Show GIRlS THICKEN AND BEAUTIfY YOUR HAm HAIR Bring back its gloss lustre charm and get getS rid of dandruff S To be ba possessed of a head of be heavy ry beautiful hair soft lustrous fluffy wavy and fr free treo o from dandruff is merely meely a matter of using a little It is b easy as and inexpensive ve to t have bave nice nic soft hair and lots of ot it Just eef n no 2 25 23 cent bottle of Knowltons Knowlton's Dan Dan- derine now now all all drug dru stores recommend it apply it-apply apply a little as directed and anti within ten minutes there thoro will mil bo be an D of at freshness and arid an Incomparable gloss cloes and luster and try as you will trill you cannot find a trace true of dandruff or falling hair but your real surprise will trill bo be after about two weeks weeks' use rise when you will see new hair fine fine and downy nt at first but first yes but really new hair hair sprouting sprouting oat out all over your year scalp is b wo T believe the only sure euro hair h ir rower destroyer of ot dandruff and nd euro care for itchy scalp an and it sever never fails faUs to stop falling hair at once If ri you yon want to prove how hoT pretty and soft your hair really is moisten a cloth with a a. little and carefully draw it through your hair hair bair taking ouo ou small mall strand at a time Your hair will Trill be soft glossy and beautiful in justa justn just a n few moments a moments a a delightful surprise e awaits everyone who tries this Adv J I Ii a S E SAY SAYS S BANQUET I Toda Today when you yon order order order or or- der butter at your marJ market ct say BANQUET BANQUET BAN This will insure in s sure SUle you ou against inferior i 1101 brands that ar aria are i offered as us just as as go good o d. d t BETTER is the product of rich pasteurized cr cream am manufactured b by our skilled rs Wrapped clean and aud convenient cou for lor use on your table Say Sar BANQUET BETTER r BUTTER S I r 1 t. t H. H e t 1 io GENT CENT I IS ST STRAIGhTEN YOU UP S I Tonight Clean your bowels and end end headaches head I aches aCles colds sour I stomach I Got a cont 10 box bot now mow Turu TuTU tho the rn rascals out the out the headache biliousness indigestion tho sick bick sour I stomach and bad d colds turn colds turu them out tonight and keep them out with Cus- Cus carets caret Millions of men anti and ll women take a 0 now and then and never know T I the misery caused by liv b a n lazy liver vcr clo clogged ged bowels or au tU upset Pct stomach h. h Don Dont Don't t put rut in another tiny day of or distress I Let cleanse your OUT stomach re re- move tho the sour cour fermenting food bed take tako tho the excess bile hile from front your our liver J cr and carmy carry car car- 1 ry my out till all the constipated waste matter matterand matterand and poison in tho the bowels Then you will 1 led eel icel great t. t A straightens you out by morning They Thoy work while whilo you ou ouI tle sleep p. p A 10 cent 10 cent box from any dru drug drugstore I store means a clear bead head sweet sweet stomach stomach ao and clean health healthy liver lher and bowel action notion ac no- tion for months Children love C Casca- Casca rots because thc they never gripe grip or sicken I Advertisement All Salt Lak Will S ol Be S Dancin IN 0 Everyone is interested in Modern Modern- Dances ancen but few because of great demand on the teachers' teachers time ar are are able to secure the in tio tion from the best exponents of t the he art The T Telegram has fo foj foun i a way to overcome this obstacle ANNOUNCE EM MEN IP m mir To Be Made in The Evening Telegram Saturday January S 30 1915 1 9 1 5 Win Will Tell Our ir t Plan This announcement will vill tell of an offer that The Telegram will willm mail to its readers and that will vill be positively the greatest value ev ev named by any newspaper ne anywhere any The Telegram through tIr th medium of the peer of all instructors will vill teach you The Th Q OnT Op Step and The Hesitation in your own o home Get the Saturday January and learn the New Dances by the j J 4 most unique method ever devised 1 by human skill 3 g gIf If you cant can't dance a step this step this most remarkable offer will actually teach N I you to dance very creditably in an hour or hour arid and a a- half and L I I i i S j 1 It Will Vill T Teach e ch You I I- I Ito to Dance In Your YourI ic S SS S Own Home S SS I S I J Thousands of people p will be interested i in this wonderful proposition Be sure I IJ J and order the Saturday Telegram of j S Sand January and read all about it i. T Salt Lake Stomach Bof and Nerves Nerses t lO and fic Digestive ll e I b logical and S eld 5 KearnS L and Id ty 2 Hours to of 4 M R. R j. j Midgley l McGill U c Fourteen Years Years' iii 1 Two years years' and C Igo Methods s K gladly and |