Show PRICE PAIGE AGAIN T SPOT CHICAGO Jan Jan 26 Altho 6 Although h wh wheat at advanced today Influenced b by a a big de de- rease In the European visible the gains dl did riot not not last long Bears r took tk tok cour courage cut cut- ij- ij age ge from tom rc M that pressure of oC gram grain gramat at the tho wharves in Argentina w was WI becoming becoming becom becom- com In ing more loro pronounced and that th th outlook outlook outlook out out- look there for lor a t number of or ves vessels sI I sels II had been on IN greatly U Improved d b by 6 ups epi- cal efforts rort of ot t the te c Italian government Io emment After o opening Jc c off or to lc Ic up the market market mar mar- ket here scored cor d a moderate Tire rite all RU allaround around but hut then receded to about abut laai le level 1 subsequently nth July Jah wheat heat developed rare st strength nth because of 01 n as that A cargo cro of new crop grain aln had d already been een KoM eniti 1011 for tI export Them Thoro were wert also 1180 advices ad- ad tIc t vices Ic that preparations tOrf for war ir b by Ia Italy I hid hd hd at last lut ben in Jado ado complete ni Tn market co closed d at Jc t to 4 41 He net ad- ad vanco valice nc Corn Com COn swayed with v. wheat Country of offerings ot- ot were a little larger and d demand from the East Elt rather slow elow elov The openIng open open- In Ing which varied from 5 lc decline to toa a shade advance W was followed by a a. a fair I general generl upturn upturn with a a reaction later to toa a point slightly t below Jow yesterdays yesterday's close A rl rally ensued when wheat wheat displayed cose tr fresh h strength Canadian orth Northwest t was said aid to hn have been decidedly enlarged The Thc a close ce t was wa unsettled d at i ie a above List last 0 Oath RU ta were wu relatively firmer than other certain cereals The serious r reductions of or lat Ute in the Argentine surplus counted a against the b br rl Lower Loner Lr prie f for or hogs made provisions fro P pap Trading T aa more largely in rib ribs than u usual ual |