Show ELECTRIC CHAIR G H A I R EXECUTIONS fO R UTAH Rideout Renews Effort to Establish This as Legal Death Method Electrocution of all convicts con under death sentence is provided as aa the be only legal met method bod of execution in tb the state of Utah by senate b bill 11 No Xo 78 introduced intro in tho the upper house this thiB afternoon by br Senator D D. D O. O Rideout of Draper Drapers A similar bill was introduced at the tho last session by Senator Rideout and received ed edthe the unanimous approval of tho the senate but was lost in the house bouse Tho The principal al difference between th the bill introduced today toda and th the one passed by the tho senate at tho 1013 1913 session is that tho the new bill provides that the sheriff of tho count county in which the tho prisoner pris pris' prisoner oner is convicted shall bo be the executioner with the tho a assistance of his deputies depa- depa ties Under the tho 1913 1013 mea measure ure the warden warden warden war war- den of the tho state prison would have bare been the tho executioner Warden Arthur Pratt I opposed ed the measure on this account declaring that he bo became friendly with every inmate of the tho state prison an and would seriously cr ou lr object to acting as their executioner in case tho the death penalty was inflicted Public Not to Know The bill blU b by Senator Rideout would invalidate all existing laws aon's relative to executions and would make electrocution tion in the tho state penitentiary tho the only legal method of execution Another feature of the bill is that under its provisions tho the general public would not know kno knoof of the tho day of the execution Only such persons as ns the tho b bill lJ specifically permits per mits s to witness executions would be notified of the da day and hour by the sheriff in char charge o. o The judge passing passin sentence would issue an order authorizing tho the execution for fOI a week to be begin in not less Jess than four weeks after tho the order was issued and not more than ei eight ht weeks afterward At any timo time within that week the tho sheriff could execute the prisoner This provision pro is mode made according to Senator Rideout to prevent the curious public from bein being present ent or of having an any I knowledge 0 of what is going oin on The b bill provides specifically for or the tho notification notification notification tion of all who could rightfully bo be in hi zi Number of or Witnesses Under r the bill WIl it would be the duty of the warden of ot tho the state 1 or one of or his deputies to be present at tho the lion ion The state board of ot corrections would select and I to be bo present b by three notice six at least days days' previous pre reputable citizens of fiill l. l t tivo tva o of whom would have o to be one tho prison physician Th The warden Is la also alS authorized to permit at the request of the tho criminal J under death sentence arty any persons relatives or friends not to ex exceed ex- ex eee 1 five and ministers of ot the gospel priests or clergymen not to exceed two to be present The Tile sheriff In iii charge is ordered to appoint not more mord than four tour I assistants to attend him at nt the execution the board of ot cor corrections Is authorized author author- IzeI to permit one dul duly accredited representative e from each ench dally daily newspaper not notto notto notto to exceed six to be present for tor the purpose purpose pur put pose of giving to such Buch n newspapers correct cot cor and anti authentic accounts of such ex execution ex- ex No o other persons than those thoMe designated above would voul be permitted to tobe tobe tobe be present according to the tho bill It Is Js believed ed tho the Rideout bill will I have strong stron support from the members of ot the upper house hous and the prediction l Is I made that the measure will also pass at this session n in the lower houe thus eliminating the pre present ent methods of ot execution execution execution tion and substituting the most modern method A sum of ot Is appropriated for each oxe execution out of at the state funds |