RULES RULES' TIGHTEN ON JUDET JUDE i f PARIS Jon C Ernest Ernet Ernest Judet the editor of the E Eclair and one of ot the most niost t persistent critics of tho application of the L-he censorship f states today that the censors tensors censors have informed him that henceforth henceforth hence hence- forth they would refuse to ro read tho thol 1 l proofs roofs of f his newspaper In view of the thet t terms used by him hito in an article on tEe e t. t I 1 censorship and that if 11 he publishes news flows contrary to tho the law ho will have havet t to to bear all aU the consequences r M r. r Judet announces that be will take 9 all precautions 3 against this latter eventuality even even- I c even to suppressing the tho usual l I 1 c commentary lions on the official I i. i |