Show Editorials by the People TIm THE E EVENING NING TELEGRAM t Invites its rea readers ers to write letters Jett r about I out current events for tor publication In this II column There la Is no better way for tor th the expression of ot public opinion Write to o on one side aide of the paper and sign 11 your name same and give your address If you you do not pot wUn wish your name published It will not app appear r In print Letters criticising religious belle beliefs or airing personal grudges es will be rejected ejected If you wish b manuscript ret returned send Bend self lf addressed ad dressed stamped envelope I SELFISH DOCTORS I I I notice In n my paper THE TELEGRAM TELEGRAM TELE TELE- I I GnA GRAM U an from one signing himself him him- Eel self Equal RIght IJo He t asked expressions from parents and others other under signature signa signa- signature ture tuu In regard to physicians having ha control conI control con con- I over the ph welfare of oC home and lI school hool t 1 I 1 cannot under understand why tho the doctors I take so 50 much Interest t In tho people And 3 yet it I 1 can Jf It one has There are i laws Jaws Ian s against trusts and combines combine and andI I 1 have too much faith falth In our present legI leg leg- I i to oven even think that the they would Kiva such unreasonable The The Then n on of ot our country will not ol- ol I low fiu ucb b a brazen thing I W W. C C. BROWN 4 1 v TOO MANY MANY t BiLLS BILLS Your Punt paper last Jut night contained I the follo following news item seven en I 1 fl fi 1 1 bills have ha bun been Introduced d in the senate to during the past week sek ek after which you OU might have added with good Fond sense And not ono worth the paper per it is written on Why y not introduce a bill In the tho l legisla ture tune limiting th the tho number of ot bills that any one ono senator or representative may Introduce Introduce Intro Intro- duce during w e session and making it a a. felony telony to transfer a n bin bill from out oM r to another for tor introduction In In th the legia- legia laturo lature Wh Why do the people of or thid state stand for lIu such h a It high sanded handed action as was pulled oft off in the senate during clurin the past week when the prohibition bill bill was Introduced In Introduced In- In with the demand that It be pre- pre to 3 a certain committee and that the senate alono alone vote ote on on the Lill bill without putting It up to th the thA people In every erv er state in the United States where prohibition has como come up for vote It has has' b bun been n for tho tto popular pot r vote ote vote of the state and not tar for the senate alone CRITIC |