Show How to Stay Young and Pretty R Right flight Bre Breathing thing Brings Symmetry m Try Tr to realize that breathing IB III the cry very basis of ot life and that the more nearly nearl you ou breathe brethe a all as nature Intended you should the more mora fresh tresh pure air you jou take tako Into your bOIl body and tho the more thoroughly you expel vitiated air the healthier and more beautiful you will become Always Alway keep this thought In mind not Just while exercising First learn to breD breathe the rhythmically tto by breathing to count Breathe in 1 hold the breath 2 breathe out 3 breathe In fl 1 1 hold the breath 2 and breathe out 3 1 Bear It t In mind that you must keep as 13 much all air as ns po possible In the lun lungs s nil the time time- You know that as you exercise or or as 9 I you OU are under the spell of ot any motion which quicken the circulation you ou are arc Inclined to breathe more mora rapidly Sen generally generally gener gener- raU r- r aU ally In quick short glUP gasps Now when you jou have acquired the tho halt habit of oC regularly rhythmically you will find yourself your your- our our- self solf continuing to breath breathe deeply and regularly rl If It more rapidly In these times time of ot motion emotion Breathing has hils an effect on the mind as aswell aswell aswell well as ns on the bod body If It you breathe deep ly I and re regularly keeping fresh fruh air In the lungs lungo mental strain cannot bo be quite t s tense tenso as 08 It t Is 18 If tr you breathe In rasps which each time leave the lUn lungs e half halt tilled filled with Impure air Deep breathing has hu precisely the tho exhilarating uplifting effect that stepping from a close room Into the outdoors has haD Here Hero IB lIS another exercise Stand with the arms arms falling at tho the sides liMes face tace front and ind at the same name time turn the h head ad slowly to tho the left till tho the gaze aze Is directed over the shoulder der del E Exhale holding this thin position Inhale and turn to tho the front hold position an as anjou jou OU exhale Then turn to the right and repeat t this process Repeat the whole exercise four times Inhale and exhale as you vou raise ralso tend and nd lower tho the arms arm first waist w high then shoulder high then lien high over or the head hend Also Mao each lay day take this vigorous breathing exorcise o Inhale Inh very slowly Imagining that you jou ou are drawing the breath up from th the very verv tips of ot your jour OUI toes Hold and then exp expel 1 the tho breath slowly but bUL blow forcefully blow It out Each day this week THE TELEGRAM t will wilt publish on this page one ono of ot Ideals Ideal's talks on Learning to Stay Sty Youn Young and Pretty Miss Ideal will make a Q study of ot conditions in Salt Snit Lake City and on Saturday her talk will be bo of ot especial In Interest Interest interest In- In terest to Salt Lake L girls and women for forIt forIt forit It will deal with some ome local condition which may have b. much to do with whether thA arn am rn beautiful hP or 01 otherwise EL 1 J I M 1 t tre t f re li t 1 Breathing correctly is is the first stop In making a a. perfect figure figura as aa pOSed nosed by I Miss Ideal |